>Chimera Ant Arc
Anime with one serious flaw that prevents it from being great
>CA is the best part of HxH, maybe of all shonen.
That's not how you write Greed Island Arc
Speaking of Chimera Ant, Log Horizon for the same exact problem
What about all the main characters having one dimensional personalities
more like
>everything that is not the Chimera Ant arc
So every anime ever?
>no Leorio
>best part of HxH
That's just wrong kiddo
whew that's some bait
MC's name is not EROS.
Gon and Killua not being gay for each other.
You didn't like the mature tune?
the CA arc tripped over itself a lot in the conclusion.
>magician of cum and gum chasing chrollo
>prevent him of jobing early
imagine hisoka geting killed by godamn pitou
>in the conclusion.
Such as?
But they are.
Rose bomb the main issue since it ended almost everything since the antagonists were made too strong. Gons nen power up.
CA is what makes HxH great, otherwise it would just be 'very good'. Aside from just being the best example of his writing and art (as in paneling, composition, etc I know he scribbled for the first few volumes), it makes the rest of the series better with how it developed the characters. It was pretty much a climax for Gon and Killua's character/relationship arcs.
>this tired 'argument'
Narration is a stylistic choice for the sake of atmosphere more than it is a choice for conveying information in many cases (think LOGH using it to make the series sound like a documentary), and the presence of words doesn't negate all the visual communication going on. Everything is shown and it is also spoken, narration just gives it weight. Like it's a significant enough event that some omniscient third party is concerned with the goings on. It didn't work in the anime simply because that much dialogue isn't fun to listen to but it worked perfectly in the manga, it was extremely unobtrusive when you don't actually hear it.
CA arc had pacing issues but really, all of HxH has horribly slow pacing. Also it had some stupid moments but ultimately it came together very well.
Greed Island had no redeeming elements to it.
The narration in HxH is excessive, the immersion and flow are fucked many times because of that.
I love the series, but the blablabla is a big flaw.
The last 2 episodes of Steins Gate.
All of them are three dimensional except Leorio.
The narrative from CA was the thing that made it shine tho, real time it would be less than 5 mins
>Greed Island had no redeeming elements to it.
Dodgeball game.
I bet you also think kirito screaming AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and slashing a monster is a masterpiece.
there are people who like the infodumps and narrations, hence why HxH still sells fucktons every time a new volume comes out, or log horizon still being one of the biggest selling novels out there and one of the most watched anime shows in JP streaming/service sites out there.
My brother had HxH on in the background from the beginning and the CA arch was the only time I gave a shit and sat down and watched it all and cried at the end
Your taste is shit and you should feel bad.
>if you don't like mediocre trite that means you like straight trash
>it sells so that makes it great and its shit literary device a sign of quality
How is it a shit literary device?
CA arc is good but they wasted so many episodes on useless irrelevant garbage, Basically it lasted too fucking long.
In the context of HxH, it is because of horrible exploitative use which tests readers patience and immersion. Narration is a classic literary device used for various reasons and the reasons here are not good and justifiable.
Depends on the translation
So you can provide an example, then?
Of what? Good narration use?
arc could have been godlike without the ENDLESS EPISODES OF NOTHINGNESS AND FILLER. oh yeah did i mention the entire episodes where it was one person's monologue?? those too
nah, togashi loves to detail everything.
in greed island he even used 4 pages with nothing but text.
Both. With examples of what you consider poor narration in HxH and good narrative use in whichever manga/comic book of your choosing.
are you stupid?
It's both his own admitted enjoyment of being text heavy and the genral poor handling of iot from Mangastream.
You can give Viz shit if you want but their translations are much more concise and to the point.
i agree that MS is a piece of shit, but it does not change the fact that the author always wants to explain things too much. a little balance would not be bad.
The whole thing.
Don't worry, I get where you are coming from.
I would say pic related is a good example of what I would consider acceptable narration. It interprets for us what we are seeing but what we are seeing is actually so ridiculously alien that we need an accentuating device which in some ways affirms our subjectivity. The prose is atmospheric, expository when it needs to be but in a very playful way and serves on multitude of levels. Although bear in mind that first person and third person narration are different things but their objectives are similar.
