Lads I think I'm becoming a leftist/Leftpol...

Lads I think I'm becoming a leftist/Leftpol. I've been spending the last few days in leftpol and honestly think they might actually be better. What should I do? I want to become it but a part of me doesn't. Should I just submit?
>inb4 bait

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who cares about a faggot with no convictions.
Say hi to your nigger pets and jew masters.

Lads I think I'm becoming gay. I've been spending the last few days taking dick and honestly think it might actually be better. What should I do? I want to become gay but a part of me does. Should I just submit?

Fuck you nigger.

You sound like a fag and we don't want you. Leave

you mean you came from leftypol to pretend to be one of us jumping ship
ALWAYS sage trolls

Leftist how? You think we have some moral obligation to help minorities out as they destroy our cities and ruin our way of life?

Or leftist as in you think workers and women should get rights that they already have?

Says the little gayboi faggot

>I've been spending the last few days in leftpol and honestly think they might actually be better.
Come home, white man I've been spending the last few days taking dick and honestly think it might actually be better.
Come home, white man

>I've been spending the last few days in leftpol and honestly think they might actually be better
In what way

No you fucking leaf. I'm serouis leftypol is a bunch of tankie fags. I used to be full on Natsoc.

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Fuck you gay kraut nigger

A good leaf post??

>In what way

In all the ways.


Eventually everyone with a brain will realize this place is nothing but a giant cicle jerk and the proud aryan christians are in fact a bunch of protestants mutts that aren't worth dying for.


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y tho?
Like what reasons would put you on the left?
Like Nazis are Lefties but I assume you mean like actual Das Kapital Lefties...
Are you just gullible?

Unrelated, I am an African prince and will send you money if you give me your bank info...

>I used to be full on Natsoc.

No, you didn't.

Guiiiiiiiiiiilty :^)

What makes you think I'm not?

It means stop taking the estrogen supplementation you fucking faggot. Sage

>What makes you think I'm not?

You know how to spell.

Gays want to take a train of neo-naz dick, just look at this guy

>uses and knows what tankie means
>not from leftypol
Pick one
t. former leftypol

I wouldn't mind having a cute, caring natsoc bf :^)

Must be bottom though.

This. The fuck is a tankie?

You need to go back

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>Must be bottom though.
Completely ruined.

>Full Natsoc
>Became cock gulping soy faggot

no user, it doesn't work like that.

>former leftypol


No thats tankie tier. I'm talking about Anarchism and Syndicalism where the workers run shit yo. Look at this vid to get an idea I'm all for it except the entire religion and church thing.

>Not becoming a mosleyite Fascist

Both Right wing and left wing is retarded. Go full Authoritarian centrism.

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Tell me you wouldn't.

Been there for a week trust me I know what tankie means.

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Bruh those are memes, I have lived in Commie/Letfy countries and they suck.

The best example of Socialism is Muhammar Gaddafi's Libya

This. That's why I chose Facism neither right or left. But leftpol is pulling me in boys.

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But I want to make lefties my bitch, I have no interest in bottoming for one. That ruins the entire aesthetic. If you have a nice dick its even better to dominate.

>wanting to serve anti-white jewish bankers and corporations
>for free

Knock yourself out, lefty shill.

Fake and gay, come back when they can meme.

WTF? I love Germany now.

this is now a thread about the exact opposite of what OP wanted
tell us about your experience defecting user

Been to lefty pol and used to be in your position OP, they ban you for using wrong terminologies and other crap, they are also project on to other people they are brainlets.
>>Back to /leftypol/

Quote you:

you are worried
that they
>identity group
might be better
>guessing, not facts
what should I do?
>virtue signal
should I submit?

Fully translated:
>Your feelings tell you that your identity group might have facts and virtue signalling your submissiveness would improve your social status among said identity group.

People say leftypol is shite and leftpol is better. Also they don't let you say kek or Degeneracy well they do but gets filtered to something else.

>But leftpol is pulling me in boys.

Then you're getting bluepilled. Also leftypol aren't even real commies. They're white middle class neolib kids who LARP as they're old school commies.

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Oh... Your using that one, ya heard it got infested by sjw's.

Because you would realize that turning all the worlds people into sub 90 iq mutts by removing borders is not good for anyone. Because you would see that a natural hierarchy is necessary to a functional healthy society and that simply handing gibbs to everyone only results in degradation of human potential through successive generations of under performing layabouts breeding unhindered by natural process.

Circlejerks are pathetic. Just say what you think, you don't have to have a bunch of faggots agree with you. You're a dumb cuck if you haven't been banned from Sup Forums at least 10 times.

have a sexchange


Yeah it kinda does.
I don't want to get rid of borders just a Syndicalist country.

I actually, in the very broadest sense, do not have issues with some lefty type ideas like unviersal health care, etc.

what I do take issue with is the constant drumbeat of white guilt (which has turned into white hate) , division via identity politics, and severely authoritarian turn they have taken.

along with the "anyone who disagrees with me is LITERALLY HITLER" attitude they have.

there is no room for nuance/alternate ideas with them. None.

my point being is that you can enjoy trolling the fuck out of them here and not be LITERALLY HITLER irl

Read: Because when we redpill the normies they too will understand that shill OP deserves the rope as much as he deserves the sage.

