What do you think about Steve Crowder?

I think he's cool

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Low IQ right wing subhuman

controlled opposition

He just made a vidoe about democrats being antisemetic.


At least he's not English.

He was born in Detroit

Good at BTFOing lefty brainlets but wouldn't rely on him for anything "academically serious."

Anyone who hates the left but Sup Forums also hates is a good goy to listen to

painting mohammad made me cry laughing
his show is great, he needs a bigger platform
intros and trolling can be a little slow sometimes

closet tranny

Morning Grinders>LwC

What if he only called them racist?
Would it be funny and ironic, then?

No, he claims to be born in French Canada and moved to Detroit

Steve "turn jews into clam chowder" Crowder

Nah at this point in time the lines are drawn. The battle of humanity are those who are zionists and those who are not.

Im really torn about his latest video. At least leftists are naming the jew. Really makes me conflicted.

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Good for normies.

Wikipedia says he was born in Detroit and raised in Canada

Here's how this works:
Shills start threads "what do you think about(insert non leftwing retard)" Then the other shills reply back "fuck him" "he's a jew" thinking we will go "hmmm, maybe he is an idiot".

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Steve’s a elitest scumbag. I enjoyed him up until “grab her by the pussy” in which he said no guy ever talks that way and trumps a bad guy. I honestly don’t care if he dislikes trump. But to get all uppity about grab her by the pussy. Complete BS and I think he is a closet feminist as a result.

He is not a cool guy don’t defend him and gay jarrod.

I like him, but he's too "pro-Jew".

He is a conserve nothing conservative. He sucks Israeli cock and is proud of it.

too partisan

Cherry picking limp wrist phaggot

I don't think about him at all.

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Crowder is just too extreme to get behind. Making lamp shades and soap out of Jew skin? That shit belongs in another era.

Basic bitch conservative with no new ideas and nothing interesting to say.

This is nonsense.
He is not pretending to be something he is not.
He's basically a moderate, Christian conservative. He was pro Ted Cruz I think.
He never claimed to be /ourguy/, alt right, or whatever.

I like him and Shapiro both, I think they are just good at putting themselves out there to argue with kids and are both good at explaining their points of view

Crowder in particular really woke me up from the brainwashing of feminists

I think he's a 1000% faggot jew loving Neocon just like you.

Fuuuuuuuckiiiing baaaaaaseeeeed

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Somewhat like him and used to regularly watch, but disagree with some of his views and been wary of his opinions especially after two of his videos (early Net Neutrality video where he claimed Comcast would never throttle Netflix right before the whole court case happened, and one where he instigated a fight with a leftist during one of the 1% rallies and had to fight in massive lawsuit over it). That and I have political disagreements on where the conservative party should focus and who their candidates should be. Really hate Fiorina, terrible candidate, but Crowder is rather enamored with her. Still it was nice to see Ted Cruise and Fiorina actually come to his small sized podcasts during the election, and one of Ted after election. Would be nice to see more of such interviews.

That said: only content of his I still watch is: "change my mind." Puts his debate skills to good use too, (you wouldn't be able to tell from his show: but he's really well practiced and versed when it comes to debates.)

Chad who has facts. Hate him, but he is never wrong