ITT: Write an actually interesting shounen power system.
ITT: Write an actually interesting shounen power system
you start
I don't know shit about HxH but I'm gonna guess that Specialization is the most broken.
the power of the character is determined by the size of his penis (down to the centimeter), since the majority of the world falls between the 5-6 Inch average, that's what is seen as normal. Our protagonist was born with a nine inches falling in the
powerlevel completely depends on how charismatic a person can be. Villain is a mega chad.
A world without limits where you can work towards eveything if you train enough.
But you need determination and in most of the cases is useless
Well alright. Something I made up ages ago for a shitty story I never did:
It's basically a manipulation of three basic energy forms; Electric, Thermal, and Kinetic. Using ones body as a medium, or conductor, a user can control flow of energy inside of their body, and expel it.
A simple application of this system: A Kinetic manipulator, would be able to stop a car, as long as they had the skill to redirect the Force of the impact into the ground, or some other object.
The charm in this sort of system is that it's based around physics (if you ignore whatever the fuck is going on inside the user's body) and at the same time, because they can only really manipulate energy inside their body, it limits the power cieling from going into DBZ levels, (unless the person in question is some kind of human computer capable of doing quantum calculations on the fly.)
The main thing I never really worked out, was... What counts as part of the person's "body"? Would someone with a prosthetic be able to control the energy inside of it? If so, does clothes also count?
If it's based on a conceptual understanding of ones body, could the "body" extend to include the universe? Or does it have to be more personal and attached?
A persons power depends on how short they live. The world is filled with child soldiers and people trying to keep their enemies alive.
>just a mega chad
If your villain isn't the ubermensch, it's fucking nothing.
Yes it usually reserved for snowflakes.
Like one specialist can use the other 5 types as well and an other specialist can steal abilities.
I thought about a leveling system that grades abilities more by utility rather than just the power. For example:
A simple fire striking attack would be a level one. Just a basic elemental move that creates heat in your hand as a close range weapon.
A flame blast would be a level two, which adds a range component to it, making it long range.
Basically, to obtain higher level abilities, you need to study in different elements such as effect and control then combine them.
Your power increases every time somebody walks over your future burial site, draining some power from them.
Like wizards and shit
Powered by intelligence. Similar to alchemy except there are no shortcuts. You have to study various fields. Whatever you devote yourself to you learn equal to the time you put into it and your understanding.
No superpowered kids. No prodigies. Takes years and years of practice and study.
OPM then?
you fight with creatures that you can carry, and they get stronger for you and sometimes evolve
anything by Brandon Sanderson
Kinda like this but I was thinking about how the fights are decided in HnK.
Every series that actually has these either doesn't adhere to them or makes them so vague that they can write the protagonist out of any seemingly impossible scenario anyways. They're a waste of time and the only writers that really try to go in depth and explain their universe's mechanics beyond "it's fucking magic" (e.g. Mahouka) are only trying to stroke their ego and convince themselves that they are brilliant at design too.
it should be renamed Asspullization. It's basically a category that lets the user do literally anything with minor consequences and is reserved for ()ary stu's
There are these magic ghosts that follow you around and punch the shit outta people that you don't like. Cash money nigga.
>intelligence is the same as knowledge
Dragon-shounen. You become more powerful by creating a hoard of precious items. Your power depends on the item you hoard and you can have multiple powers.
Hoard fossilized wings and you'll start to grow some of your own, their prominence and capability depending on the size and impressiveness of your hoard.
Hoard meteorites and you'll get some kind of meteor-punch power.
Hoard precious gems and you'll gain the ability to focus light into a laser, etc.
Things like that. People steal each other's hoards, wealthy villains have huge multifaceted hoards, nations have a hoard tax that they use to create superpowered champions, etc.
>setting in pre industrial-age.
There are manipulate different elements: You learn more advanced techniques by progressively more painful rituals/prerequisites. More on that later. Your skills are inherited by your offspring to the third generation from which the abilities were acquired during life/after birth. After that time they completely diminish, and to throw in some heartache/inequality, peoples ability to use their abilities falls on a bell curve. Some are prodigies some are hopeless, most are average. Creativity can be applied to their abilities, so its more like avatar bending than a lot of shounen's named attacks/jutsu etc. Creativity can only make you more flexible with the abilities you have, not "creativily learning new ones". More on this later.
Aptitude is somewhat correlated to intelligence, a few highly intelligent folk are merely average with their abilities and some people of slower cognition are prodigious. Sever/Crippling Autism highly raises your changes of being a prodigy.
