Togashi's New One Shot

Stupid hack doesn't have enough time to do HxH chapters but he has time to write this shit?

inb4 traps everywhere

Reminds me a bit of Tetra Master in a way, I like it how the board is more of a grid than what you'd usually expect from a card game.


More interesting than HxH, honestly. I stopped reading HxH forever ago because it was getting really dull.

I'd like to see more of this card game manga.

The cute bubble pigtail one isn't a trap right? That would suck because she looks like she might be best girl.

That's so obviously a guy already.

1. It's a old draft.
2. Someone else completed the draft, faggot.

Any chance Togashi might collaborate with this guy to make more of this manga?

No. But maybe he will continue it later, once HxH ends since he said he would like to draw a card battle manga. Please no HxH will never end joke. It's stale now.

Togashi will probably do it himself, he wants to do a card mango next

This dude got tiny screentime so it's cool that he lives in another mango younger and happier

Let's be honest, I don't think it's practical for him to have time for both. A collaboration should help him get ideas for this manga out while working on HxH on his own.


I was actually hoping this was actually Togashi himself, because it would mean he's actually healthy enough again that he doesn't have a problem staying once he returns for HxH later this year.

Even untranslated there's an obvious reason why this Draft was completed.

This is a game clearly designed to work with the current Gacha game style crazy in Japan/The West. Basically they want to see if this will catch on enough with the Readers to risk trying to make a franchise

Seems like a shit yugioh

this doesn't look like it was drawn by togashi at all, it actually reminds me of obata's work

Because it isn't drawn by Togashi, he only did the story.

I'm surprised Togashi would let someone else finish the draft when he was always so stubborn on doing his manga on his own.

translation when?

Well, he has another work ongoing and it's just a one shot so why not?

Beep me when it's up on goddess.

Stop being stupid, you'll live longer