Do you guys think Kino likes it in the butt?
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With boys like him that's the only option.
No, handlebar in girlpussy only.
The only thing she's into is the feeling of Hermes' vibrations ON her butt. But that's hardly a fetish.
This is going too far.
You've just got me interested in this anime
She probably loves taking it ass to mouth
I dunno man. That sounds kinda gay. Seems like great feetjob material tho.
Seriously man this makes sense, her cunt is probably all desensitised from riding her bike for days on end, the only way she could get any sexual relief was by masturbating anally.
Gotta love Sup Forums :
Traps : T-They’re not gay!!
Literal woman: I dunno, seems kinda gay....
I kinda hate these straight men that keep coming out of the woodworks. It's like they've seen too many 'comedy' anime they start acting like explained jokes are funny to anyone.
>straight men
No, but Kino is a kind girl who would let you do it anyway.
It's a part of comedy. Often used in Japanese animation and it's the most unfunny shit. You're doing it right now too you fuck
He's too much of a faggot to be the straight man.
Kino is a lewd girl
I'm sure she travels around just to take it up the butt from different cultures.
I would love to see this.
4 me.
Mmmm I'd love to do butt stuff with Kino. No pulling out until I creampie her pulsing turdcutter.
Kino exists exclusively for lewd
>Check Kino on sadpanda.
>Only 4 of them looks decent, only 1 of the 4 is translated.
This anime will fix that, right?
Yes, of course.
>Kino will never ride into your village, brake in front of you, and ask if you want to put it in her ass
Ah, the three potatoes meet again.
Kino in a lewd country when?
>it's the same shitty fanart again just to keep a thread alive
If you don't want to discuss anything don't keep a thread up
You can always go back to the discussion boards, maybe you don't know what an image board is for?
Next episode is 20 minutes of me f***ing her around my apartment.
No it's of me bending her over Hermes, while he complains of us fucking to roughly that hes going to fall over.
Where else will I display my lewd Kino desires to the world?
>riding your car down the road
>theres movement behind a tree
>see kino being butt fucked by some random guy
You have the weapon of your choice and no one is around for miles. What do you do?
Didn't you mean exhaust pipe?
Probably not.
Not for your shitty fanart.
>Implying she wouldn't kick you in the testicles then laugh as you curled up in the fetal position and cried
kill myself
There's so much we could be discussing when it comes to the LN's, but nobody reads them...
She probably has a lot of repressed sexual urges from dressing like a boy and riding a vibrating bike all day, you just have to run into her at the right time. (i.e. when she's masturbating)
>visiting murrika
Masturbation may be prohibited, but I hope she lubed her asshole for TSA inspections.
I know this is Sup Forums and we like to push the pedo shit for shits and giggles but this is retarded.
Kino is like 12, flat from the back and front, has a big head, her only friend is a talking motorcycle and she is somewhat of a sociopath.
Don't see the appeal when there are other women who are far more attractive.
you need to go back
What about pee butt?
Is it possible to take this seriously after visiting Sup Forums often?
>Kino is like 12, flat from the back and front, has a big head, her only friend is a talking motorcycle and she is somewhat of a sociopath.
You're describing the perfect woman in amazing detail, down to the talking motorcycle requirement.
>I know this is Sup Forums and we like to push the pedo shit for shits and giggles
Go back to facebook.
>it's not a story about kino providing relief or getting assaulted by lust-crazed townspeople
what the hell
It would've been better if it was a story about Kino raping a grown man at gun point.
>somewhat of a sociopath
That's a very diplomatic way to describe her.
It hurts to live.
How would you describe her? She is cold to strangers who aren't helping her, she likes to be left alone, will use others for own gain, doesn't find killing to meet her ends a problem and only cares about herself and hermes.
Maybe she is a sociopath.
>there will never be a special OVA or movie about this
>only shounenshit gets crossovers
I meant she's a bloody psychopath.
She looks like a boy. That's all Sup Forums needs
Kino is supposed to be 15 or 16 and acts a lot older than her age, from a western perspective anyways.
Also not 100% flat, that new click game she's in shows she's got something going on. If you're telling me you wouldn't want to bang a willing gunslinging, semi-androgynous biker chick you must be some kind of faggot. She'd be a good lay.
I can't tell if these posts are jokes anymore.
Everything is a joke user. EVERYTHING
>posting 3D reaction images
I wish you were a joke.
I honestly can't tell you if I was posting that ironicly or not. I don't even know.
>We will only get one story starring Master in her younger years animated
Sup Forums is truly dead.
Is Kino a virgin?
That's not even what it's about.
Funny you should say that, the next episode is actually called "The land of taking it up the butt".
>Lewding Kino
Why did Kino stay for 5-10 days in the Bothersome Country when the rule is 3 days?
If traps aren't gay then does that mean that reverse traps are gay?
She wanted to enjoy soft bedsheets on her naked body
The country with the wall wanted the Woodsman pistol in exchange for entering. This was not going to happen. Hence the opening scene with kino talking about what a pain it was. The moving country shows up, Kino realized that eventually it will head through the walled country, and guesses that it will take somewhere between 5 to 10 days.
What kind of revolver does Kino have?
I'd like to have one.
>I'd like to have one.
Since the Colt 1851 is a black powder antique that doesn't use modern cartridges, in USA you can actually just order it online, shipped straight to you, in most states. Lower end replicas under $300.
I imagine you won't find one that uses "liquid gunpowder" or shoots giant fireballs when you misuse the loading lever, like Kino's, though.
