Pic related is a bio girl who got a convincing new fake penis surgery.
How does this procedure affect gender politics?
As penis surgery gets more and more advanced, should bio men start to get worried that they may be replaced by FTMs who are naturally more in tune with female emotions and desires?
Pic related is a bio girl who got a convincing new fake penis surgery
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Makes my dick look huge
Does it get hard? Glad I'm uncut
Convincing who of what, exactly?
Looks like chewed up bubblegum
Women don't care about men who are in tune with their emotions and desires. They are in tune with a charismatic, funny leader
That thing looks horrible ask well. So sage
>penis literally coming out of the scrotum
What the fuck lol
Actually, I'm a bio girl myself (straight) and I can't tell the difference at all.
So this combined with testosterone and surgery to remove their boobs would completely fool me.
The interesting thing is that it's using their legitimate labia to form this shape, but then uses some implants to further mimic a penis. So there would actually be sensation.
I heard that FTMs can use penis pumps to get it hard. I'm not sure if this type of surgery has it available, but obviously there are lots of guys who have trouble getting hard, so it's not like that makes them "less male". And I'm sure the surgery will get better and better
>fake dick
>still got a small one
It should just kill themself right now.
WOW it looks just like a regular penis that was ruined by a kike in childhood
Trips of truth. Proof God doesn't want you to be circumcised.
Agreed. Soon we will have fully fleshed out drinking bird toys.
>balls look like a tiny ass
>penis looks like an acid attack victim
>nothing works
The problem with the left today is they're confusing politics with a circus freak show.
>Actually, I'm a bio girl myself (straight) and I can't tell the difference at all.
>cant feel a general mashing of small flaccid cock and "scrotum" flesh banging against your labia
you need a man to fuck you sweetie
>can't tell the difference at all
Why would you just come on the internet and tell lies?
That's not what a dick looks like.
You know it.
I know it.
Everybody knows it.
Quit being fake news.
>in tune with female emotions and desires
nigger women want a Chad not some emotional women pretending to be a man.
pretty accurate of a (((cut))) dick
>it's not like that makes them "less male"
Except when all the women point and laugh at the guy who cant get it up.
No, I really cannot tell the difference.
Point out to me what is wrong with it? At the moment, I don't see anything off about it at all. If someone sent me this pic, I'd consider it a normal 'dickpic'.
But I feel similarly whenever guys go on HRT and grow 'boobs'. Like, those boobs clearly look to me like gynecomastia (because it is), but a lot of men somehow can't tell the difference...
Nobody believes you're a girl
My dick looks like the Sistine chapel compared to that
Also, as some other poster said, girls want to be pounded by some stud, its not just about having a fleshy penis
get your balls checked faggot
It looks like a clit, what fucking dicks have you been sucking you larper?
because sad Sup Forums people out there want attention and recognition
ew, would not suck
>seen only her dads dick when a little girl under the shower
>suddenly a dick expert
>i'm a girl BTW!
Tits or gtfo
>No, I really cannot tell the difference.
This is why women give terrible blowjobs compared to men. Pathetic.
Read: Because once we redpill the normies they too will understand that cultural marxists deserve the rope.
how on earth does that look like a clitoris haha
But sure, I do believe that actual men can tell the difference. I still think that lots of women, like me, cannot. And I'm assuming that most FTMs are interested in women, so...
Besides, like I said, the surgery will only get more and more advanced and realistic and even more functional. So how will that affect gender politics going forward?
looks like it'll snap off if she actually tries to use it
>Point out to me what is wrong with it? At the moment, I don't see anything off about it at all. If someone sent me this pic, I'd consider it a normal 'dickpic'.
If guys are sending you pics like that, I am so sorry
Just compare.
Fucking nigger mods leave this thread up, while good threads get pruned. Fuck this place, ban me fucking nigger mods. So fucking tired of this place but can't leave.
That just looks like one guy has a bigger penis than the other guy. Guys with smaller penises are still guys...
Women want a testosterone filled black stud with a massive bbc and surgery will never be able to imitate that.
If you can’t rape with it post conquering a nation of sub humans there’s no reason to have anything between your legs, you’re just a disfigured abomination that can neither create a child in their womb or fertilize an egg through penetration
Says the permavirgin
post semi related red pills
>That just looks like one guy has a bigger penis than the other guy
Are you a carpet muncher?
>get franken cock
>its circumcised
fucking hell
you're not a woman. post tits whore
>nigger women want a Chad
Then women will be chads for each other, much in the same way that transwomen would be sluts for men.
