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Edgy. Skipping class again?

lmfao what the fuck, I'm not in Sweden
Fucking ISP

I don't even need to make the joke. Get fucked Sweden.

wow. stupid Amerimongrel then,

Same thing happens to me all the time. Is the Swedish government doing something with out ISPs? Are we going to get culturally enriched?

maybe its because Sup Forums is calling you a massive cuck.

I'm actually from Latvia too, just across the Baltic sea, in Ventspils. It's been happening to me quite often


No wonder, Latvia is just another memeflag after all.

Someone should figure out what the fuck is going on with these ISPs. In the meantime I just shitpost when I get the Swedish flag.

At least we are not chinked and abbo'd, faggot

>fat neets being edgy

His last words on his death bed m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb2jGy76v0Y


Lol, no. Why do you just believe Sup Forums memes all day without doing any actual research? Latvians are literally retarded. Latvia belongs to Australia.

Israeli Mossad killed him for the Israel boycott stunt.

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Redditor here. How can you be so ignorant to the accomplishments of this unique and gifted man ? You don't like knowing that dark holes are evaporating ? Fuck you pol! You are the real soyboys !

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Are you lost? Where do you think you are? Do you think I'm being serious?

>In Australia, it’s estimated that one in 100 people have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) – which is almost 230,000 Australians – a crazy large number for a disability that was once considered rare.

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Vaccines and boongs. Nothing to see here.

Really not interested, bye.

They recently set up self checkout lanes in the local supermarket. Now there are 2 less checkout lanes with them probably letting 2 people go. This shit is blatantly obvious. Right now it's still in infancy, but the human population is not going anywhere. Do you really want the streets filled with bums? Not everyone can be a programmer, so what happens when majority of work is not done by people?

we don't need pretend that we are good guys

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He was good at math and had a strong imagination. Whooptie fucking doo. He was also literally a sick and twisted individual. 3/10, had a creepy computer voice. Would not listen to again.

But can you prove he actually thought that? And not just his handler?

> not going anywhere
You know, Sven, humans can be killed. It is no that hard.

He's dead? Was he not watered enough or something?



Can you prove anything outside of my mind exists and that his open borders tweets were nothing but a figment of my imagination?
Psst, nothing personal kiddo.

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I can SMELL the shit stains on your tracksuit pants, bro. Anyone on Sup Forums who isn't a slob with no career prospects?

Any Aussies on Sup Forums not cocksucking abo-cucked emuphobiacs?

Most aussies on Sup Forums are cucks for some reason - a lot of them here don't even support abbot and actually support parties that want to take refugees into the country. Not sure what the fuck they are doing here desu, they are just lowlife bogan scum

Why did they suddenly declare him dead? He's been dead for decades and only used as a puppet that supposedly speaks through a machine, but it's really been (((them))) who spoke.
Does this have anything to do with Russia vs UK? Will they claim that he was poisoned by Putin?

S look at those bulldog teeth

Buncha derro poofters

big words coming a country who got taken over by Africa and Islam

Let me try this.

1000s persons like you couldn't match his intelligence

press S OP to split on his dead brain


>Really not interested, bye.

Most of us aren't serious when we start telling entire countries to kys and referring to vast swaths of people as prancing homosexual cucks, Australia.

He survived ALS for how long and you think he got BTFO

You are a 12 year old edgy UKnigger

>your flag

And whose fault is that? The EU will never give up its brown slaves because it raises GDP.

You son of a bitch kids .. show some respect for this man. He contributed more to the world in 1 day than you will in your entire pathetic lives.

>He contributed more to the world in 1 day than you will in your entire pathetic lives.

what did he invent, what technological innovations did he produce?

he was the original meme scientism priest.