Remind me why Sup Forums likes Russia so much?
Why is pol siding with Russia?
why not
Because they literally pay shills to shitpost on here if you haven't noticed by now
Hubba Dubba, and a rare flag?
lmao thas bullshit
fucking newfag phoneposters
lurk more
Unironically this. I love my Ruskie shitposters though.
russia isn't afraid to protect its interests
these days being called corrupt just means disagreeing with the EU and the leftist media
they have a lot of fucking problems at home, pic related is correct but i'd be lying if i said i didn't enjoy seeing a large country stand up to the propaganda
Sup Forums is counter-culture, much like Sup Forums in general. If mainstream media told me water is healthy I would stop drinking it
Sup Forums side with the TRUTH.
Have you been paying one iota of attention for at least the last 2 years?
>US news banners say 'Russia commits Gas attack against Britain.'
>what did they mean by this?
What happened in 2003 when the people just 'listened to their govt'?
The problem with you shills is that you assume everyone who has a different opinion from you is Russian or a Russian shill.
Your shitty ''meme'' sucks dick and it probably took 10 of you guys a whole day in your discord to make it.
Not hating Trump doesn't make you a Russian sympathizer
Being right wing doesn't make you a Russian sympathizer
Hating jews doesn't make you a Russian sympathizer
The vast majority of people simply do not give a single fuck about Russia, because it's not Russia that is meddling in their countries, pushing fucking race mixing on them, trying to rig their elections. Fuck you, kike. Russia is about as relevant as France or Italy. No one ''likes'' these countries, we just don't hate them.
lesser evil
Grass is greener on the other side
Half of these retards would unironically want Soviet Union back if it meant no more homos in the streets
The EU is a bunch of anonymous Marxist kikes, the UK is a bunch of suicidal Marxist Orwellians and the US is a bunch of obese Zionist circumcisers. I don't like Russia, it's a shithole, but it's the lesser evil.
It's more accurate that some of us hate the MSM drama BS like with Travon and the like. Get some evidence before starting WW3 FFS.
Kek. Even the butthurt belt is waking up.
Your time is limited, neocon shareblue keks.
Labeling somebody a shill is just a way to discredit them without addressing their points. Go back to whatever shithole echochamber you crawled out of.
Labeling someone a shill when they're an obvious shill posting terrible badly drawn ''memes'' trying to fit in is saying the truth.
OP is a shill who made this thread, changed his OP and now he is in the thread bumping it and pretending to be more than 1 person. That's a shill.
I'm merely pointing out I've noticed a lot of Sup Forums is obsessing over how Russia is the future, when they are even more corrupt than anything in the West and have nigger-tier drug and AIDs problems.
Despite our problems, Western Europe and North America are still the future and need to stand together against blatant Russian brinksmanship.
I made that 'meme' in paint, it took me 5 minutes, and its obviously shit, I don't care.
When my country is gearing up for a stand-off with Ivan I don't need to be a shill to wonder why Sup Forums is so Russophillic despite their obvious flaws
Because they're not owned by Jews.
If you're so worried about these things why don't you go to war with Mexico or Saudi Arabia?
Go into the archive right now and find me one pro-Russia thread.
To counter the push by leftists who want WW3.
simple reverse psychology. they automatically gravitate to anything their media pretends not to like.
take trump for example.
Probably because nobody wants to go to war with Russia while Europe is being destroyed by globalists and islam.
what do they put in the ground beef?
They still support Israel but at least naming the jew doesen't cause mass hysteria in Russia.
Also don't forget that the new icbms btfo the mutt missile defense system.
For the first time since the cold war the us are at the mercy of the absolute madman.
Sup Forums is not one person. I've been here for almost 4 years and I hate Russians more than I hate gypsies from my country.
Our country has been irreversibly ruined by the left. It can only drift more left now. As the population becomes more mixed, mixed populations always vote for left policies as a bloc because they have nothing to gain from tradition or cultural values, as they don't share them. The more diverse the population becomes, the more it votes for insane policies and the harder it is for anyone else to do anything about it. Our countries are already infected with necrosis, we are just waiting for them to die now.
But now on top of that, our government is trying to take one of the few salvageable countries down with us. No, fuck them.
