That’s just sad.
That’s just sad
Other urls found in this thread:
>Posts controversial .gif that is literally like 10 years old.
>Expects reactions.
Fuck off.
t. Mad Narutard
falling for bait
Did you just find that on narutoforums?
neji did it better
Forget Sasuke, Neji is literally me.
Proof that anime sucks and we all got into it by mistake.
Wow Naruto is shit, thanks for informing all of Sup Forums on something they already know.
Cowboy Bebop is even more shit. Sup Forums has been in dire need of this tidbit of info.
>homages are bad
>Naruto is shit
What you're saying is that Cowboy Bebop is shit.
Your sad
What, it isn't?
>they stole the animation from Naruto
you call that bait
>cowboy bepop stole from naruto
Can't make this shit up
What show is the top one? It must be pretty shit to copy Naruto fights.
Stealing from naruto is a new low
cowboy a shit
Sorry for interrupting this serious meme discussion but I'm fascinated that someone had memorized that fight well enough to recognize the movements in another show
Because those movements are from a jackie chan movie
wooowww more like "see, you later space thief". anime ruined thanks OP
I think these are pretty cool. Anyone got any others.
I know there is also this one:
Naruto bebop
Boondocks is the closest America will ever come to making an anime
WTF I hate Naruto now
Which was first?
Jackie chan
Wow, animators have become really lazy since the sakugabooru was created. "Just search for a battle scene and trace it".
Do you think Rooster Teeth would be insulted by that?