You can't complain about post-2000 anime artstyles unless you were born in the 70s

You can't complain about post-2000 anime artstyles unless you were born in the 70s.

In fact if you're under the age of 30 you can't even like pre-2000 anime, let alone prefer it to recent material. It's just not how things work. If you do, you're lying just to look cool, you're a fake nostalgiafaggot.

And nobody born before 79 cares about anime.

So it's settled, nobody actually prefers 80s/90s anime to recent anime, they're just pretending.




>you can't like old things unless you're old!
I'm sure your grandma would love to hear that you hate her

You're not even trying

'90's style was shit.


Oh wait, wrong board

It was fine, except for cheeks. Fuck those cheeks. I'd take 2010's moeblobs over it every day.

>dissing hatcheeks

It was better than modern flatface noseless shit.


>2020s potato

I only miss noses

I miss jawlines and cheekbones and floofy hair

the only objectively bad styles are when they were copying disneyshit in the 60s and early 70s, and 10s


They aren't bad. 60th disney copies had sexy girls.

There was a lot of hideous dogshit in the 80s. Don't forget that a lot of ugly poorly-animated American Saturday morning cartoons were Japanese productions, and there are 80s anime that look just like it.

I actually like the "90s style". It's wacky and cute in an absurd kind of way. You can almost hear them screaming even when they aren't screaming.

I agree with the floofy hair bit
We need more foof