Were they really THAT bad?
Were they really THAT bad?
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4Kids did not dub XY.
If you're going to watch a dub you might as well watch one with an amazing soundtrack.
Wrong video?
The only thing that bothers me about this is them mentioning Chopper. Chopper doesn't appear until way after the other five and I remember being so confused as a kid when they introduced Vivi and Carue well before him.
The Yugioh dub is good becuase it takes a show about card games as seriously as it should be taken
>awful VAs, no original soundtrack, skipped episodes
>I personally dont like this show, so an awful dub is OK
it gave us
One Piece was the only one that was truly awful. You cannot show One Piece if you outlaw guns, blood, and smoking, you just can't.
FACT: If you're old enough to be comfortable with dubs, you're too old to be watching Pokemon
Even if their dubbing was higher quality, their sound mixing was absolute trash.
The music was always louder than the voices in One Piece.
Yu-Gi-Oh! was the only one that was truly awful. You cannot show Yu-Gi-Oh if you outlaw guns, blood, and smoking, you just can't.
Yugioh is a serious show that must be taken seriously.
Their video was also shit. It always had this bright hue to the footage
Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon were bad and for children to begin with. Most people in the West still think of One Piece as the 4Kids version, so it's done by far the most damage.
They had a great music director and marketing department, that's about it.
composer* not director, fuck
It was better in the manga.
Yeah, wouldn't want people thinking One Piece was for kids.like Pokemon or YGO
>implying it's one or the other
Pixar disproves this hard
the same could apply to pretty much anything 4kids dubs.
Cept Mankin but the anime for that was hot garbage anyway.
4kids Pokemon was better because IM ON MY WAY TO VIRIDIAN CITY
>You cannot show One Piece if you outlaw guns, blood, and smoking, you just can't.
You say that like one piece doesn't look and act like a story aimed at literal children
That's why 4kids had to try and edit the shit out of it and ultimately gave up, smartass.
This shit was my jam when little.
>OP and YGO ran in same magazine
>GAIZ OP NOT FOR CHILDREN I SWEAR its a mature show for mature viewers
No. They were worse.
As if TPCi is any better.
All the openings by this sing were the best.
Original OST was better
4Kids OST was hot garbage, and fueled retarded shippers with crap like "Misty's Song". Plus I doubt Veronica Taylor could sing worth a shit like Japanese Satoshi
No idea why they decided to shift the animation style to what it is now
this series of pokemon was the best animated and story, minus this fight
so is dub Pokemon like Power Rangers where they only rehash the first song over and over again out of laziness?
One Piece was the only truly bad dub. Most of the rest were either taken much more seriously (Yu-Gi-Oh) or camped up (Pokemon/everything else).
4Kids ran into problems finding a franchise after Yu-Gi-Oh. One Piece had a number of qualities that made it a poor flagship for western audiences.
If Yokai Watch had aired 15 years ago 4Kids might be still around today.
You people really love "The Greatest Everyday" don't you?
Not exactly. this one was just a remixed version. here are the other OP's.
Yes. That makes it funny. If you play everything silly then it seems like it goes for comedy and stops being funny.
Its really not hard to understand.
Power Rangers was only watchable because of the music, and that theme. It (plus very timely dialogue) compensated for what was otherwise a poorly written, kiddie show.
It wasn't laziness. Saban knew exactly what it was doing spamming Go Go.
>One Piece was the only truly bad dub. Most of the rest were either taken much more seriously (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Nyah, forgettabouit Yoog! You don't stand a GHOST of a chance
Got some serious nostalgia from that
>No idea why they decided to shift the animation style to what it is now
Easier on the animators and I assume they think goofy is more appealing to kids than edgy
Go back to Twitch Plays.
I honestly didn't know if I liked the first OP or the Orange Islands more. but let me tell you, Orange Islands were hype for me.
Well those just sound like generic forgettable kids stuff
Says a lot about American audiences and marketing practices, I guess. Also explains why Pokemon is still using the same kiddy, cheesy 90s logo while they change it every generation in Japan
Basically Japanese kids get to become rock stars and Murrican kids get to become Mozart.
