98-99% of you will grow out of Sup Forums extreme conservatism

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>”growing out” of conservatism

If whites were going to be treated fine in the future and Marxism wasn’t taking over schools, then maybe.

i know that ill never vote for shrumpft

>- and grow into full blown nazism

We are the 1%

Most of the "conservativism" (aka blind hate) mostly stems from personal failures in the lives of people who visit here. Many can't get a woman, many here can't hold a job, so they get angry and "conservative" (read: hateful and intolerant). They will only grow out of this hate if they improve their own lives and stop failing.

>growing out of ongoing hatred
>growing out of calling science “Jewish shill”
>growing out of everything being a conspiracy
>growing out of the fake soy boy meme
>growing out of masturbating to hitlers poo fetish

been on the chans for ~10y never changed my mind in regards to politics

Bosnia? Most of your region is extreme right