Post your favorite OTP
Fucking shipperfags, these two had nothing romantic between them.
yuri faggot
How many times has this been reposted in the last week?
>Someone doesn't like my shitty headcanon
>h-he must be a yurifag!
Fuck off, ESL shitter.
Dat weird
Purest form of love.
>Purest form of love.
Not for the genes
But it keeps the bloodline pure from external elements.
Not gay enough.
Patrician taste.
Not OTP enough
Fuck off already you retarded ESL-nigger. Nobody liked your shitty pairing, nobody liked your shitty show, and nobody will remember it even a year from now. Fuck off already
My brother.
Still the only pairing worth posting.
Viral and Simon to be honest. I really noticed a ton of sexual tension between those dudes, and they'd be a hot couple.
Well it's not like Viral'd be able to get a girl pregnant anywa-Wow I made myself feel bad.
Who are they?
When are you going to stop obsessively posting the same two images constantly?