I think you could look at someone like Lovecraft for his use of this kind of narration in omniscient/third person form. Different medium but same purpose.
Also something like LoGH which at times is misused, but is still giving us exposition and keeping us up to date in a playful way and doesn't outstay its welcome.
In HxH the main problem is that whatever is happening doesn't really need a full-on narration. Character themselves become a lot of the times exposition device so you really don't need someone else to state the same thing again. It also should be used sparingly but nobody has explained these concepts to Togashi. And this is a problem not only he has but a lot of shonen mangaka as well as people from every other medium have. They don't know how to deliver exposition and when you critically look at how exposition is being delivered, in most of the cases you would realize author is just being lazy. Togashi is a good plotter, not much of a good script writer.
Midoriya shounen, you have proven to me that you don't need a quirk to be a righteous hero of heart. Now here take my quirk.
CA could have been good if it didn't drag on so fucking long
>Getting this brainlet-filtered
The rose nuke. Just killed meruem, then his guards brought him to life but they died from the bomb. Then he finally died. Togashi's way of saying, "fuck it". At least in the anime the pacing was god awful.
But that is the greatest moment in the whole show
Says a lot about the rest of the show then, huh?
When will technology be advanced enough for a brainlet filter
I like how people (rightfully) bring up "show, don't tell," and then we have people like you who can't grasp the significance of things that were shown in a straightforward way.
It's fine if you didn't like it, but he did not in any way just say "fuck it."
Is there a single arc with more meme hate than Chimera Ants?
Thanks for the reply. I'd argue in that particular portion of the Invasion arc, the transition to using the omniscient narrator was to signify that fact that these characters on both sides of the aisle are put into situations that they have no prior recourse for, forshadowedby Killua's musing of an unknown third party. Prime examples of this is Gon's reunion with Pitou and Meruem's reaction to Komugi's injury. The narration provides us certain information that characters themselves wouldn't be able to provide. We wait to see how the situation unravels and how they respond to being in the positions the ended up in. Personally, I saw no real egregious examples of the exposition being overly intrusive or excessive. I saw that it appear in moments where they were appropriate.
Here's a serious flaw
It being in slow mo was not the issue that user was talking about. The arc still could have worked with far less narration. Hell, I'd settle for character's thoughts rather than some out of nowhere narrator that previously had only done the intro and outro's. And a note on the pacing- it could have been faster and still coherent, and the entire story involving the fish woman and the rapist politician was extremely boring and unneeded.
the only thing togashi showed us was that he's a hack and his illness is messing with his manga.
If the bomb had done nothing, Netero would have died for nothing. If Meruem had died straight away, it would have been extremely unsatisfying and we would never have had the chance to see him change. Togashi wrote this part brilliantly.
Fucking hell there are a lot of plebs around recently.
I think him explaining everything adds to the intensity.
Well it is subjective but I found it incredibly annoying. Just show me that Killua is upset about Gon through the VA and his facial expressions, don't monologue for five minutes about how Killua is upset and wants Gon to snap out of it.
And it was immersion breaking. To change the way you are telling the story so late in the game makes it seem broken up and weird. It just was not needed, and the pacing also suffered heavily because of it.
Okay, showtime boys. How are you saying this is a flaw? It's known facts within the fictional universe that Nen are capable of
>lingerring after death
>Is programmable(GI arc)
>Can be given conditions
So in the fight he
>Used bodies to defend as much of the explosion as possible
>Protects all vital organs using Nen
>Programs Nen to crank lungs and heart back again using properties of muh bungie gum
Only suspension of disbelief needed here is how long can vital organs remain usable after death. First to go out is brain but then again these are more than super athletes we're talking about here. Their BPM will be impossibly low so their metabolism is abnormal - organs may last longer than normal humans + they're wrapped in nen. But even without all that, organs can still last a few minutes after death for a normal human.