Any video games or visual novels you would like to see as an anime?

Any video games or visual novels you would like to see as an anime?

Rose Gun Days would be 10/10
I loved house in fata morgana but I doubt it would make a good anime
I would rather adapt books like princess bride or literally anything by Brandon Sanderson since they are already anime as fuck

Titanfall might as well be an anime already



Why is Julia so cute


All FE stories are shit. 4's being slightly less shit than the rest doesn't make it not shit.

Only VN worth getting an adaptation.

Katawa Shoujo

Perfect for an anime!

This, but Hanako route need to be rewritten

Gravity Rush.
It already has a couple of OVAs and they were pretty good.

The Elder Scrolls could be pretty interesting desu desu.

2 cours should be enough to adapt this.

Maybe if they cut out all the filler and develop the side characters more it could work well.

One does not simply make a manga for a 5 year old game for no reason, right? It's also not a coincidence that it immediately gets simulscanned by Yen Press, right?

I want them as an anime


Only one.

does anyone have rights to this?


4leaf studios does.

Fire Emblem 7

I will die waiting for a good Ar tonelico anime. Doesn't even have to follow the story of the games, just the same universe and themes would be okay with me.

Luca is a slut. Which makes sense, considering her mother's a raging harlot, too.

Muv-Luv would be amazing, in some fantasy scenario where they gave it all the episodes it would need and brought back the entire cast.


The second game obviously

Would love to see Fairy Fencer F as an Anime. They teased us with the opening, what it could be like.

Muv-Luv Alternative. Could maybe squeeze it into a two-cour series.


Would not love to see that. The anime that already exists would have been complete shit if it wasnt for Anonydeath.

Megaman. I don't want that cartoon to happen, give it to some Japanese anime studio Capcom, please.

Monster Hunter.


No, because there's no way anime can do it justice, whatever it is. Maybe in a perfect world with unlimited budgets.

Rise of Legends or C&C.

i always wanted a Mother series anime, it could be perfect for adventure/comedy show that current anime lacks.