After watching Haibane Renmei a year ago, I've yet to watch anything new past the first few episodes. It all seems so safe by comparison, so calculated. Nothing else can compare to the raw emotion and contemplation that Abe put into his work.
Im forever turned off from anime
Why do you need to compare anime? Just watch everything and enjoy it.
Words to live by.
That's the thing, I can't enjoy it. I want to feel more but nothing can satisfy the void within me that formed after I finished HR. I feel like anime isn't being pushed to its limits... Modern anime is flashy, colorful, has lots of vibrant characters and lots of great animation, but it's not in service of any deeper meaning. Very few anime dare to slow down and let you absorb the atmosphere - no plot, no pressing issue that must immediately be solved, no conflict, no antagonists. Just fall into a world and contemplate your life's (or death's) purpose.
Then why are you on Sup Forums? Fuck off and find something you do enjoy instead of telling us about things you don't.
Can't find anything!
Probably because you're looking on Sup Forums, which we've already established is the wrong place.
>I feel like anime isn't being pushed to its limits
>Modern anime is flashy, colorful, has lots of vibrant characters and lots of great animation
That's the point user. Those are anime's limits. It can't do "deeper meaning" because it's a cartoon.
> Very few anime dare to slow down and let you absorb the atmosphere - no plot, no pressing issue that must immediately be solved, no conflict, no antagonists
There are a lot of boring slice of life anime user.
> Very few anime dare to slow down and let you absorb the atmosphere
There are a lot of such anime.
I understand exactly how you feel
The meaning of art is always up to interpretation. If you can’t find meaning in anything at all, then you’re just retarded.
Good, fuck off.
wtach more anime
>It can't do "deeper meaning" because it's a cartoon
What about cartoons removes the possibility for them to have deeper meaning?
I actually have a list of borefests if you dont mind
Maybe just the fact that real people aren't on the screen makes some people unable to take any anime seriously.
Is this how blacked anime girls from my doujins feel?
>What about cartoons removes the possibility for them to have deeper meaning?
Because they aren't philosophy, and tend to be written by people who want to see a story that takes advantage of animation. If these people really wanted to push some kind of philosophical teachings, they'd write a book.
It's just wrong, user. There are a lot of deep and philosophical cartoons.
thats just stupid but then again so does the general populace
>tfw to intelligant too watch anime
It seems like that applies to all media with strong visual components. Can film and games not convey deeper meaning?
You exclude visual components themselves as being deeper meaning. That's the way they convey deeper meaning than a book.
Can't find anything on Sup Forums or in general? Leave Sup Forums or kill yourself, either works for me famalam.
That doesn't mean anime can't have some sort of depth at all, not that I find watching something for the sake of fun wrong either.
Then why can't anime have those visuals that convey meaning in themselves?
But visual components and text are just the tools to convey meaning and they have nothing to with the meaning itself. Books can be purely entertaining or/and they can be deep. And the same you can say about games, anime, poetry and every other form of art you can think about.
I'll give you what you wanted
>tumblr gif
>under 300 anime completed
Lurk more, watch more anime, and fuck off.
I thought Haibane ending was pretty safe.
>That doesn't mean anime can't have some sort of depth at all
It doesn't. But anime DOES have depth, and you are unable to see it.
>that convey meaning in themselves
What does that even mean dude?
The poster I was replying to mentioned that visual components can convey deeper meaning by themselves. Since they said it, I just went with it.
An example of visuals conveying meaning alone would be pic related from Silence of the Lambs. When the main character, Clarice, interacts with police agencies there are a bunch of scenes where it's just her in a room full of men. In this scene there's a pretty visible (ha) tension because Clarice is literally surrounded by men on all sides. However, this tension is never expressed at the level of the script--no one ever talks about or even alludes to it in the film.
This is an example of meaning being conveyed purely through visuals.
Well, it depends on how do you define "depth". If you want to say that absolutely every anime has meaning, than it is truth. If you want to say that every anime has non-trivial meaning that can benefit every person in the world, than it is false. Anime is art. And as piece of art anime do not have to convey any meaning at all, it's purpose to evoke feelings and emotions in a person. It can be thrill and excitement, it can be love, it can be sadness and regret, it can be moe and lust. Every meaning that authors gave to scenes are just by-product that serve the propose of evoking feelings and emotions in a person. They can be safely disregarded or they can be treasured, it depends mostly on a viewer and both ways are OK if they don't interfere with the process of receiving feeling and emotions from anime.
Because it already does, and yet OP calls it merely flashy.
>f you want to say that every anime has non-trivial meaning that can benefit every person in the world
Nothing ever benefits every single person in the world.
I don't understand
How about you figure out what HR gave you that you're missing now, instead of throwing broad ill-defined terms around?
there are plenty of slow atmospheric tone-pieces out there. stories about dealing with loss, about finding your place in the world, making peace with your past etc.
The individual themes of Haibane Renmei are really not that complex or unique once you break them down. It's up to you to figure out what part of them resonated so strongly with you.
If you need some help to get started, watch Sora no Woto, Texhnolyze. Angel Beats and Angel's Egg. You should be able to triangulate what you're looking for from there.
Haibane Ranmei deserves better than being talked about by the likes of Sup Forums, or anyone but yourself for the matter. It's something very personal and intimate, something you should keep close to heart and let it stay there. I know how you feel, but you won't find answer here, i can assure you. Now it's your time to resolve your regrets before the Day of Flight.
You're attitude is shit and your taste is garbage. Be more mature that's my piece of advice.
Yeah, we get it. You liked it. But no one cares if you can't get into anime anymore.
>Aired: Oct 10, 2002 to Dec 19, 2002
What the hell, who watches that old stuff ?
Some garbage elitist with shit taste.