Are we ever going to get another anime? In hindsight was it worth the lore rape and generally shit show for the memes? I can't imagine anyone really took the plot of DR seriously by the end of the second game anyway.
Are we ever going to get another anime? In hindsight was it worth the lore rape and generally shit show for the memes...
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Plot, what plot. I thought it was a slice of life.
Did you watch it? The first half of despair side was SOL but it quickly became about Junko and future side was another killing game.
What are you talking about? It was Slice of Life and nothing more.
I want to see this fucker animated
Nothing bad ever happened.
Do you really want to suffer through another anime based on one of the games though? They'd be better off doing V2.
There's always hope user
They should just animate FTE, Love hotel scene and some of Talent development plan, I bet it will sell like hot cakes
Dr0 or DRK anime
God I wish they'd make a DR0 anime, but knowing Kodaka he'd just retcon the novel and make up a completely new and shit ending.
0 would be perfect for an OVA, and I don't know much about Kirigiri but being a LN probably makes it easier to adapt.
DR0 doesn't work in anime format
You'll hear Junko's voice and see what she looks like, alongside seeing Mukuro-Junko
I wish they've made a new DR (no, not that one) with a nice plot fun plot that is serious enough to enjoy it, with a bunch of scary executions (and not the bullshit with butter or a giant hand) and all the good things we've already got (like the twins ruses, the cute trolling dwarf and all the keikakus) and without the really retarded parts like the ending of V3. And I want my Kaede, Ouma, Celeste and fake Junko again.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how guilty was he?
Undefined. His plan was retareded.
You could make an entire essay of Frodos over how fucking stupid Tengan's plan was.
yeah, classmate dying, typical SoL stuff
I remember when Konata was executed, fun times
They should do an anime of one of the killing games that happened between 3 and V2
The mystery solving of 3 was legit fun and the memes were out of this world
The fact that animus are divided in episodes instead of having the entire plot in one go like a videogame probably helped the enjoyment of the threads
Just imagine the threads for Case 3-3 if it was an anime
The one that Amami survived? That'd be a pretty neat thing.
How did he sudoku? Sliced his belly with the sword?
>An anime after the shitshow that was Danganronpa 41
I think not
A game doesn't have to be good or well-received by the fans to get an adaptation.
> In hindsight was it worth the lore rape and generally shit show for the memes?
Of course not
Things should never be shit for the sake of memes. A good show with no memes is always preferable to a bad show with lots of memes.
Hopefully never, I liked the first two games, literally everything that came after that, anime or game was shit.
"Good show" is a meme.
You'd still watch it.
went on the frontline to fight anyone infected by despair, to die a glorious death in combat
I liked UDG
anime was meh, I liked Chisa and Seiko but they both got shat on unfortunately
Spin-off when.
I knew from the Remnant display in Future 1 that this show was going to deliver some memes.
it was rather literal
I can't remeber who's the blond one with big boobs in the top center spot
Pekoyama Peko
it has a youtube filename in case you didn't notice
I just googled it
It took me a while to recongise her.
she wore braids and didn't show of her rack in DR2