So which side was in the right?
So which side was in the right?
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Reich, because of eugenics and comfy pajama uniforms. Being a chad monarchy is also a big + for me.
Hugo Boss all day, bitch.
wasn't the point that both sides were right in their own way and are simply doing what they think is just even though they know full well the limits of their respective philosophies?
Why does there have to be a definitive bad and good guy?
I would side with the FPA, i like the empire but the yang fleet is fucking comfy and getting shitfaced with yang and talking history sounds like a good time.
Benevolent Dictator > Democracy
Democracy > Regular Dictator
Neither. Both sides had people that were rotten to the bone.
On the Empire's side, that would be the nobles, on the FPA's side that would be the politicians.
Bottom line: People in power are usually not to be trusted.
I wouldn't abandon a friend either, user. Even at the cost of an artery or something.
A Democracy that actually adheres to its founding principles/constitution > Benevolent Dictator
Benevolent Dictator > Regular Democracy
Regular Democracy > Regular Dictator
the side without louis mashengo
Yang Fleet is the only right answer.
#brutal #donotusehastagson4chan
The Empire is in the right square, the Free Planets Alliance is in the left square. Does that answer your question user?
Freedom is always right
But the user is talking from behind the screen, that means FPA is right and the empire is left from his point of view
The Goldenbaum side.
>A Democracy that actually adheres to its founding principles/constitution > Benevolent Dictator
Given equal goals (the good of the people), a benevolent dictator would still be better because of its speed.
>muh freedom
The freedom to sit in a closed room with old men yelling at you because they fear your skills.
The one that wasnt controlled by the Jews.
The idea that an authoritarian system, whether absolute or oligarchical, is less corrupt or faster to reform than a modern democracy is simply laughable. an authoritarian system REQUIRES corruption in order to function. Let me put it like this, any authoritarian leader maintains his power through the loyalty of privileged groups. In the case of a feudal monarchy it's the landed aristocracy, in the case of a modern junta it's the military. In all cases the authoritarian must serve those groups needs instead of the nations. If he does not those groups withdraw their support and he is overthrown. This means that the state is specifically designed to cripple itself for the betterment of the autocrats supporters over the interests of the nation. In a word, corruption. Thus because the law is not actually meant to address their needs, the population must turn to either illegality or revolution in order to survive, both of which are harmful to the well being of the nation. As for the belief that democracies cannot produce great leaders America alone provides several counters to that claim. Teddy Roosevelt, Lincoln, FDR, Washington, Adams, and more were all able to be strong and powerful leaders capable of both pushing thorough rapid reforms and guide the nation through crises’ while remaining subject to the rule of law and the democratic process. But what about the bad ones? A bad monarch or other dictator can destroy his nation utterly, meanwhile it is generally agreed Nixon was the Worst president yet the nation was able to chug along without falling into ruin and get rid of him without a civil war or a coup.
So we agree that it's the Empire, then?
The first time I watched I was on the FPA side, but later int the series I shifted to the Empire and after watching the Gaiden before my current watch I like even earlier Reinhard just as much as Yang which bumps the Empire up a lot.
Nobody was particularly right or wrong except for the Terraists which were just Terrorists.
>Nobody was particularly [...] wrong
Trünicht? Braunschweig?
Reinhard for instance has his power base in his new officer corps. much like several military leaders who warred with the aristocracy. But because all off Reinhard's power is based upon their support he can never really run the empire except for their benefit over all others. In fact this even happens to him with the rebellion near the end of the series. While the reforms Reinhard made were certainly an improvement over the feudalistic slave society that proceeded him it still will be a military junta of sorts. His heir will have an even harder time no matter how competent as they will not have the Cult of Personality or personal loyalties that Reinhard did.
>A Democracy that actually adheres to its founding principles/constitution
What can that even mean other than gay fairy wish shit? The foundation works are ALWAYS edited and changed since day one of their creation. Why don't you just go full authoritarian to prevent the changes to your foundational principals then? Why have decisions available at all if you must adhere to a abstract point in time when some guidelines were written?
Democracy is single-handedly the biggest meme in human creation.
It doesn't even make sense and requires retard amounts of work and finances to rig its outcomes anyways.
Fuck me lmao. If you can't say it in four sentences, forget it.
>While the reforms Reinhard made were certainly an improvement over the feudalistic slave society that proceeded him it still will be a military junta of sorts
Junta or not I'm sure as hell that living in the Empire under Reinhart would be better than living in the FPA under Trunhit.
the side that won
>personal loyalties that Reinhard did.
>Mittermeyer the most loyal is still there and fairly young, his kid is now Alec's future right hand so he has good personal reasons to do his best.
>Hilda and her nobility supporters remain
>Most of Reinhard's admirals that were doing background work to keep the Empire stable are still there
>Reinhard has also talked with Hilda to transition into Constitutionalism if shit doesn't seem to hold together after his death.
I mean shit like "The privacy of correspondence is inviolable.", and then they append a few paragraphs that make the whole thing mean the exact opposite.
Riberty stands for freedom!
Oh hairu the furag that set us free!
But you can't seriously argue that the FPA under Trunhilt wasn't also a dictatorship anymore the the Peoples Republic of North Korea is a republic or for the People.
And Otto von Bismarck got fired by the new Kaiser. Personal loyalties don't extend nearly as far after death as we'd like them to. The Europeans tried to do it with marriages and declaring heir apparent's for two millennia and it never worked, and Hilda's nobility supporters will stop their support the instant the military faction or tne Kaiser tries to take more rights from them.
