I really hate fucking muslims. I have been with tons of Muslims and all of them are the same except the women. They want control and control and when they don't they claim that they are the victims. Look at Saudi Arabia, if you say that you are a Christian, gay, atheist, or anything non Muslim you would be executed. Saudi Arabia is known for executing innocent people including children and women. This is known as Sharia law and this has been practice for thousands of years. But the only country that does not practice this type of law is Israel. And Muslim shitskins are running to destroy this beautiful country. Israel is like the Usa of the middle east. Muslims would do anything to end a country that is non Muslim. They would claim how Jews persecute them or killed them. While they have a reputation of killing Jews,Kurds,Gypsies, Christians, and etc. They are fucking hypocritical liars. I am tired of them crying like little bitches about anything that is non Muslim. I am tired of them trying to ruin Israel. I am tired of them coming to western countries and cry like little bitches about how we mistreat them. While in there eastern countries I would have been executed for my beliefs. They are just fucking hypocrites. Maybe if you make your countries more accepting and probably we would accept you.
What pisses me off about Muslims
Fuck off, schlomo. Israel gets nuked too..
Get out of her Ahmed and go fuck your 9 year old wife and go suck your Muhammad prophet you confederate wannabe
I’m a Christian and you’re going to burn in Hell.
Congrats OP, you just made me pro Islam. Why should I defend Israel, rabbi Goldberg?
Palestine and Israel belonged to the Muslims before 1948 when Jews wanted to create a "homeland" right in between shitskins.
You have to be retarded to want to build a country in between low IQ savages. That's why bodies of water existed between them and the rest of the world.
Just look what blacks are doing to white people in South Africa and think for a minute, how dumb do you have to be to live near low IQ niggers? This is why no one is going to live in Detroit or Baltimore beside blacks. Same with Muslims. Are you mentally retarded?
Oy just give dem tha money fo tha missiles goy. They neeeed the missiles so just give them the money for the missiles ok. Geez Louise I’m gonna have a mashuvana ova hea already, pastrami. Greatest ally.
On 2nd thought we should be nuking you assholes.
I agree. Blow the both of them up then there will be no more conflict. No Muslims nor Jews who want to affect foreign policy to waste money digging out a trench in the middle of a war zone. Let them both die and stop their childish religions.
I don't know what the fuck you are talking about. First the Jews had Israel before the Roman invasion dumbass. But then they split up after the destruction of the Roman Empire. Second, Arabs have the lowest IQ but Jews have a higher IQ compared Arabs and whites you retarded low iq fuck!
I did not say you should "defend Israel". I am just saying that Muslims are fucking hypocritcal pieces of shit that want to control everything in the name of jihad.
Bin Laden -
"The Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants."
"The best proof of this is their eagerness to destroy Iraq, the strongest neighboring Arab state, and their endeavor to fragment all the states of the region such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt into paper statelets to guarantee Israel's survival."
"That is to offer support to the Jews... to achieve full control over the Arab Peninsula which they intend to make an important part of Greater Israel."
"After the events of September 11th, Bush is still engaged in distortion, deception and hiding from you the real causes."
"The reason for our dispute with you is your support for your ally Israel."
"The time has come for you to liberate yourselves from fear and the ideological terrorism of neo-conservatives and the Israeli lobby"
"Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children, and other people. Such a practice is forbidden ever in the course of a battle. I have already said that we are against the American system, not against its people"
"Freedom and human rights in America are doomed...
These Jews are masters of usury and leaders in treachery. They will leave you nothing, in this world or the next."
Quran 5:82
"You will find the nearest of them in affection to those who believe, those who say: Lo! We are Christians. That is because there are among them priests and monks, and because they are not proud."
Quran 8:61
"And if they incline to peace, incline thou also to it, and trust in God."
Quran 60:7-8
"Perhaps God will put, between you and those to whom you have been enemies among them, affection... And God is Forgiving and Merciful."
"God does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, God loves those who act justly."
You sound like a Sephardic tho. Post time stamped photo of skin tone or gtfo shitskin.
A quick Google search might help a cognitively emotional idiot like yourself.
Correction: Jews average IQ: 95.
White people average IQ: 100-102.
Jews do have a higher IQ than Arabs, but you're still retarded fighting over land to live in between people with a low IQ, thus making you retarded.
I also don't understand why leftists like muslims. Muslims go against every left belief. They have areas where non muslims are banned from entering and believe and continue to engage in slavery. It's mind boggling. But leftist opinions don't really matter, it's white countries governments that are allowing muslims in, not some dumb leftists. The governments need to be overthrown and the muslims all kicked out.
Oh don't tell me you also support Muhammad fucking Aisha and getting young boys in paradise. The Quran talks about the murder of non Muslims. Also seriously you would listen to Bin Laden. He hated Americans and Europeans. He hated us and wanted to murder us. Just because you both hate Jews does not mean that they are dumbasses. By the way, probably the Jews are on your side.
Listen, Israel is welcome to kick every Muslim
Out. They can conquer the whole region for
All I care.