I learnt to speak russian to b1 level, I've been to russia, ukraine, belarus. They have shitty infrastructure and they have corruption (like all countries), but other than that they are utopic. All the "unrealistic standards of beauty" in the west are "the standard of beauty" there. All the crazy social issues are non issues there. When I tell people about what our country has become, they literally cannot believe it, they think I am chatting shit, they are blissfully unaware. And they punish treason, which we see as "barbaric", but it's the only thing that doesn't wreck a nation, maybe we should've kept punishing treason too and we wouldn't be in this position.
Once you come back to the west you begin to spot how it's not the Russians pedalling propaganda, it's us. Us with the largest armies, the most money, the biggest media, the biggest bank, the giant capitalist systems, the ones with complete control over what we consume, not some poor ex soviet countries. If you believed the meme that Ivan Ivanovich the siberian potato farmer goes to his high tech hacking laboratory to meddle with the US election by posting facebook memes, you're fucking brainwashed.
Because humanity will end otherwise over no big deal.
It's not that I love Russia. It's just when they say stuff (like America's democratic system is in the toilet, or maybe fags shouldn't be allowed to subvert popular culture), I find myself asking "Where's the lie?".
Don't worry mutt the west will fall one way or another.
The degeneracy will come to an end.
At this point its just funny to see you brits get so upset about it
first of all, the entire narrative is exclusively about russias villainy, and we're getting that bullshit from every direction, politicians can't even claim that russia is simply a (selfish) third party anymore, without being suspected of sympathizing with an enemy
which verifies everything we've heard for years, that the entire goal of the deep state is to secure syria so they can prevent russian submarines from moving in the meditteranean freely, and to build the pipeline to the EU and continue to profit from it
everything in the entire news cycle is designed to prep the average american for a false flag attack, implicating russia, and thus allowing for full american deployment into syria
NO ONE is in favor of Russia, we're opposed to the traitors to humanity starting an unprofitable war, the same slithering trash that's killing children in an attempt to take guns away from americans
>beep beep I'm a little police boy. God bless the queen of sissy island
I don't believe this event, nor anything other than an actual military strike, will cause either side to declare war unless they are totally insane.
The fact is I think this is Putin sending a message, continuing from other actions like flying bombers over our airspace. Russia is deploying Cold War tactics and we need to stand up to them and stop cucking out. Blaming this on the Jews, who already own Putin anyway, is retarded. His whole plan is to reassert Russian influence to Soviet levels which means a loss of influence for us and our allies.
You can agree with some of their governent's stances but still realise that as a whole Russia is in a much worse situation than us.
>low kick to the face.
underdog effect
but somewhy it doesn't work on jews
>Why is pol siding with Russia?
Cause we all Russian bots n shieet.
I agree with most of this and I think our countries are mostly guided by geopolitical pragmatism. That's why Syria is a mess and why there IS anti-Russian bias in the MSM.
However, Russia is playing the same game. They are not innocent and the narrative that we are the aggressors is simply wrong. They have being trying to provoke us for years, and an American won't understand this because I doubt you pay much attention to happenings in Euroland. Russian planes have been consistently flying into UK and European airspace to send a message, they murder people in our territory, and this recent event shows they are willing to put civilians at harm when they are well within their means to just take out their target with a gun or poison.
Then let me ask you this. How many wars is Russia currently fighting?
Because russians are whiter than you, Muhammad
Read: Because when we redpill the normies they will too understand, the problem in the West is not Russia at all, but a certain (((country))).
They're brainwashed. The hate the west. This is what Putin wants. Divide & conquer.
>Sup Forums is so important
Outside of Iraq and Syria they haven't acted outside of the former USSR for some time.
But this does not refute my point. Putin is using brinkmanship against the West in order to forward his own goals and we are well within our rights to stand up to this.
If you are in a NATO member country or part of the Western alliance network as a whole, supporting Russia in this current issue is standing against your own national interests.
Because the western gubments are so cucked that they are importing rapist and imprisoning people that are complaining it. Holy shit, Britain just detained 3 people for thought crime just this week.
Because WASPs are the scum of this world, they are jew enablers and only managed to dominate the world because they stopped applying the ban on jews in 1650s.
The worm in the apple will keep eating, your end is near. Good riddance.
Correct. Syria against us proxies and the ukraine.
