Cool design

>Cool design
>Looks strong
>Acts like a badass
>Has a high power level
>Beat Goku

Why do people hate Jiren again?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because he's a plot device, not a character.

He pales in comparison to his brother.

When the ToP is over it will be revealed that Jiren was just in super serious mode and he’s actually a goofy happy-go-lucky faggot like Goku.

It’s classic shonen. Screencap this.

>cool design

He looks better in motion and when drawn the right way. Without those two aspects he ends up looking like a Ben 10 character.

Jiren doesn't have a personality. In the anime they literally have to get krillin to say that Jiren is excited to face goku because even the writers can't tell how their character feels

krillin is full of shit and should get blown up again

Jiren is a stoic

ayyy lmao

>cool design

He's just a buff gray alien in a shitty superhero outfit, there is nothing special about his design, its one of the worst actually. I'd rather Jiren look like a giant ball of shit, it'd be an improvement.

he's still shit compared to this guy

>cool design
Looks like a stereotypical Martian drawing in a superhero outfit straight out of the DC universe. "Cool" is stretching it.
>Acts like a badass
He's just a stoic plot device for Kaka-krabby patty to get a new transformation of the month called "Ultra Instinct". They don't even fucking mention what he wants to wish for from the Super Dragon Balls.

The dude literally is as strong as a god of destruction or stronger, and let 7 of his teammates get their asses knocked off in the first half of the tournament.

>Beat Goku
Nearly new main "antagonist"/enemy that comes along beats the guy at first.

>Cool design
He's a buff grey alien. What's cool about that?
>Looks strong
That can be said about literally every other villain
>Acts like a badass
He doesn't act like anything, and that's the problem
>Has a high power level
So has every other villain. He's just got plot armor
>Beat Goku
So did android 19, king piccolo, tao, and majin vegeta. What's your point?

>Why do people hate Jiren again?
Because he's the greatest asspull in shonen history. Even Madara would be disgusted

So this has become a buzzword now?
The first time we ever heard of Jiren he was already described as being beyond what Goku could hope to defeat.
Him turning out to be exactly that is the opposite of an asspull.

Still looks like crap, user.

Guess you just have shit taste

I want to see Jiren's wife and kids.

>not an asspull

Goku already did it with Blue KaiokekX10.
Jiren is stronger that X20. Obviously he should be able to do it too.

Can Jiren beat this guy?

>>Beat Goku
There you have it, gokufags are cancer incarnate especially spics.

Not an asspull


His character starts and ends with "he is strong", it is like they gave Toppo the personality he supposed to have, whit the whole justice thing and left Jiren with nothing, he just stands there, barely talks and is strong, the end

>anything in super
>looking better in motion

if you dig shitty animation

First post best post


I hate that I can't keep up with these memes, someody fill me up with perfeccion

>Lawful Good
Honestly that aspect alone is enough to make him stand out in the world of Dragon Ball.

el hermano is mexican meme peak performance

>ToP is over
>Jiren goes back home
It's revealed he's a Sup Forumstard idort with all the consoles of his universe
>He heads to his computer
>Browses his universe's version of Sup Forums
>After a while he logs into a MMO of his universe's version of WoW
>His character is some female alien elf hunter
>He pretends to be a spunky girl using emotes in chat and such and his fellow guildmates scramble over one another to take him on runs and raids

>shit desing
>looks retarded
>acts indifferent
>is a gary stu
>couldn't beat weak goku

>no motivation
>very little emotion or personality
>just a pawn

He's basically a training dummy for Goku. It's makes him the most uninteresting villain.

>character is so boring the viewer needs to fill in with his fan fiction

Jiren is husbando.

>Cool design


>>Cool design
Yes. For a Ben 10 character.

Can El Hermano defeat Gear Blanco Luffy?

What can shaggy do? Don't get me wrong, I believe he's too OP in DB world but what can he do?

Just wait for it, Jiren endgame is to save all universes but El Grande Padre will interfiere and Goku will join forces with Goku to beat him.

He can out-eat Goku and Beerus combined. In DB appetite is proportional to strength so draw your own conclusions.

>no title
what a faggot

Shaggy Blue's power level is stronger than Blanco

>cool design
literally nothing in dbs is well designed, it's even worse than GT in that regard

only pathetic sHitfags hate him

>cell dorado

Donuts are done

This meme is never going to leave dragonball threads is it?

>cool design
Your bait is very obvious

>cool design
Stopped reading there.

Only spics hate based Jiren.

Jiren wlll not lose no matter who he is against.

>Speed of light
Dragonball is inconsistent, but if we apply consistency to a limited degree (unlike what ScrewAttack did), Goku has already passed the speed of light multiple times.

In the OG Dragonball, Goku trained by dodging lightning, which is quite literally as fast as light. Goku and pals became multiple times faster ever since, and even then UI Goku vs Jiren couldn't even be seen by Vegeta.

>lightning, which is quite literally as fast as light

>Cool design

>Goku trained by dodging lightning, which is quite literally as fast as light.

Someone failed physics class in high school

But none has ever beat his new transformation.
>Frieza ended up in pieces
>Cell didn't get to experience it unless you count Gohan's ssj2
>Fat Buu was just a plaything
>Frieza got humiliated in his own movie
>Zamasu didn't get to experience any new transformations

Anyone know when the song from their insert fight is getting released?

Jiren has no killing intent. He just wants to beat you to a pulp.

Even UI Goku had to block a couple of hits because Jiren was so fast.

Jiren is my favorite from this arc. No bullshit sob story, no friendship, or antagonism. Just pure undistilled power and understated appreciation of martial arts. This is Dragon Ball at its core. No bullshit.

If you don't like Jiren, you're probably a faggot.

>cool design

>Cool design
That's why

>stereotypical ayy lmao on steroids wearing a spandex
>cool design

I'd actually love this.

>mocks Jiren's design
>doesn't post what they think is good design

Jiren haters, everyone!

>Goku trained by dodging lightning, which is quite literally as fast as light
I actually don't remember this, but I assume he was dodging the downward strike. On it's downward strike lightning travels at about 200,000mph to 250,000mph. For comparison, light itself travels at 670,616,629mph. A bit of a difference.

Lightning actually travels at around 1/3 the speed of light on its return stroke, but I doubt that is what Goku was dodging.

A shame the following forms looked like shit.

The return stroke (the current that cause the visible flash) moves upward at a speed of about 320,000,000 ft per second or about 220,000,000 miles per hour (about 1/3 the speed of light). In comparison, the sound of thunder travels at about 1100 ft per second or about 750 miles per hour

I said that. I also said that I doubt he was dodging that.

His groin and his mouth is the same design