>I havent named the ability yet
Yeah fuck that
Examples of requirements/rituals to get stronger in your ability could go like this:
Basic telekinesis of one to three objects no more than a certain potential momentum of 3 kilogram/meters per second.(thats mass times velocty; alot of weight,slow speed/small weight much speed though both will equal 3kg/m/s) pounds; must be able to do 50 consecutive pushups
Ability to manipulate anything within a certain radius, lets say 12 ft/360cm; must survive in 30 degrees F air for 6 hours naked, no heat sources but body heat are allowed.
Ability to manipulate 1,000kg/m/s; rape 10 women in one day and ejaculate inside their body (mouth, anus, and vaginal are all acceptable) i think stuff like this would be cool to have in the world because to be this strong you have to do horrible things/ what will a good man do to protect the innocent against the evil? I wonder. Ofc none of how this works is edited/polished up. Sry
bravo nolan
>I want the "intellectual audience" for my battle shounen
Broad faction based magic. Perhaps something like "scientific magic", "martial arts magic", and "spiritualism". Alignments are categories defining an approach to solving problems rather than "science does fire, martial arts does rocks". No inner mana to avoid "his mana/chakra/powerlevel is so large!!!" scenarios. Fights are ideological struggles, clashes of personality represented as spectacle in the form of cool magic and effects.
>I want the brainlet audience
School uniforms give you power. The strongest schools have the coolest uniforms, and getting into a good school with amazing uniforms will make you stronger/smarter/more handsome/etc depending on the school's specialty. Gakurans are chosen by delinquent schools to make you stronger to win fights for example.
Imagine punching someone so hard that they turn into a door. Then you found out that's where ALL doors come from, and you got initiated into a murder club that makes doors. The stronger you punch, the better the door. So there are like super strong murderers who punch people into Venetian doors and shit.
This looks funs.
you should write and develop it
That brings me back
>most people ITT don't know about this
In order to get powers you have to trade something you naturally have already (sight, memory, use of your legs, ability to love, youth) through contracts. Contracts are pre-determined. if you want to fly you always have to trade away the use of your arms or some shit. Contracts are somewhat rare so they are difficult to find but it is possible for someone to have more than one.
Most people on Sup Forums don't understand this because its full of chuunis incapable of admitting that the best powers conceptually is the simplest like DBZ and the Big 3
This is like 2011 kopipe, don't be newfaggots.
That´s not to shabby. Only problem is giving items enough impact and backstory. Which would be a huge waste of panels and dialogue.
>I want the brainlet audience
>School uniforms give you power.
Damn i´d read that one.
It's just Kill la Kill
I remember, when they used to be a common thing, a few of those troll season posters included DOOR PUNCH alongside things like Biscuit Hammer, Yotsuba&! and another Yumekui Merry season.
Conjuration and Specialiazation has Asspull written all over it.
Your blood is used for power and blood type determines what power.
A is elemental magic like shooting fire and shit
B is planar magic like talking to spirits, future sight, pocket dimension ect
AB is physical morphing (healing, muscle growth, animal aspects)
O is special snowflake all the powers, but unlike the others you have no base aptitude for any of them so you can either focus on one or put a shit ton of effort in to learn two or more.
Godhood already done?
Humans can make pacts with objects and animals and their soul is linked to them from now on. Soul linking just enhances the capabilities of both partners while also giving short range telepathy between the two. A single special ability is obtained through a soul link and usually it's the animal/object. The ability is also related to the animal/object (Spiders do webs, dice always roll in favor of the partner etc.)
However, in order to make a pact, the human who desires to make the pact must give away something. This can be either an object, a living thing or even an abstract entity such as thoughts or memories. The more important the item sacrificed is to the pactmaker, the stronger the pact and the ability created by the pact turns out to be.
A user can do multiple pacts with multiple things, but on one condition: The second sacrifice must always be more important than the first sacrifice and the third sacrifice must be more important than the second and so on. The user can also increase the strength of an existing pact through the same method. If a pact partner dies, nothing really happens to the other partner. However, they cannot get what they sacrificed back.
forgot to add, blood potions and scrolls written in blood are made so you can use shit outside your blood type.
martial arts make you superhuman and these superhuman people fight
Power is proportional to the amount of oxygen inside you
Adapt superior western battle shounen. Like pic related, Warriors, or Guardians of Ga'Hoole.
its the most broken but also has the most restrictions.
so, literally Accelerator?
>the villain has blood which is just liquid oxygen
hello issei
boobs do 2x damage to ugliness?
Would MtG make a good shounen anime?
Males gain power in proportion to the timespan they have failed to marry and mate with an attractive woman, engaging in purposeless wars through means of communication only available to them. They must unite to face the Big Guy alliance, led by Ted Cruz, whose unique ability is to incite such rage within a weak wizard as to rapidly heat up his head and cause it to explode.
No. Look it up it's done in The Amber Sword
Green Lantern style colors for emotions and shit. Just cleaned up.