This sounds like something Literally Hitler would say.

I agree white guilt is stupid. I don't really any race except for blacks and Jews especially Israeli.


Embrace it, little burgerbro. Do not fear the penis

Glowing in the dark.

Nice try Shlomo

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Jesus kraut go ask Muhammad if your that desperate.


Is there anything in particular that appeals to you in this hypothetical society over National Socialism? Interested in how you moved to this.

I don't fear the penis, but I will forcibly make you take mine, you dirty kraut commie.

If you are honest, I’ll be frank, some, some of the leftypol is correct in how to run things, the problem here is, it’s all based on, and around the Scandinavian socialism, which made Scandinavia the best place in the world to live.
Till the bulk of people who are no different then the bulk of leftypol decided that it was a good idea to open up the Nordic countries to everyone, and I mean everyone. Thus proving yet again that without nationalism, socialism is doomed to fail.

Or you know, you got jungle fever and want to fuck a monkey, thus making you a perfect match for cripplechan’s leftypol.

Workers own the corporations and run it. Basically imagine GIBS but 100x. Also if you see the video link I posted show how anarchist abolished money.

>What should I do?

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Some Muslims can be really cute, but they're all cut, which is a big no-no :^)
You're just afraid of intimacy, you're scared of just letting go, you believe that if you open yourself to another person, you're bound to be hurt. I won't hurt you

Commies are degenerate, they can't into economics. Come back to the Right (White) Side.

I was pol. Then leftypol. Then pol again.

Rate .

Now I need a beta Ayran twink waifu

I am not afraid of the intimacy of my dick penetrating your kraut boipucci, you faggot. It might hurt you though

Muslims are cut? How could they let something this Jewish happen to them?

There's no such thing as that level of gibs. Gibs 100x? You're out of your mind. What you want is a quality economy with high wage jobs. And upwards mobility so if you invest wisely you are rewarded.

Bro do you even Irony?

Interesting what were you before leftypol? What were you when lefty pol? What are you now?

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I'm not just Aryan, I'm Bavaryan, which is like aryan^2!
Let me love you so that you may learn to love yourself, user

Forgot the gibs poor attempt at a joke. Basically workers and peasants own the corporations.

I know what it is, I just don't know why someone would move from "full blown national socialism" to syndicalism.

I remain on the right primarily because the far right has no political power.

The far left will decide all engineering fields without 50% female membership will lose give funding. They'll make compelled speech legal. They'll make 'hate speech' illegal. They'll raise corporate tax rates. They'll indoctrinate children into their ideology. They'll rewrite history to be more inclusive and highlight the evils of the white man. They'll decide the only way to solve the wage gap is to tax men at higher rates.

These are things mainstream leftists desire. This is a growing ideology.

Christian driven right is dead. Alt right is insignificant.

Postmodern marxists are the left

More like Cum Home amirite

maybe a portion of it would work, but not too much because the workers don't want the risk if it goes bankrupt.

Fascist. Then thought Trump was a retard (still do). Then switched to communist economic theory because I believed only capitalism can create such a retarded situation where a casino/miss America owner can be president. Realized mainstream commies are useful idiots of liberals. Still believe capitalism is shit, but do my own thing now which is probably politically incorrect anti capitalism. So my social beliefs would get me punched by antifa, although I never was comfortable with racism and I'm still not. It's more the otherkin misgender bullshit I hate.

B-Baka...I-I think I love you senpai. Too bad you aren't a sub waifu type.


redpilled can't go back unless they aren't fully redpilled

So are you still a Facist? It refuses and hate capitalism!

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You can find subs at every corner. If you value intimacy and a strong bond, then I'm the right guy

Just become a Fascist. It was born out of legitimate leftist economic concerns, but doesn't give up of strong right wing values.

Kinda weird to have a relationship with 2 tops desu.
But you sound like a catch BavARYAN QT.

Is that pic from Imgur you?

just look at the basics, are you for personal responsibility or for communal support

Fascism can still accommodate capitalism through capital and private property. If I didn't hate capitalism to the level I do, then I'd probably be considered a fascist.

Btw, as I said, "brand" communism is compromised. It's a faggot show. That being so, the average iq is a little higher than that of the right, but only because the more intellectual liberals will feign support for the hard left to shore up their own positions.

Do your own thing. Leftypol is pretty shit once the mystery of a new ideology is gone.

I still don't get this private property thing. Is it gonna be shared?

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>Kinda weird to have a relationship with 2 tops desu.
I don't think it is. I think a strong emotional bond is way more important than sexual or ideological compatibility. Like, I'm a lefty, but I really don't mind the thought of having a cute, caring natsoc bf.

>Is that pic from Imgur you?
Yes, can't post it inline, I've gotten bans before

Stop being ghey

>I am not like other communists.
Where have I heard this before?

Nnnnnnnnno :^)

>So are you still a Facist? It refuses and hate capitalism!

Not really lad. Fascists see capitalism as a tool that should serve the people. Free market capitalists see the people as a tool that should serve capitalism.

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What is a tankie