New episode airing soon. Time for best boy to save this arc.
Shokugeki no Soma
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>Time for best boy to save this arc.
I wonder who that may be?
That's best lady you pleb, her husbando is best boy and he will save the day too though.
>That's best lady you pleb
You mean pure maiden
Best boy only shines best in the manga, the anime doesn't do him any justice.
>Giganigga and Takumi teaming up in the anime.
>we will also probably get some flashback of them or Giga will appear in this week's chapter
Feeling good to be a stalkersfag.
>You mean pure maiden
Anyone tried to cook something using a recipe from SnS?
How much of a bullshit is their cooking actually?
>tofu AND meat
You can replicate any food from this series if you follow accordingly and is well adept in certain areas within cooking that certain dish.
I tried to do the omelette souffle and the semifreddo, the first one came out alright. I gave up with the other one.
I want to try making this magic meatball recipe
It's alright. Haven't seen anybody lose their clothes after taking a bite but the recipes are mostly grounded in reality. Nip cooking in general is filled with subtle flavors so it'll easily come across as bland if you're used to spice-filled euro / pajeet / south american styles.
They have a recipe book for every dish
Has anyone ever managed to make someone strip or cum eating their food?
I made the karaage from Ep 17. Came out pretty good. Son said it's his favorite fried chicken now.
forgot pic
It seems to be acting like potato, there. Since they make soy in Asia, they might feel the need to put it in most things, like how apple orchards make everything out of apples
I thought it was potato. Meat is usually more expensive so it could be filler.
I made this, the onions didnt really tenderize the meat much overnight and the overall flavor was too heavy on the onion. Only put about half the amount shown on in the finished dish too.
dropped pic
Did you use leek or gaijin onion?
Anyone here want the childhood friend to win?
white onion with scallion on top
Yes!! I want Bianca to win the Isamibowl
traditional chinese beef noodle soup is the best
but best boy and girl do nothing this arc
>worst Nakiri
>literally who ugly dog
Not like they do anything relevant ever.
Being a good cook will drop panties / boxers period. It's surprisingly uncommon for people to be capable of more than boilling an egg or making a serving of toast these days.
d-don't remind me user
>Both strong in the preliminaries, Alice only jobs to Souma and dog ties with him
>Are just comic relief in the festival but at least learn about teamwork?
>Fade away into obscurity and watch from the sidelines now
They should be in the regimental shokugeki instead of Tadokoro and Takumi. Looking back at their festival stall it would make sense.
No they shouldn't. Anyone with a working brain would know that the tritagonist and the guy who always was mean to be the main rival since the start were going to be relevant over those whatever.
But of course someone always will whin about muh autumn elections, muh Nakiri and monster trio.
I'm glad they got BTFO so hard.
Looks shit desu.
I literally never get enough of Dog and Alice fags tears and their conspiracy about how they were supposed to be the relevant ones all along.
>They should be in the regimental shokugeki instead of Tadokoro and Takumi.
Not a conspiracy, I just like them more.
Takumi is pretty cool and I'm glad he's gonna blow out Eizan but Tadokoro's whole "uguuu jeez I'm so worried" t-rex arms schtick shits me.
And she is still the the third protagonist so if you expect a character like Alice to be more relevant than her I don't know what to tell you, user.
>liking dog shit more than anyone.
Dogfags should be gassed.
He's right though.
It started.
>literally third plate.
What a cheeky bastards.
I-it's terzo piatto.
Souma facing an Iron Chef when?
Kinda hoping for mexican food one of these days.
Aww yeah, Tsundere Maiden soon.
Megumi is so cute.
Is that the new upcoming chapter?
I fucking love Giganigga.
Takumi a best.
The manga panel was better.
Muh Nakama power
That's your problem. You should only let the steak seat for about 1 hour. Also use rump steak.
It's all doable, there's even recipes for some of them printed in the volumes, you may have to substitute a few of the ingredients depending on the recipe since they're not going to be readily available everywhere. Personally I made the apple risotto a while back and it was actually pretty good, probably something I'll make again in the future.
Of course it was. You can't just compare.
Is it time?
>Azami next week
This is gonna be a hell of a halloween.
Next episode... It will be time
Is this souma's first time cooking without his bandana? I kinda forgot
Wow yeah her two episodes made me really attached
Was the episode good?
Dere Erina incoming
GigaTakuSouma >>>>>>> that retarded final trio.
>>Azami next week
>that retarded final trio.
>Megumi -the 3rd MC
>Takumi -the main rival
Of course Megumi and Takumi should be the ones fighting alongside with Soma. Ryou and Alice have never been relevant
That's not even a competition.
I hope they do the manga panel justice