I don't know
Haven't watched Raildex, except for like half of s1 index. So... Maybe?
one word ATP
The SBURB game mechanics need to be used for a game, they are legit the best ideas out of that comic. Really everything about the game itself would be kino as fuck if realized in a real game.
The characters get all their shit from a pantheon of different gods. Power-ups are not owned, but borrowed, and only lent to those the divine being in question views as suitable. Naturally much of the story is structured around the cast's relationships with the gods.
So, Raildex then?
so anime percy jackson?
Normal martial artists fighting
But they all bluff and shout the crazy names of their techniques and the reader thinks cool shit is happening
Avatar the last air bender has the best power system of all time.
Prove me wrong.
Sometimes I don't even know if DC knows how to work it
People's intelligence, reflexes, and instincts count more to a fight more than anything. The main villain is a super nerd gamer with a moderately lean build who relies more on his killer fucking instinct than anything as well as his godlike gamerz elite intellect. The protag is a chad body builder trying to set the world right but constantly fails at it.
Babies are atom bombs
Fetuses are H-bombs.
Damn, user, that's pretty grimdark. I don't think this will work as a shonen.
Haven't watched much of Raildex to know the power system. Just know there's magic, and not much else.
Maybe have the fights be determined by acting and power is determined by how much you can chew the scenery and force your opponents to go along with your performance
Magic powered by belief. Not your own, but rather making enough people believe your bullshit. The MC is an assistant physics teacher who manages to break some laws of physics by purposefully teaching his students wrong.
>every villain ever wins
See the issue is there's always going to be power creep, no matter what balance system you try and implement, the hero is always going to find that extra bit of strength and train harder, and the enemies are going to get stronger and stronger.
So just embrace the power creep, but make everyone be bound to basically computer-law; once your power goes high enough, it rolls over into the negatives. Everything you trained for, gone in an instant, and since you went so high it'll take you forever to crawl out of the negative hole. Best part is no one knows what their limit is, so it's not like you can keep it in mind to avoid exceeding it. Also this would probably have to be a battle royale arena game type thing so that the characters only get defeated, otherwise the protagonist would just die when they inevitably roll over.
this is really cute.
I am doing a follow up.
I know alot of its not cleared up and some stuff might not make sense. I intended fire to be one of the elements thats included in the shit as one of four or five elements that make up the entire universe.
i also intended putting in a sort of elemental manipulation expansion rituals that would be not easy to do, but would allow you to manipulate more exotic things. So if you, say, rape your mom and kill your dad, you can manipulate metal with all of your earth skills. You will never manipulate metal if your parent or grandparent never manipulated it and your mom wants to fuck your or she's dead.
Alots unclear, but its just an idea im sharing with my fri/a/nds
Lamarckian evolution. Any skills, knowledge, health, and physical advantages you have at conception is passed on to your offspring.
The world is a battle of eugenics
Everybody on world is already strong at saitama level. Since they really fight at their full potential they will destroy the world or universe before even they even start to harm each other, they try to solve problems non-violently. Like tricking, convincing, negotiating etc.
MC is some young prince or king and try to rule a country full of all powerful citizens and solve problems with other countries.
Since people are really strong there isnt any physical problem in world like food, poverty, security, health etc. Just individual or social relations based things.
Basically whole world is olympus with gods
Powers come from pacts done with entities that want influence on the world. You want power, deal, but you have to follow your pact’s dumb code, the harsher the rules the stronger the power.
I think the stand power in JJBA is probably my favorite, it leads to every enemy being individual and having their own specific fighting-style and abilities. And because fights are won based on cunning and trickery rather than pure power, anyone who's smart and uses their brain is rewarded.
Pisses me off to no end how strategy and cunning is so often punished in stuff like BNHA, shit like Uraraka making all the debris Bakugo made float so she could try crashing it down on him only for him to blast it all aside in one shot was dissatisfying as hell. Same with Momo making a plan to create a cannon to attack her teacher with, which only worked because he chose to let her win.
Superhuman phantasmgoria.
Stand powers are average as a concept, they are basically just physic powers but Araki just executed it really well. The way they are in the manga is really inconsistent and literally every stand rule has been broken.
Powerlevels are nebulous in cape comics, you're just very strong and that's it.
Not really, most series have a central sort of power-force (chi, chakra etc) which characters can tap into and use in different ways, but is ultimately the same. BNHA and JJBA giving characters individual, personalized abilities that (usually) reflect their character is pretty different, and a step in the right direction IMO.
>controlling animate and inanimate things
>controlling everything
It's a good thing none of this is real. And by this I mean your status as a writer.
Powers come from a multi-dimensional (limited number of dimensions fit for this lifeform) alien species that can only procreate, feed and learn, trying to find a method to counter the coming maximum entropy of the universe in the next few billions of billions of years.