Again now since you strongly believe the west should stick together then wtf has the EU become the epitome of 1984 degeneracy where you get imprisoned for wrongthink?
Because we the people allowed it.
Do you honestly believe that we should be allowed to continue our existence in this kind of state.
The US is even worse because they pretend that their citizens have all the rights in the world while being owned by the jew regardless who you vote for.
>writes up some strawman with quotes I've never seen before
/pol is not one person
Poisoning a Russian double agent and his cunt daughter is not worth having a nuclear war over.
I know a bunch of eastern ukranians who welcome russia too. The situation is quite complicated, I don't think russia actually want to annex the whole of ukraine, they just want the bit that is made of russian peoples, in the same way hitler wanted the danzig corridor.
I truly believe there is still hope for the UK, and Europe too. Russia might be ok but they're much worse than us and will be for the foreseeable future.
I've noticed that among a lot of Europeans and Americans there is this attitude that we should give up and let Russia destroy us because we're lost and they're somehow great (pic related shows many reasons why this is not the case). How is that not treason? How is this attitude not contributing to our problems?
I think Generation Zyklon is a real thing, and have seen it first hand. Russia is a failing country, but Europeans are still strong nations and whilst the importing of Sand-Niggers is a big problem we're nowhere near the point of no return and can still be saved.
Stand up to the propaganda? You mean, spread the propaganda itself and then stand up to it, right?
Russia's proof of usa funding ISIS is from a fucking video game
>if we the people can't save ourselves from our governments we don't deserve to live.
We've been conditioned that revolution is bad by the controlled opposition because revolution is automatically associated with communism.
But let me ask you how do the people of the west revolt without shedding the blood of the enemies?
Is there a more humane way?
Can the weak defeat the powerful with words?
>have seen it first hand
I've seen it too, from my extended family, but I am from a good family and all of my family are conservative.
Meanwhile, look on the news, those kids in america opposing gun control and thinking it's cool to stand on stage and bite at republicans. Everyone young is overwhelming anti brexit when polled. More trans and non binary gender people than ever. They are the "woke" generation.
They simply haven't been through so many years of liberal brainwashing in college and university as us yet, and just wait for when they ban Sup Forums. No one will have access to right wing views anymore without diving straight into extremely unpalatable places. Even right wing subleddits have been nuked, meanwhile tumblr and twitter and facebook push everyone more left. Tinder pushes miscegenation.
I met my first "agender" person the other day, and I am in an extremely liberal industry, I have like 7 trans friends. The agender girl is 18.
Gen zyklon is a false dream.
cause britian is somehow more fat then US and even more retarded despite being majortiy white.
Russia is way less cucked than your caliphate
>Remind me why Sup Forums likes Russia so much?
when Britain asked them to provide mercenaries to fight us during the revolutionary war Russia refused
The fact is things aren't bad enough to cause revolution. Pretty much everyone has food on the table, a roof over their heads, and a relatievly comfortable lifestyle. When the effects of mass immigration became more noticeable, far right parties exploded accross Europe, and Trump was elected. Our populations are reacting and whenever things get worse we move closer to radical action.
You don't need a bloody revolution to enact radical change. At worst there would be a bloodless populist coup like Mussolini's march on Rome
>Russia's proof of usa funding ISIS is from a fucking video game
everybody knows the USA is behind ISIS it's all over everything everyone actually watches
abandon the question
embrace knowledge
I want Trump and Putin to arrest the banking cartel based in the city of London
Literally no proof of this claim, but we do have proof of Russian's faking the evidence. You still choose to take the Russian's side. You're a very useful idiot!
I guess you must adore France then
share your knowledge then
>Putin makes holocaust denial illegal
>Vast majority of Israelis are of Russian descent
>(((pol users))) love Putin and Russia
You figure it out.
>Not hating Trump doesn't make you a Russian sympathizer
>Being right wing doesn't make you a Russian sympathizer
>Hating jews doesn't make you a Russian sympathizer
But it DOES make it statistically likely that you ARE a Russian sympathizer. All the claims of Russian sympathizer have forced your ilk to unironically find any reason that "Russia's not that bad."