I'll always have a soft spot for the 4kids dub of Tokyo Mew Mew, even though it made a lot of weird choices like changing the episode order, not airing certain episodes all together (I don't think they dub was ever finished anyway), and cutting out whole transformation sequences for certain characters.
They were awful by today's standards, yes. But they were clever motherfuckers, and without their marketing and their strange style of how they handled their best series like Yugioh and Pokemon, most of the shows would've flown over completely in the west or at least been nowhere near the cultural phenomenons they became. Plus there was an almost retarded level of charm, to the point that Yugioh GX was pretty much an Abridged dub done official.
Now imagine if The Pokemon Company, who butcher and half-ass their localization, tried to localize the first Pokemon movie.
In Japan, Sun and Moon is doing way better than XY did. Americans loved XY for some reason
I mean, by nowadays yeah. but I gotta thank them for making a lot of memorable openings.
>Now imagine if The Pokemon Company, who butcher and half-ass their localization, tried to localize the first Pokemon movie.
It'd be more faithful script-wise and use some of the original OST as opposed to none at all? At least we wouldn't get Smash Mouth and Britney Spears songs like the 4Kids version of Mewtwo Strikes Back
TPCI may be shit, but 4Kids was even shittier
They loved XY because Ash stopped being a pussy and the battles were actually pretty intense. It was a surprising quality boost after years of stilted animation and terrible resets. It's mostly the ending that made everyone lose their shit.
They produced good music when they actually put effort into it.
TPCI are so bad, mixing them up is even an insult to 4kids.
It has pretty much the same ratings though but it seems Sun and Moon is appealing to an even lower target audience than before so it might be that the previous season appealed to an older age group which weren't as profitable.
I don't think it has to do with nationality but much more with the age group. If you want shonen shit I guess XY was better for that and Sun and Moon is more for the lowest demeanor (small kids) that is okay with only seeing funny reaction faces and humor appealing to toddlers.
I'm not sure how I stomached Yugioh way back when. Watching clips of it now and I can't contain my sides. The abridged dub was entirely superfluous. That fucking Brooklyn accent.
Power Rangers had some luck involved in being so appealing, but the core genius was Saban took what was a forgettable sentai, and turned it into Mazinger Z. To an audience that never saw Mazinger Z proper or any super robot show like it.
The butchering of the toku battles used fast cuts and condensing the action, so the same fight looks much more brutal in MMPR than zyuranger. The heavy metal music and loud sound effects added energy. And the American actors fully embraced the Japanese super robot conventions like shouting attacks and kiai, so the cheese came off as badass.
Add that to a MOTW format, more typical of super robot shows than sentai, which didn't even feature robots in every episode. And, the Megazord is an actual mecha, while Daizyujin is an ancient automaton deity.
Nigga, whatchu smokin. Oversoul was da shit
I'm never going to say the pop music and complete rewrite was a good thing, but it made the movie had some sense of personality that fit the retarded poppy 90s. Pokemon Company is technically more faithful and consistent, but they make obligatory censorship for the strangest things (Ash can't even get intensely zapped, gotta be a mild nappy haze) and replace even what's supposed to be intense battle music with much more flighty pieces that barely fit the mood at all.
4kids isn't innocent of stupidity, but TPCI in comparison dumbs down their content. Honestly Pokemon did get hit with it but compared to some of their other shows 4kids actually let it get away with a lot more than TPCI allows.
The pokemon and Yugoih dubs were good, retarded edits and all.
May posterity forget everything else 4kids has ever done.
This so much, I love watching sentai and kamen but the PR soundtrack elevates it to a whole new level.
I mean, don't get me wrong, Oversoul is without a doubt the fucking best. but I hold respect for both dub and Japanese.
That version is after he joined. Before then, there was another variant that says "Sanji's cookin' for the would-be king!" in place of "Chopper's doctorin'!" The weekend stream did 4kids One Piece when we restarted, and to the OP, yes it was that bad. They couldn't do the later arcs without some serious editing and rewriting.
>Meme Al
>Rangerboard has invaded Sup Forums now
Did you guys know 4kids did a version of We Are?
