Isnt it boring being a member of the Papal Bloodlines...

Isnt it boring being a member of the Papal Bloodlines? you have all this money and power but no one knows who you are and you cant even marry or fuck a famous hot model or youll be exposed and you cant aquire a large company or youll be exposed. Ruling from the shadpws is a borefest they probably live in rural shit holes eating only food from their garden they dont watch tv or fipms because they know the bread and circus shit is for plebs. no wonder they all fuck children what else can you do. shes wearing underwear its been proven relx mods

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Medici decendent here over the generations things change.

Fuck the Black nobility

>Ruling from the shadpws is a borefest they probably live in rural shit holes eating only food from their garden they dont watch tv or fipms because they know the bread and circus shit is for plebs
Sounds comfy desu

Like Literally I want to fuck someone in the Black Nobility for the Influence points.

I can follow my lineage up to Emperor Diocletian, and what I have of it? NOTHING. I do have lot's of land, but that is from other part of family, they were peasants

I'd be able to live the rest of my life as a NEET though stress free

no fucking way your making shit up.

>Papal Bloodlines
What is this thread about?
I thought Rothchilds and Free Mansory were Illuminati who the fuck is papa?

>greasy wop thinks he's an aristo
All Yanks on the internet think their descended from somebody important, in reality it's just what your grandpa told girls to get them into bed.

no I'm not. We don't have any power, money or anybody cares

yeah sure and im James Joyces cousin, lol jk i actually am

thats where you're wrong kiddo House Orsini and Colonna have be around the vatican since medieval era

I had to google it. I also had an ancestor who would write down stories or poems when drunk, I called him grandpa

lol you dumbo

>James Joyce

Sounds like the eternal Oirish Cont. As quintessential as lucky charms and trolls under the bridge.

i went to highschool with brad wienstien.

harvy wienstiens brothers son.

he is illuminatied up. he is also pimply and an asshole. your bread and circuses comment is correct, any time anyone would do anything like read a book watch a movie go on a hike he would be like "why?"

what did brad do for fun? it appeared nothing.

I also went to school with whit johnson, you know, johnson and johnson?

we played halo on a movie screen in his house.

they dont rape kids though.

They fuck models who are so brainwashed that they don't even remember it. Look up Karen Mulder for example

What really happened is that she was on a French show, and said that her father raped her since she was 3, and hypnotized her, and that she gets hypnotized and passed around by all these elite people. The recording didn't air but everyone in the audience all talked about it online so the story went viral.

You're a fucking idiot, mate. James Joyce is a literary genius

I don't question it, his name just has a certain je ne se quix xd

le 1/82th italian

I can understand not watching movies or television but no reading? I can't believe ever book is filled with nonsense.

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>lucky charms and trolls under the bridge.

neither are irish

gr8 b8 though..

>im James Joyces cousin
>I also had an ancestor who would write down stories or poems when drunk

Fuckin' LOLed

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>Black nobility
Hol up... YOu saying... I mean, Yo...


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That scrawny cunt had AIDS or something?

prove it

my flag is good enough proof that I don't have much money or power

well played

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i only clicked for the pussi
also fuck Canada

I´ve met her in person, AMA

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does she know about what her family is

In what sense?

the top of the pyramid

They openly claim to be reptilian

I can only trace my family 1000 years, all from town where Diocletian was born and died. I am probably related to medieval croatian kings. So I'm probably related to him, like probably 1000s of other people

Muh ancestors

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Cezare reincarnation when?

Does she seem like one to you?

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it looks like my internet providor has blessed me again with swedish flag. Time to cuckpost

>town where Diocletian was born and died
You really ought to look into the mediaeval history - it's surprising how many places were annihilated or subject to total population transfers or repopulations from other areas, especially in the Christian/Islamic borderlands.