>So which side was in the right?
You've already missed the point I think
>Hilda's nobility supporters will stop their support the instant the military faction or tne Kaiser tries to take more rights from them.
Ever wondered what happened to the nobles who helped funding the french revolution?
Hell, something similar even happenend in the show: nobles get killed and all of their assets are taken.
>nobles get killed and all of their assets are taken.
Sure, during the Lippstadt revolt.
It only show that democracy is not without fail since it allowed itself to be corrupted beyond recovery.
Yes, that's what I was referencing.
What's stopping them to do it again?
Both, but...
Going by the dialogues, probably the democratic side.
Because "friends" is better than "master and servant".
True, but you realize that this also means that the "failure state" for a democracy is when it becomes what it's competing against. When you failing is the same as them succeeding I'd generally consider that a better system.
It's the hypocrisy that stings.
Believing that you're free when you're actually no more free than a citizen of the Empire hurts.
Especially if you learn that lesson the hard way, when all you wanted is to protest peacefully with your Anti-War Union bro.
the PKC fucking with the anti-war union is why they won their election. the democracy was corrupt but the people still had the power to change it if they really wanted to. in the end the power to take power from the people lies with the people
Maybe you should have thought of that before you committed sedition.
combine democracy with fascism and there's no disputes
no disputes allowed
Go away Trunhilt.
The memery and banters in Yang's fleet was the greatest shit
Impericucks want a big strong man to hold their societies hand. No thanks to that shit.
Shit-posting aside Free Planets, but obviously the show tried to make them as even and valid a choice. I think of Yang as the writers self insert and Reinhard as the writers ideal. It seems the whole question is would you rather live in the shittiest democracy ever, or the best dictatorship ever.
>flagship triglav
Who slav in here?
What like Singapore?
Shame they make their uniform so intimidating just to have them all slaughtered by Rosen Ritter.
Let's agree that these guys were straight up evil and in the wrong.
I had to look it up, not slavic but its pretty neat. Makes since given the ship's design.
with space jews you lose
Lex Luthor was just acting purely out of self-interest.
Damn the Empire team go so much more development than the FPA. Fischer was an important part of Yang's team and he got no screen time. A lot of people there are literal whos who were in the background, that guy on the bottom doesn't even have a name.
Acting purely out of self-interest can often be straight up evil and in the wrong so I don't see how that affects his statement.
Morals are subjective so not really.
>yes goy, now i have to extend the war another 200 years and kill millions more to keep up the trade
>Lao isn't named
Some might argue that slow predictable law making would be better because it allows all stakeholders to protest, adapt and weigh in.
>Nobody was particularly right or wrong except for the Terraists
If you don't like mother Earth, you can go live somewhere else.
>Trünicht? Braunschweig?
Truchicht tried to promote democracy in the empire.
Braunschweig tried to protect the age old rights of his family and constituents.
>Reinhard for instance has his power base in his new officer corps.
I think his base is a lot broader than that. People in the military will not stomach an ill word about him. He became somewhat of a champion for the commons after the Westerland incident. Then there's his wife who probably owns a starsystem and the coalition of lesser nobeles she organized around him to take power just before the start of the civil war. And then there's all the land he took for the nobility which he doesn't seem to have bestowed on his admirals to make a new nobility of some sort but i suspect just sold off.
Was he evil?
An interesting thing to note:
In the OVA, 5 of the FPA people pictured here die, while 6 of the people on the Imperial side die. Each of the Imperials, with the exception of Reinhard, dies alone without anyone supporting them.
On the FPA side, Fischer dies while supporting the Iserlohn Republic fleet, Konev is killed during the successful battle to defeat Rieinhard at Battle of Vermillion, and Patrichev, Mashengo, and Schenkopf all die defending their friends and leaders. If democracy is the path of making friends among equals, you could say that the deaths of these ordinary people who weren't brilliant generals were more meaningful and ultimately produced the greatest impact on the galaxy. Each of the Empire's deaths were ultimately meaningless, contributing only to the deaths of tens of thousands of soldiers and the glory of Yang Wen-Li. Each of the Alliance's death was one step further to the death of Reinhard and the triumph of liberty and freedom.
Did you read the novels?
Rubinsky doesn't want chaos or destruction, he just wants Fezzan to take its rightful place as the capital of the galaxy. And it does.
Is Trunicht the equivalent of modern American politicians like Shillary Clinton and Mitch McConnell?
>be yang
>over 30
>get waifu
>never consummate marriage
magician yang kept his wizard powers to the very end
No because I don't think he thought his plan would fail. He's just retarded and told the government what they wanted to hear.
No, just autistic.
he wasn't evil, but he was a bad commander for ignoring the opinions of any officer that tried to point out the flaws of his plan, and having no plans for failure
You can't really fault him for that though. The opposition to his plan was borderline treasonous. Yang himself was so salty about the whole invasion going through rather than his ideal peace accord based on his capture of Iserlohn that he basically wanted to surrender at the first sight of enemy contact. His whole staff looked at him in disbelief when he said that.
the reich was a faggot
he could have been a war hero if he didn't dismiss concerns over supply lines
The gayest side
The Empire, since they didn't have Julian in it.
No side you fucktard.
A corrupt democracy is just as bad as an beneficial monarchy.