It's almost Halloween, user. Post some S P O O K Y

It's almost Halloween, user. Post some S P O O K Y
other girls allowed, but not Snek

Other urls found in this thread:

There are no good images of ougi taking a dick in the asshole.


did someone say 'snek'?


Snek is so sexy it's SCARY!


post more sexy snek


I love monkey in this one


Fire sisters are so cute.


Very scary vampire inside. Do NOT open.

Scary bat is VERY scary


That is false!


Good job OP, you made this into a Snek thread.

Thanks asshole, now I'm going to have nightmares all night.

Silly Shinobu, you don't need glasses.

She's doing cosplay for Araragi.

It's been a while.



What is a man?

Why were there so many camera angles going right up ougi's nose?

It's where she hides all of Araragi's forgotten memories.


Because being super close to the camera and in a position higher than it is spooky.




What are these attrocities doing in my CUTE and INNOCENT bat thread?


Exactly! They should atleast take the effort to post
CUTE halloween bat


>the music and Shinobu voiceover during that scene
It was an infodump for sure, but it was the best fucking one.

Which episode was that again?

Nise 11, the final episode.





wouldn't be out of place in a Kurt Weil opera of the 30s that work.

she could pull that look off so well





Not gonna lie, former snekfag here. It's fucking hilarious watching Nadeko's kami hood crash and burn. But seriously, we can't let that cute brat get its hands on Gaen's talisman


I heard the sirens call.


Nadeko has the urge to kill who she loves.
She is trying to kill Kaiki
She loves Kaiki