I want Ririchiyo to be my introverted tomboy gf

I want Ririchiyo to be my introverted tomboy gf

She's girly as fuck


How is Ririchiyo girly? She's a tsunshun who acts alpha and masculine.

How is she masculine.
Do you even know what words mean at all?

How can you be this fucking retarded

Holy shit, picked up.

She's assertive, haughty, and tries not to show weakness or emotionality.

>those thighs
I came

None of that = masculine.
She's a girly princess, that's the opposite

Trying to be stoic and always keep a stiff upper lip isn't masculine?

Not at all, that's just haughty, girls do it quite often.


Not at all

It's the opposite of being effusive and open with your emotions, which is the feminine end of the spectrum. The Ririchiyo Defense Squad sure is stubborn.


karuta chan would make for a good pillow!

What does that image have to do with my post???

Does anyone have this OP on .moe or something? I can't find the actual op anywhere on yt or anything


Stop teasing me!


how puffy is her vulva? I want it resting on my face.

I never understood waifus till I watched this

>disregard food, acquire bokukko

Ririchiyo butt.

worst manga ending ever

Wow, it's fucking nothing

Kind of like her breasts
And her personality

I think you've gone too far down your gender roles. Next thing you'll say is that a girl stepping on your dick, being smug or tying you to the bed as she fucks you is masculine because that's dominant behaviour.

Wow, it's fucking cute

Kind of like her breasts
And her personality

Well, those things certainly aren't feminine. Ririchiyofags are so determined to deny any personality traits as being masculine that I wonder if masculine/feminine traits even exist at all in their mind. What the heck makes Riri 'feminine'?

I still can't help but see Riri when watching Blend-S. It's nice, though.

Shut the fuck up.

>telling two people saying different things to shut the fuck up

So you disagree with us both?

Ririchiyo is girly as fuck user, what are you on?

i like karuta


She's not a tomboy or even remotely masculine. Enough with this nonsense.