They spread around space conserving the most energy possible, they tap into basic capacities of beings, elements and the universe itself and spread them to the populace of any given world in the form of shards of their own bodies containing information and the connections needed to manifest the power. A portal to the sun of a deserted dimension to manifest fire, with an in-built code to move heat out of the area of the user so they don't burn. Connections to the contents of brains of species of other planets or dimensions so they come up with alien advanced inventions or boosts in intelligence, planning and future-prediction.
The powers are limited manually by the alien entities themselves, so they are all at the same plateau level. Inject the "infected" with a discreet need to struggle against one another and bam. Everyone needs to use their own wit and creativity, which this warrior species does not have, to use and outlive their adversaries rather than raw capacity. The entity remains still and conserves energy until the conflict dies down and the powers start being more beneficial in the next place. Collect all the shards along with all the information they have gathered from other people's efforts. Recombine, synergize, absorb all the possible energy in the local planet/system gathering more mass, shards and knowledge that it had before, blast off rinse repeat until someone, somewhere finds a way to break something for them.
Maximum universal profit for the overlord race.
I think that while Stand powers are usually pretty original, the system itself is fairly mundane. You just get a random power assigned like the X-Men or other capeshit. The only difference is that you have a ghost casting it for you.
I enjoyed Umineko's 'magic system' of faith in magic and using the unknown to create magic in the gaps where there is no other evidence. But its not so much a magic system as a fantasty retelling of anything-without-survivors-who-will-talk...
But taken to the nth extreme and blended a little with the religion side of Index/Railgun, I do enjoy the idea that faith in magic creates magic. It would invariably lead to some dictator min-maxing "faith" via "fear" and ultimately going out of control, giant explosion, magic banned etc...
But then we'd just have to restrict our magic to something else people have faith in that is limited for the caster like, oh, say, money.
And before someone else says it: I really enjoyed the first episode of C-Money, but the rest of the series was absolute trash.
>there is no MP, everyone casts directly from HP
>using a powerful spell can make you lose consciousness on the spot
>strongest fighters die around 14 years old
>spells can do pretty much anything, but the more it violates the laws of physics, the more HP it takes
>fireball with the firepower of a granade is standard fighting, doesn't costs much
>making giant meteors fall from the sky would kill you instantly
>better fighter is the one who can bring the most out of low cost spells, rather then flashy spell flinging
>MC doesn't use power at all
>his tactics involve baiting others to use them, then countering without powers
>healing spells cost more HP then they refill
>final villain is an old man who uses simple mindcontrol constantly for little HP, coupled with charisma to stay in political power
What happens if you hoard weird shit like your toenails or belly button lint.
Do you just get some weird gross power then.
The abilities in Index(magic and esper) are both the effects of pretending really hard.
I would combine Nen with Magic's Mana System and put it in a politic-heavy setting akin to Magi.
>power types depend on personal philosophy and values. Every philosophy is good at his power, passable at those close to his own and sucks at the powers aligned to values opposite to his own. Power types are:
>Individuality/Freedom: Like an Emitter, can shoot magic missiles the furthest away and with the most efficient use of energy and spells linger for the longest time.
>Change/Progress: Transmuter+Conjurer, with the conjuration aspect being a really advanced form of the magic type. Naturally good at picking up new spells.
>Order/Peace: Can use persuasion magic like a Manipulator, as well as dispelling the magic of others and healing spells. Can control his spells with great precision.
>Nature/Tradition: More or less an Enhancer, but can also Enhance other humans. Enhancement applies to all senses and abilities, including intelligence. Uses energy in the most efficient/least wasteful way.
>Spirituality/Faith: Can use magic to interact with and summon spirits, can control inanimate things like the other half of a Manipulator, can separate his soul from his body. Çan go the longest without drawing energy to cast spells.
>characters draw energy from Leylines, so they are powerless inside aircraft (except Spirituality/Faith-based characters), so most travel in horses and other living mounts
>a character standing directly on top of a leyline can cast spells roughly five times stronger than he'd be if standing the furthest away from any leyline
>this also effectively means that reverse-ninja rules apply and too many characters casting magic in one place makes their magic less powerful
>and certain positions within a leyline are important, so less powerful characters can make themselves useful by trying to destroy/take these positions within the leyline that is feeding the powers of the big bad
but what color is rubber nen
Change/Progress, which is kinda like Blue.
There is only one actual spell: opening a portal to another plane. Better mages can make the the portal wider or stay open longer, maybe make more of them.
There is no 'elemental' magic, and stuff like fireballs are cast by opening a portal to the appropriate plane at a certain coordinate on that plane and letting whatever was at that location flow or be fired out. This makes spell coordinates extremely valuable information that is worth money.
For example, if too many mages open a portal to the same lava pool it will eventually run empty and they'll have to find another coordinate that works.