But stop interfering in our countries and stop
Trying to destroy our race.
>Jews on your side
So when the US sends billions of dollars of foreign aid to Israel and free weapons, while getting nothing in return but Muslim immigrants, that's "on your side".
I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about with regard to anything. You're emotional like most Jews and should probably read up on history.
>Entine laid out the data. The average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews is 107 to 115, well above the human average of 100. This gap and the genetic theories surrounding it stirred discomfort in the room. Zoloth, speaking for many liberals, recalled a family member's revulsion at the idea of a Jewish race.
Stop trying to find articles that fit with your opinions. I just looked up "What is the Jewish IQ" and I found this. You stupid retarded fuck!!
>When JIDF gets desperate
>Brings up (((Saudi Arabia)))
>Muh Israel
Fuck off kike, we will have fun exterminating you.
Word user, all these cut dicks need to be gassed
>I also don't understand why leftists like muslims. Muslims go against every left belief.
Christians will usually outnumber Muslims in the countries your talking about. And Christians don't particularly like Muslims. It's in the leftist mindset to be supportive of the little guy (muslims) instead of the dominate culture that they've been fighting against their whole life (str8 white christians). They basically just want to be the only sane one in the movie. The only one to resist hate. Everyone else around them is a bigot.
You should have done more reading on real figures done after 1978. The article you found simply isn't the case.
I can tell you're one of those emotional, stupid Jews. I'll just be automating your future job, boy.
>this meme map again
Literally who cares. Why are you whiteknighting for some paki slut? The Middle East (including Israel) is the designated child raping zone. I just think that garbage should stay over there, but your people insist on spreading the cancer.
The real meme is your illegitimate state and your fictitious Jewish nation.
muzzies trying to destroy israel?
sounds pretty based to me
Show your flag
Sage in all fields
Also, this might help you see the whole
>Jews r so smrt cuz dis one article says so and it's my cognitive bias. WE MASTUR RACE!
Hey there hippie I hate hippies but I hate muslims even more and we can be temporary friends
Listen you are fucking retarded. Not all of Israelis are Jewish.
>Because the vast majority of the Israeli population isn't Ashkenazi. Ashkenazi Jews were found to have high IQ . Higher than any other race or nationality on planet earth.
In Israel 25% aren't even Jewish. And 60% of the Jewish population there aren't Ashkenazi. This makes the Ashkenazi population there merely less than one third of the country. A small minority.
Lol you're using (((Slate))) as a source. Just show your flag Schlomo Sheckelstein
Honestly though if the american conservatives knew that battling a demographic shit was near impossible and appealed to an already conservative ethnic group maybe Israel US ties would weaken but nope
This is why Jews are winning
Thx 4 l0nking. Chek’d
I tried talking to a muslim once
then I died :(((((
I bet you listen to Alex Jones all day.
> Making the frogs gay
>Cites Quora and blog and not an actual study
>thinks that's a form of being intelligent
>calls people retarded despite having no argument
Good job Schlomo. Your mental illness is really showing. I thought you said "don't use articles and quick searches to validate your bias" but there you are doing exactly that.
You are a hypocrite, a dirty Jewish liar and there's a good reason why the Middle East should just be nuked in its entirety. You represent a country that's so stupid it would place itself in between Muslim countries then pretend to be a victim to get foreign aid. That's what a nation of mentally ill, unintelligent people do.
Fpbp. All Semites must asphyxiate.
>this but it's all too real
The thing about Islam that nobody who defends it seems to understand is how quickly it can be turned oppressively orthodox
And to put things more into perspective of the "Muh Super Jew" myth, I'll leave another real study done on you lying mongrels.
>You represent a country that's so stupid it would place itself in between Muslim countres
First, it sounds like you never studied the history of Jews. Jews come from Israel. Israel is their home. That is why Jews believe that Israel is the chosen land. There ancestors have lived there until the destruction of Rome.
Second, it is true that Israel is not mostly Jews. There are some Arabs and some Eastern Africans in Israel. The Arabs and East Africans are from countries that have low IQs. I am just using common sense.
If not smarter why are they ALWAYS in charge?
Everyone is nepotistic so that isn't enough.
Other than the Kazar blood, you are semites who are genetically the same as arabs.
I don't see the point in separating you.
Btw, I get the hatred for Muslims. Essentially, its just a religion that forces Arab culture on everyone else. FFS, Islam=submission.
From my perspective, its like two cousins having a fight over who's dad steals more. I don't give a fuck when your entire family is shit.
People in Judaism tend to have extreme nepotism, so providing the Rothchilds, Soros, and gifted bankers, they've intentionally set up groups and systems to keep their relative bloodline alive while shilling out to the public that they are gifted students.
If you're talking about in charge, much of the higher up positions in companies rely on the college paper and not on IQ tests. They made IQ tests illegal for most employment places.
If the system were genuine, white people would be at the top due to the higher number of people on the higher end of the IQ distribution
The term is called nepotism.
