>start a new manga series with lots of chapters already released >really enjoy and get into it >binge it >catch up to latest release >tfw
Is there a worse feeling? Probably manga series with chapters that take a long ass fucking time to release, I know that for sure. How do you cope?
Jaxon Clark
Read more manga.
Elijah Sanchez
Nothing beats when scanlators drop a series when there's only 1 chapter left
Samuel Hall
>Is there a worse feeling? Yes, when you catch up to the latest release and then learn the translators dropped it and nobody's picked it back up.
Xavier Edwards
And this is why you should only pick up finished manga.
Nathaniel Barnes
>How do you cope? Having lots of them at the same time
Justin Parker
You just forget about that manga for a couple of years. Then catch up and forget about it again.
Easton Evans
Read the LNs.
Alexander Myers
>scanlator drops manga >reason: best girl died
Jaxson Gray
178 is nothing. I'm up to 559, and I know of several others I've been meaning to start but they've got a long backlog to get through.
Easton Russell
>you'll never have a cute spider gf
Gavin Martin
Logan Jackson
How do you have time to read so much? I've read about 80 and I'm taking 1 week to finish just one
Jonathan Bailey
Ah yeah thats the worst. I can handle picking up a series, getting 50 chapters in and simply being up to date as that usually means its got enough momentum to keep going, but I really need to just learn moon
Ian Wilson
He's watching his manga at 2x speed.
Hunter Hughes
All LNs suck
Levi Perez
It's not so bad when you consider there's usually just one chapter a week for the most frequently updated, and some are monthly or longer.
There's also the fact that many would be either completed, or stalled with no translations.
Daniel Price
>start a new manga series with lots of chapters already released >really enjoy and get into it >binge it >catch up to latest release >it turns to complete shit right after
every time
Samuel Moore
That. Hair of the dog.
Samuel Cooper
There are tons of worse feelings. A Manga you really like gets dropped by scanlators, then some months later a new group picks it up and do 1-3 chapters and also drops it. The falls hope really gets you down.
Kayden Brooks
Happened to me with Prison School. Though that might have been because of the shitty cavalry arc.
Adam Campbell
LNs are bad
Samuel Allen
>start reading a new manga >find out the mangaka is dying