Yes, she has an incredibly seductive aura, some kind of energy field surrounding her

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we make sure that books push subtler narratives, because intellectuals are slightly harder to fool.

well, when Avars came here, population fled to hills, islands and Diocletians palace(present day Split). Then Croats killed avars and lived peacfully with roman leftovers until they were all assimilated. Unlike you in spain where goths got assimilated into romans(spaniards)

So is it a skin suit? Hologram or cloak? Telepathic manipulation? Why does she, and most of the others, look like relatively normal people?

I read once that cats see us as larger cats because their brains can't comprehend anything else. I wonder sometimes if that's why these lizards look human most of the time.

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Most likely telepathic communication. They only interact with people at the top really, and I met her at a dinner so I was rather drunk. That may have an effect on how much they control you as well

it's demonic energy and she has a powerful link with satan.

Get this fucking /x/ shit out of here you retards

I made my own "telepathic" communication interface once. Just an EEG reader hooked up to my laptop, configured up against Skype. Funny shit, but hard to control. Do you think I could "interface" with some reptilians that way? What is Isabella's SIP address?

hitler was deep into the occult

Nah man, this is on another level. They have no need for an inorganic interface to control their energy field, they can do it biologically.
I hadn't thought of this until you made the thread, thanks OP. All makes sense now

did you have sexy time with her? Whats reptilian pussy like?

Aye, though the Turkish wars involved major disruptions which were more what I had in mind. Your dialect map witnesses this very interestingly.

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You're thinking of Himmler.

turks never conquered this part, they besieged Diocletians palace/Split 3 times, only to fail every time. You can se on that map that area around Split remained same, well until industrialization when workers from other areas came to live here, but still, original inhabitants didn't dissapear.

She deposited her spores into all his orifices.

Well done, Splityane!

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No, but she was very teasing and seductive as I said.

why though? She clearly wanted you mammalian benis in her

Because then I am just doing what she wants me to do and lose my power

weak, I would fuck reptillian out of her, slavic-med masterrace>rept*loids



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if you're from Niš, and you can claim that your ancestors were from Niš for last 2000 years you are provably related to Constantine

if you were born with land you have no need for anything else; you're just lazy

yeah i can't trace my ancestors that far back in time

>just lazy
t. every dalmatian ever

Born to a family of low status in Dalmatia, Diocletian rose through the ranks of the military to become Roman cavalry commander to the Emperor Carus
>Does this mean you belong to low caste ?

>All Yanks on the internet think their descended from somebody important, in reality it's just what your grandpa told girls to get them into bed.
Hey that's a good idea!

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fuck off, you try to plow rocks on 40 degrees sun, dalmatians work hard


croatian nobility got killed off by turks, roman nobility blended with regular croats and foreign nobility from north got killed by commies. Entire croatia is low caste

hey don't think i that i don't know what fjaka is

state of mind, it doesen't happen as often as you think

Vagene status: showed

Now open bobs pls

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>Belong to a caste through lineage
Only poos are this serflike

I know.. one of my ancestors was a Habsburg

>Psihofizičko stanje prilikom težnje ni za čime. Učestala je greška zamijeniti fjaku s lijenošću. Za razliku od ove potonje, fjaka je uzvišeno stanje uma i tijela kojem teži cijelo čovječanstvo. Dok u Indiji i drugdje fjaku postižu dugogodišnjim izgladnjivanjem i meditacijom, u Dalmaciji ona je jednostavno Božji dar.
yeah spare me that, lazy ass dalmatian

Caste system was created probably (you can logically relate) to keep people from getting into power. It worked and it is still working. Lower caste stays low in power.
Tell me one reason why this is bad?
Fascism should have long back gotten inspiration from caste system.

Hey I played AC2 as well :^)

it says here that fjaka isn't laziness, so fuck off

>le spaghet man

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She has a normal life. Stop stalking her. Though she is weird since post herself in her post.

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it is, by your definition kek
i would be lazy too if i didn't have to do anything other than renting apartments to tourists desu

*it isn't


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autistic leaf finds a new person to spam about. yaaaay