Hmmmmm Zionism.......hmmmmmm the Balfour declaration.....hmmmm
Russia says that the collusion issue was possibly someone with a russian passport was to blame
Then there is a slew of russian agents that know who is who behind these killings, all being killed off
Now the UK makes some arguments to act like they are free from the whole affair?
The world is watching Teresa May spill the beans
Thats up to the british. Neither Trump nor Putin will meddle directly in the UKs affairs and why should they.
The british have accumulated a shitton of bad karma by fucking other people in the past.
Now its time for young bongs to correct those mistakes.
I don't have special feelings about russia. But it is absurd how ((they)) are brainwashing masses to fear russia and to think it as some great evil.
Russia just named the jew
now the jews are killing off the russian double agents that know who the jew in the UK is....
They are against international banks
Remember trust their intelligence community...they are able to keep you safe.....
in the UK they use the spot behind the tires on the bus to kill off dissidents....
they actually shitpost properly
im pretty sure they just contacted russian 4channers and offered them cash, probably a much more effective method than throwing a bunch of liberal dropouts in a basement and having them try to Correct the Record kek
They have TIGERS!
More like using Russia to destroy the true enemies. Let them destroy each other, then whoever's left gets it in the jugular.
>that's right goy, ignore the anti propaganda propaganda act slipped into the 2017 national defense budget . forelfe CTR and ignote shareblu
>Sup Forums will pick Soviet over Nazi
You need to go, before you're involuntarily made to go.
>and why should they.
ziionist banking cartel based in the city of London is responsible for the murders of Tzar Nicolas and his family as well as Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy
everybody has reason to hate England
>I guess you must adore France then
well the France thing is very interesting, I'm forgetting the names but the way the story went the British admirals despatched to the revolutionary war had severe gambling debts in France, so they arranged to throw the war to the USA and even arranged a hero's welcome to prevent any suspicion
Two things combining.
#1 Russia is in such a weak position its hard to justify calling them a threat in the short term.
#2 Everyone in the west is pissed at their own countries right now.
Of course however realistically the question remains how do you teach that to the brits so they can clean house.
i'm not saying they're not spreading propaganda themselves, it's an information war
i think overall the US is a more genuine and free country than russia, but they also have their own propaganda channels, so does the EU and the UN
Kick out the jews and nationalise their banks?
Well we can keep dreaming.
They possess nuclear weapons, and whilst they'd lose a conventional war they still have the means to cause a lot of damage to Europe.
I view them as a stronger but more rational version of DPRK, except in this case I think Russia is smart enough not to start full scale war.
>Literally no proof of this claim,
even TV knows more than you
what do you think lying will do at this point? now that the effects of the previous age are waning and will forever wane until we are fully within the new age
A bloo hoo hoo and what the fuck are you?
we call them pavements you fat fucking cunt
>how do you teach that to the brits so they can clean house.
we don't we send joint special task force and just start arresting these fucks, we'll send the FBI, Brits are terrified of them
>Kick out the jews and nationalise their banks?
they're all fleeing, this is happening.,
the choice is have the two largest white nations nuke each other or arrest the queen and her banking servants who are directly responsible for nearly all the ills in this world
this move is going to bite them hard in the ass
I never had more hope for Trump than today
Their leaders are White men who aren't literal cuckolds.
Why is this so hard to understand?
I'm pretty sure the Jewish banks moved their bases to America. Besides even Gen Zed, at best predictions, is nowhere near red pilled enough to do that.
It'll also destroy our country short term.
>Remind me why Sup Forums likes Russia so much?
Sup Forums realized democracy, aka liberalism aka western civilization, is incompatible with white supremacy. Sup Forums is quite literally fascist and won't hesitate to side with the last few that remain alive today
>Remind me why Sup Forums likes Russia so much?
because theyre not britcuck faggots who eat "munchy boxes" while muslims rape their kids. you're an embarassment to the white race
>Because they literally pay shills to shitpost on here if you haven't noticed by now
riiiight, its literally impossible not to be a CNN believing goy without being a paid russian shill. if i was getting paid for thinking you're a faggot i'd be richer than putin, FAGGOT
Are you implying the brits would accept a foreign agency invading their country and taking over their responsibility?
Because for whatever reason, the Jews are trying to crash it with no survivors. And if the Jews hate it, that's already one good reason to like it. Also they hate fags