Stephen Hawking has died

BREAKING: World-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking has died aged 76

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He's in heaven trying to explain to God why he didn't believe in him.

Suprised they didn't try to replace him with another meat puppet.

Finally free of this cunt and his leftist ranting.
Piss on his grave for us please bongs.

Liberal cuck professor. Spit on his grave.


He was dead long ago, they controlled his voice.

Fuck. I wouldn't put it passed them.

for some reason I think he secretly believed in god most smart people do or go by the label (((agnostics))) which is really just means you believe but you're too scared to say you do

He was a leftist so good.

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Good scientist. Primordial black holes indeed. Shame he was a massive Labour shlll and supported known terrorist supporter J Corbyn.

Rest in piece Robot Man, you shant be forgotten.

I was more sad when Ken Dodd passed away.

Trump curse strikes again!

Has CNN determined if the Russians were involved?


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can I get a loaded griller beefy nacho burrito and a large mtn dew?

So he's standing before the judgment throne explaining why he denied God to the world, even though he knew He existed

Just in time to knock Theresa May's humiliation off the front pages.
Not suspicious at all

damn he lived a really long time considering his disease should have killed him like 40 years ago

Nobody said he was in for a good time, but at least he is allowed to speak his own voice doing it

They couldn't keep the corpse fresh forever.


Flew on the Epstein plane and talked shit on creationism. Burn in hell, freakshow

You piece of shit, your ass tacos always give me the runs.

>Implying he hasn't been dead for years and years and publishers/media were pushing around his dead body and typing words for his speech to voice to say to cash in and promote globalism

Can you comp me some half pound buritos?

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well that could be a possibility, he did get a lot of money from (((funders))) to preach half the stuff he said.



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i'm posting on every fucking stephen hawking thread so that all 15 of the will be on page 1 and maybe, just maybe the faggot mods will take the hint and do the fucking job that they signed up for.

Mountain climbing at that age was certainly dangerous

Robots never die, m8.

Now he can finally get his ass off his chair.


Kek look at his smug fucking face in that article.


I'll say it again "I'm glad he's dead ".


He was a dapper man.

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