>We come from Israel
Wrong. You evolved from a common ancestor like everyone else. Stop reading stupid books on religion and start learning science, you mongrel.
If barbaric savages took your homeland many, many years ago beyond the means of the past 10-15 generations, it shouldn't be an issue especially in the Middle East.
You still can't answer my question: What sort of idiot would want to be surrounded by other low IQ idiots? Just move to a nicer country and stay there. Let the savages eventually die from super AIDS.
fuck with pedoIslam
Correction >Jews came from Israel
I am not Jewish. I am a Christian who believes that Jews are the chosen people. But back to the point, why I care about Israel is because of 2 reasons. 1. I believe that Israel is the chosen land. 2. Because Arabs are taking over everything. They are bombing up Israel and invade in other western countries.
Now I am not saying you are wrong. Probably you are 100% correct.
How can you be a christian and believe modern Jews are the chosen people. Modern jews do not believe in Jesus, therefore they are all going to hell.
Huh, why the hell would you cuck for the Jews so hard if you are Christian?
>First, it sounds like you never studied the history of Jews. Jews come from Israel.
STFU kike. Modern Jews have no relation to Israelites or the land of Palestine whatsoever, enough with your Jew lies. Palestine is the eternal home of the Palestinian people, Jews can all die.
Jews are not Semitic at all.
>I am not Jewish. I am a Christian who believes that Jews are the chosen people.
That's cause you are a fucking retard.
>Side with Israelites/Judeans who accepted Jesus (Palestinians)
>Side with Judeans who are not even genetically Judeans at all and reject Christ (Jews)
You are the retard who chooses the latter.
>How can you be a christian and believe modern Jews are the chosen people.
Extremely low IQ
Israel is an oriental eastern country. Anyway, God’s kingdom is not a physical space.
He's either got to be one stupid Christian, or a dirty Jew trying to hide his identity now knowing that he's wrong.
Are you retarded? Palestinians are not with Jesus. They are against Christians. They want to kill Christians similar to most Muslims.
You're fucking stupid. Do me a favour and kill yourself for the sake of humanity. Christians (Arabs, Greek orthodox, Armenian) survived in Palestine under Muslim rule for over 1300 years. Today Jews are persecuting those same Christians. Fuck off kike.
If you are a Christian as you claim, Jews also want to harm you. From a Jewish supremacist himself who is one of the directors for porn, "we made this because we hate Christians".
You are talking about a small percentage of Palestinians. 95% of Palestinians are Muslim you fucking retard.
Show flag. This has to be a Leaf. If not a Leaf, then 100% from Israel.
Forget Muslims, I will literally kill you myself for being a fucking low IQ piece of shit fucktard.
I am fucking American you stupid Canadian fuck!! Just because you are retarded doesn't mean I am a fucking Israel
Muslims are the Jews' attack dogs. They let them loose on civilized society, and reap numerous rewards from it.
They're able to jail the innocent, claim persecution, and get money from activism from retards.
Muslims are bitchy faggots for being the obvious pawns of Jews, but the Jews are much worse for doing something so abhorrent. Muslims are inbred retards who don't know better than to rape and murder like fucking goblins, the Jews know exactly what they're doing.
Excuse me you fucking piece of shit. You keep crying like a little bitch about how Jews fucked you in the ass. I would not be shocked if you are Muslim yourself
I hope Muslims do kill you and your whole retarded evangelical congregation you single digit IQ burger.
Lmao at least I don't have Justin Trueadu as my fucking prime minister.
They are already fucking up your country. Now go invite some of them to fuck your wife.
You have no arguments, basically you suck Jew dick and deny facts because you hate Muslims. Typical low IQ burger shitstain.
Only recently and they've been falling now for a quarter century.
OP, it is understandable, I hate them too. Horrible death cult.
Or it could be Schlomo using a Proxy trying to make people hate America.
If I am wrong then I am wrong. I can accept that.
>Deny facts because you hate Muslims
No that is the opposite. You hate Jews so much. My point of the thread does not deal with Jews. But you were triggered and started crying like a little bitch.
>And Muslim shitskins are running to destroy this beautiful country.
Implying it isn’t already full of shitskins/you aren’t. The whole Middle East can go.
Can we make this a draw Mohamed thread? Sup Forums is no place for zionist shilling
ex-muslim here
honestly i heavily agree that Muslim always been hungry for control. you can tell that by just the way some behave in daily life. eg Muslims employers or shop owners are one of the most control freaks people I've ever seen in my experiences, and they become hypocrites so easily once you show them that they don't control your life.
also an ama
See this is a dumb fucking kike, who doesn't understand demographics or history. The country with the largest proportion of palestinians outside of the middle east is Chile totaling 500,000 and they're almost all Christians who make up the upper class of Chile. They send millions to they're fellow Palestinians, Muslims literally see actual practicing Christians as the same brothers.
Then actually read your bible, the Apostles said that the true Jews were Christians, that the Jews who did not convert to Christianity were false and no longer the people of God.