Sun and Moon is great, and the best thing to happen to Pokemon in a decade. XY was propped up by a shipping gimmick and the memefrog buy was otherwise a bad series. Satoshi was slowly developing as a character up through Sinnoh that was reset in the shit BW and XY was ShoPro's attempt at damage control to bring the fans back.
You must think the Digimon movie is high art then
One Piece and "Mew Mew Power" were easily some of the lowest points for 4kids. Some things they did were nonsensical, others pretty much ruined everything in an attempt to please the censors to a hardcore fault.
Even Yugioh at least kept its plot semi-coherent and got a bit of the Pokemon treatment in humor.
That shit always bothered me. It's such a lazy lyric. How was that approved? Where is the lyrical integrity?
Fuck no. Compared to the Pokemon movie, Digimon was just flat out butchered.
The good old days of watching Lost Galaxy and Pokemon. such were the simple times.
>being this fucking butthurt over pokemon
>being this hard into damage control
>literally calling the season that appeals purely for kids under 5 good
>literally all the discussions I have seen here have been people calling sun and moon trash while posting clips of Ash looking like a fucking retard with humor on teletubbies level.
>all the episodes I saw of it was next to unbearable
Pokemon is pretty bad in general, sun and moon just stopped pretending to be good and went with the pedo and small kids pandering route for once.
>made the fights much more brutal in MMPR compared to Zyuranger
>Burai fucking dies in his own blood VS Tommy losing his ranger powers
Sentai has always been more violent than PR. They cut out so much of the more brutal stuff and add in silly soundeffects
>Even Yugioh at least kept its plot semi-coherent
Dub YGO had a completely different plot than the original. At least Luffy still wanted to find One Piece and become Pirate King. They completed changed Yugi, Pegasus, and Malik's goals.
Guess I can admit that I didn't remember that dub very well then. Somehow them completely rewriting GX to have everyone self-aware of how silly everything is and "Chad" bitching about how there's only room for one spoiled rich kid stuck with me more.
>this invested and asshurt over fucking pokemon
So basically, MMPR appealed to ADHD autistic children? Guess it explains why nobody cares about Power Rangers beyond the first one while sentai is goinb on strong
Why do people criticize 4kids knowing full well how egregious their edits, censorship and episode order changes were, then turn around and use dub terminology and names? I even see people get called out for having the audacity to use original names or terms. The cognitive dissonance makes no sense.
It's probably because muscle reflex and habit formed over the years. It's a lot easier to type Ash out of memory for us than it is to remember Satoshi and type that instead.
This. I used to use their dub names, but nowadays I can't use "Misty" since it's such a bad name and I just see her as "Kasumi."
This is a great opening though.
I'm sure there's no appealing to ADHD autistic kids in Sentai.
Why wouldn't he buy Pepsi instead?
I unironically miss how 4kids' James was basically Jesse's gay pet.
What was the plot in the 4kids version?
But that's amazing.
4Kids did have some decently good dubs
>Pokemon (at least up to the end of Kanto)
>Kirby: Right Back At Ya
>Ultimate Muscle
>Shaman King
>Dinosaur King
And their version of Ninja Turtles was awesome.
>literally all the discussions I have seen here have been people calling sun and moon trash while posting clips of Ash looking like a fucking retard with humor on teletubbies level.
>believing autists and shipfags
You should know better.
>not appealing to ADHD autistic children
Watch Sun Vulcan and prove me wrong. better yet, watch Carranger and prove me wrong and that show was made to appeal to ADHD autistic manchildren.
The dub was inconsistant. Pegasus went from a businessman who made a deal with the Big Five to defeat Yugi in exchanbe for holographic technology to make a hardlight simulation of his wife to an evil villain who wanted Yugi's Millenium Puzzle to take over the wor!d and revive his dead wife, which the dub kinda ignores when he comes back in Doma and GX.
Battle City was weirder. They changed it from Malik wanting to kill the Pharaoh to again stealing his puzzle. Thing is Bakura was the only one who wanted the Millenium Items in the original, so him teaming up with Malik made no sense in the dub since they both wanted the Puzzle for the selves.
Then a whole bunch of generic edits like cutting Pandora wanting to rape his ex-wife or someone being 'kidnapped' instead of dying