Why does Guilty Crown get so much shit? As someone whose mostly into more light-hearted stuff like gochiusa, I loved it

Why does Guilty Crown get so much shit? As someone whose mostly into more light-hearted stuff like gochiusa, I loved it.

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Normalfag edgelord bait

Anything with a plot or any kind of ambition is called shit or the worst thing ever. I didn't love Guilty Crown or anything, but I liked it okay. I remember enjoying the flashback episode to Lost Christmas in 2029 a lot.

It is a cheap Code Geass knockoff with even more annoying teenagers and even less mecha.

This shit make AZ, IBO and VVV looks good...still a fun trainwreck though.

Valvrave? I wouldn't go anywhere near that far.

Because it was extremely hyped due to the staff behind it, but ended up being just an average show at best. The writers had a lot of great ideas and concepts, but they clearly didn't quite have a grasp on how to properly execute them.

I'd watch Guilty Crown over Valvrape and Asshime Zero any day.

I like it, full of cliche but its pretty much anime.


Visuals: 9/10

Music: 10/10

Story: JesusFuckignChristWhatISThisShit/10

People who have low attention span say Guilty Crown has plot holes because it doesn't spoon feed them what's going on like most shows they're used to.

VVV is a fucking treasure you cheeky fuck.

Valwrave was fine. If they removed mecha it would be even better tho

Pretty much this, I feel like it could have been great but sadly it wasn't that good imo. I'd give it a 6/10.

>inconsistent tone, characters, motivations, etc., shit was literally all over the place
>all style and no substance
>unlikable cast
>nonsensical story

You have to be a fucking pleb to think that Guilty Crown was good.
I'm still fond of it, mostly because of the Sup Forums memes and the occasional nice scenes coupled with great visuals and music.

>get good budget to make a new big franchise
>proceed to make a generic as fuck terribly written magic girlfriend haremshit

It was trash and deserves all the hate it got.

It felt like a clusterfuck of ideas left over from the drawing board of Code Geass, wrapped around a protagonist with the personality of wet cardboard, and about as much backbone. Its arcs veered wildly in tone and content, and felt barely connected. Basically, the series was a fucking mess, made worse by the fact that its staff were still riding high off the Geass hype. People expected something great, and got something that was barely coherent.

I will admit the direction, music, and composition of some scenes were far above what a series this disastrous deserved.
Hare's death had no right to make me feel as crushed as it did.

Hare had a hard life.
My favorite scene was Shu regaining the power of Void. Pretty badass scene with superb voice acting and musical score.

All in all, this had some potential but turned out to be a trainwreck, only saved by Sup Forums memes and nostalgia for me.

Now that's a decent bait.

I liked it too but it was obvious the creators wated to copy Code Geass. It had good animation, OST and Inori. Some other likeable char too.

Not baiting in the slightest, bruh. Most things I see people pointing out that "doesn't make sense" or "comes out of nowhere" were either explained or foreshadowed in previous episodes.

I'll just leave this here.

>>all style and no substance
Style is substance
>>nonsensical story
Agreed. Less of the plot would've helped over all.

Horrid writing and bad Female main character.

I'll leave this here.