I want to DO her!
That's what bothered me too. Wasn't it his thing to remain only for 3 days? Why did the anime fuck this up so badly or was it a thing in the LN too?
Yeah, he stayed longer than 3 days in the LN too.
Well that excuses that then I suppose
Oh that's female is it? Interest lost
The young Master was an absolute madwoman, her stories are great.
>or shoots giant fireballs when you misuse the loading lever, like Kino's, though.
Overall the 2nd episode was way more weak than the 2003 anime, but one aspect that was superior was the actual sequence where Kino kills the King.
It actually felt like she was using a firearm instead of some Street Fighter hadouken thingy, and more importantly they didn't mistake the loading lever as a foregrip.
I want to kino kino's kino
What does Kino's p**** taste like?
Why are you all obsessed with her pink asshole?!?
>dat loose bra
I could count the number of times Kino has laughed on one hand.
Introduce myself
Kill the man
Fuck the tree
Kino and the Necessary Country.
>there exists 3 countries in relatively close proximity of each other
>they're located in an almost straight line, half a days wagon ride between each
>the two countries on the edges have been waging war against each other for centuries
>the country in the middle have been razed a few times as a result
>the middle country has now become a kind of degenerate paradise
>gambling, hookers, drugs, arms dealers, black market deals, etc
>somehow exists in relative peace between these two warring nations
>Kino heads there to get parts for Person of the Forest and to check the place out
>road to the country is straight through a massive battlefield
>trenches, barbed wire, the lot
>as she draws closer to the country, the environment changes
>trenches are replaced with blooming fields, barbed wire with trees and farmhouses
>she arrived at the gates
>border guard explains how the place works
>country is ruled by a benevolent Warlord
>he's set two rules: no murder and no rape
>enforces these with extreme prejudice together with his gang of dick-ass yet good-hearted gunslingers
>Kino enters the country
>In the edges along the walls it's a pretty regular looking country, except darker toned and that everyone is armed to some degree
>the city center is a giant commercial complex full of shady stores, brothels, taverns, cheap hotels, cabarets, and medical clinics specialised in body modifications and STD cures
>Kino finds a cheap ass dodgy hotel with hookers hanging out outside it and heads into town
>the demographics are varied with a good mix of cultures brought in by the free market and then need for varied hookers, but one thing stands out; military people in two different uniforms having a good time everywhere
>Kino finds a tavern and heads in
>orders a pint and some food
>two young local men come up to her
>starts hitting aggressively on her
>Kino shoots them down cooly
>one of them grabs for her arm
>Kino pulls out Cannon and aims at the guy's head
>same time a gunshot rings out
>grazes the arm that the guy is using to grab Kino
>it's came from the back of the tavern
>young, handsome Texas Ranger-looking guy with a big cowboy hat is standing there, brandishing a smoking Colt SAA
>the two guys disperse fast
>cowboy comes up to Kino
>introduces himself as one of the Warlord's men
>Kino thanks him
>he invites Kino for a drink
>Kino accepts
>they start talking about the country
>Kino asks about the military guys
>he explains that the Warlord who's running the country was a kid when the country was destroyed during the war the last time it happened
>he went travelling and fell in with bandits and arms dealers and such
>became very wealthy
>came back to this country, found it abandoned, and claimed the right for it as an original citizen
>used his wealth and influence to establish a den of degeneracy
>slowly the country grew in size and normal people started taking up residency
>soldiers from each of the warring countries would come to party and fuck in their off time, privates and officers alike
>since then, during battles, the two warring countries take good distance from the country in the middle
>"No one wants to destroy their own fun, see?"
>Kino nods in agreement
>smalltalk and drinking continues
>cowboy starts flirting with Kino
>Kino shoots him down cooly
>Kino goes back to dodgy hotel
>Hermes asks how the ruckus is
>Kino mentions something about people being very friendly
>next day
>Kino walks around downtown
>got Person of the Forest fixed up from some old gunsmith guy
>passes by a brothel district
>hears a gunshot
>runs over to see what happened
>outside a brothel, a beautiful older woman wielding a shotgun is holding 3 men at gunpoint
>behind her is a bruised girl on the ground with another girl at her side, and a couple more girls looking out onto the street from inside the house
>"Don't ever come back here. And I will send word to the other houses that you've treated one of my girls this way."
>one of the men tries to pull out a hidden gun
>Kino shoots it out of his hand with Person of the Forest
>the men run away
>shotgun lady thanks Kino and offers a good time with a girl in exchange
>Kino cooly says no thanks
>later that night
>Kino talks to Hermes about her day
>mentions something about people not being defined by their jobs
>next day
>Kino is about to leave the country
>sees two drunken military people in two different impressive looking uniforms stagger down the street holding each other
>drunkenly talks about how stupid the war is
>promises each other to talk about stopping it when they get back home
>staggers onwards towards the gate
>Hermes wonders if they'll remember anything when they wake up
>Kino and Hermes driving off
>Hermes says that it was good that they got Person of the Forest repaired
>also mentions that he's curious why Kino didn't indulge in anything while there
>Kino doesn't answer
>face is unreadable
>flashback to right after they'd checked in to the hotel
>Kino walking down the street, stretching herself and complaining that the hotel doesn't have a shower
>stops at a building
>"SOAPLAND? Both genders okay? Alright, a public bath."
>Kino heads in
>cut to end slide
>quote on the "When in Rome, do as the Romans..."
>"Right, Hermes?"
So did she take it in her arse or no? Come on man I can't fap to this without knowing.