I'm bore so LOVE LAB thread
why is Yan so perfect?
Yan is too pure
I'm sorry you got baited user but personally I think that y/u/rifags BTFO
best girlfriend in the thread
Bullyable girls are cuter in my opinion.
Isn't she the only girlfriend at the moment?
>compensated dating but without actually having to put out
So basically they're married
yeah the fucking prude
I like the way this artist draws blushes.
someone post the evolution
And I'm sorry that you love this manga but it's a fact that S2 never fucking ever because of hetshit.
Should've been yuri.
Actually it's because most adaptations are commercials for the manga/ln
I don't actually mind not having a S2, as long the manga does a perfectly healthy 100+ chapters.
>Damage controlfags
There are 82 chapters on batoto and it's missing 3 volumes so there are probably at least 110 chapters and it is still ongoing since that's volume 12 in the op so there are probably more than 140 chapters.
Literally no one cares about yuri in japan, it's a niche fucking market. If a generic romcom about five girls trying to get some dick doesn't have a second season then it's because- like most romcoms- it was never intended to have more than one season.
Fuck off back to /u/ then kill yourself.
>manga about girls wanting boyfriends
>y/u/rifags get mad when boys show up
Replying to low effort bait
Bravo retard
Wait, did a new chapter release? I thought Royal died or something.
Best boy can't be beat.
>they like money so I called them a jew
Hilarious and original.
If you can't see how this differentiates itself from other shows, you have something wrong with your brain.
>If a generic romcom about five girls trying to get some dick
I need more Riko in my life.
>5 girls trying to get dick
>generic romcom
Dude what.
this is a very clever use of paneling
The tornado finally dropped Royal.
>start as a solid cgdct manga
>introduce boys
>suddenly turns into a forgettable romcom
>forgettable romcom
with actual progression and not status quo
Season 2 literally when
Her boyfriend is best girl.
>in most romcoms it's five girls trying to get 1 guy's dick
>in this romcom it's five girls trying to find five guys so they can then get their dicks
Amazing that this is an original concept in Japan. Sasuga.
K-On! is great because I can imagine Yui as a ditzy office lady and then she meets me and we get married.
>Her boyfriend is best girl.
yes he is
As opposed to being a yuri anime and flopping like the vast majority of them do.
b-but hetshit
Yui would hate you
>Give both girls AND boys lovable characters
>One of my favorite romcoms ever
Was it that hard?
help this man user
Which couple have the cutest interaction?
this one
Who's gonna realize first that they have the hots for each other?
probably her. (Yan doesn't care about love)
This. The way they interact is pretty unique and handled perfectly. I love how cold she is but subtly likes it, I love how he's so 'hot' she can't bring him down.
He's cute.
I hope they get a chapter on their own. So far it has been just flashbacks and extras.
>she wants to wear a red afro
mods need to delete love lab threads
how do they end up together?
I was about to question if you'd even watched the anime/read the manga, but then I realized we have actually not seen the moment they officially got together.
I want to see it.
Too much dicks for you?
Yan is just tsundere
>Too much dicks for you?
there are never enough dicks
>Manga about girls wanting boyfriends
>Manga and anime tried to do yuribaiting
>Manga is so shit even yurifags with no brain cells will avoid it
And very funny posting Bocchi when Bocchi manga is 10x better than this try hard piece of shit romcom manga and it has some yuri subtext that's far better.
>10x better than this try hard piece of shit romcom manga and it has some yuri subtext that's far better.
>He's not even trying
>still furious after almost 5 years
It dealt quite a blow to the dykes here didn't it
Reliving it a little with Blend S this season, although it's definitely not as good as Love Lab and LL is an especially special case because the boys didn't show up until halfway through, making their inevitable appearance all the more hilarious.
i just wish translations were a little more faster, like every two weeks at least
I used to feel the same way. Then over the years so many of my favorite manga have been dropped by their scanlation teams. Royal may be slow but at least he hasn't completely given up.
show me more Sayo boyfriend
Sadly they're by far the rarest pairing to show up.