No matter how advanced the surgery the sex chromosomes will ALWAYS tell the true gender.
XX= female , XY = male for you low iq fags
I'm married you kike
Was so sad when he died desu
It looks like a mutilated clit attached to some makeshift shaft. Doesn't look like any dick I've seen and I've seen so much dick in my life.
No, that looks like a regular penis.
Not some lab grown surgical mashup of rolled up skin coming directly out of the top of a mutilated fleshy sack that's very obviously not a scrotum.
show bobs NOW
No, I said I'm straight. I just can't tell the difference. But it's not like I live with a penis so I can't inspect all the little things.
Lots of guys are fooled by surgical MTF vaginas btw and I, similar to you, have a hard time understanding how since I can see obvious differences.
Fuck this shit. Someone fire up the gas chambers.
Checked truth is here , getting cut is submission
Post tits
Also nobody is fooled by fake pussies
>this is even a thing
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
Yeah it is a problem. And one day they will get so good as be undetectable. Societal Evolution is not ready for this
>more in tune with female Emotions...
Women think they want that, women say they want that. But want they really want and what they go after is moody men that sometimes ignore them and are their yam to thier ying
>Lots of guys are fooled by surgical MTF vaginas
Apparently this is true
The fact that post op trannies are wandering around hiding the fact they have a Y chromosome is worrying
>mutilating your genitals somehow magically changes your sex
I thought self mutilation was a sign of mental illness, to the feral left it's a virtue. Incredibly selfish and destructive to encourage this behavior for political gain. And they claim to be the compassionate ones.
Some guy beat a tranny to death a while back when it revealed it was not in fact a woman. He was a nog and they had been fucking several times
NO! they will be wimps
I remember getting into arguments with people by saying trannies should be obligated to divulge their true identity, rather than obscure the truth so they can get off to fooling people into thinking they are what they're not.
Trust in UK
this is just cosmetic surgery and perpetuates the mental illness, rather than curing it.
plastic surgery to get pallid skin and pointy teeth won't make her a vampire either.
Question: Why is this getting an almost universally negative response, whereas posts about MTFs actually get a lot of praise and compliments? Are men hypocritical, like they're OK with men getting surgery to appear as women but can't handle the opposite? Lol
And all the zombies remember is
>trump jr did a thing
>thing is illegal
>trump jr is a criminal
>impeach trump
Propagandists gonna propagate.
How fucking new are you?
It's all mental illness.
These people need help, not enablers.
Honey, you can fuck all the vagina dicks you want. We just think they are an abomination
So is turning a scrotum into a gaping wound of a vagina
>posts about MTFs actually get a lot of praise and compliments
*breathes in*
>I can't tell the difference at all.
You're so pure. You haven't seen a real man's penis yet. Marry me, girl.
>should bio men start to get worried that they may be replaced by FTMs
Yeah right. What we will be left with will be is a race of men with giant penises which will draw blood from their brains as per basic laws of nature and a race of women who are no longer drawn to certain types of men due to their slightly larger cocks, so other attributes of men will reign supreme. I'm talking about regressive levels of douche baggery, violence, and to add a surreal element to it, biological females with giant cocks and more test than any natty will fuck biological men with rad tits and bangin' figure. A brave new world.
It's self mutilation either way. Idk why some body dysphoria mental illnesses, like dyslexia, are treated as such, but transexualism is seen as normal and even praised.
Everyone hates trannies here, you are thinking of Sup Forums or Sup Forums
>posts about MTFs actually get a lot of praise and compliments
The only praise they often get is how convincing they can be (something that FTM seem to fail at much more often). Most here do not believe any of them are sane people.
There is also something especially hilarious about how fucking terrible FTM penis jobs look.
>these "testicles" will ever create sperm
>this thing will put out male pheromones
I'm about as worried as females should be by the arguments of guys who use the term "biocunt".
>body dismorphia
u wot m8
did someone peel a hotdog and wrap it around a stalk of broccoli and 2 matryoshka dolls
Huh? In my experience, FTMs pass way more often than MTFs. I think even MTFs notoriously call their transitions "easy mode" because of how much stereotypically easier it is for them when they get the testosterone, with the increased muscle mass and dropping voice etc.
Meanwhile most MTFs seem to be bad at passing. But again, maybe it's just a sex difference, like I as a girl can easily detect differences from real women and maybe men are better at detecting FTM differences from men.
Is this picture convincing to you?
>white males make more money than muds
That chart merely proves that all cunts are whores.