Kemono Friends

What exactly did Japari Park look like before it was abandoned? Obviously it's post apocalypse. It took a while until I realized it, but world building was happening since episode 1 in the anime.
For instance Episode 4, the ruins Tsuchinoko was investigating, was an incomplete maze attraction of some sort (the announcements and the designs) that wasn't officially recorded in the system (evidence as Lucky Beast registered it only after they got to the entrance). Also evidence that there was a massive volcanic eruption at some point (sandstar)

Other urls found in this thread:

Japanese meat processing plant

A lot like a theme park except with big outdoor areas; so Busch Gardens.

It looked like it did, just not ruined!


This is why I said wait until tomorrow.

>What exactly did Japari Park look like before it was abandoned?
There's been a number of illustrations of just that, Anonymous.

yeah, we can definitely wait with this shit around.

>hating a cute pic because muh filename
Shhh now, the cancer is you sweetie.

What's with people getting triggered with tumblr filenames recently? People post images from there all the time, and artists use it for just their portfolio often.
Only recently have I seen people complain frequently. This is like the 5th time today.
For the record, I got this image from here about 3 months ago.

>there will never be a GuP x Kemono Friends crossover OVA

It's just another idiot trying hard to fit in, ignore it.

Of course. Not cancerous at all.
Lurk for two years before posting.

That image was posted here first

It looked something like this!

Jurassic Park with the serial numbers filed off

I remember that drawfag thread

Does it matter, though?
Does it really?

But its from a draw thread on here, some tumblr fuck just stole it so we took it back

It's worse. Furry shit does not belong here.

ara ara that is one cute serval cat

Maybe said drawfag has a tumblr where he puts his artwork?
This is dumb and off topic, stop talking about it.


Alright then, we should post the link of these threads to discord and facebook groups.

might have not been a volcanic eruption the solid rock is probably ceruleans that had contact with high amounts of salt water

specifically the second line.

And here comes the namefags!

You seem to be bothered by a lot of things.
Had a bad day, Friend?

Devil Mau Mau

Never forget.
Free the goat.

It's over already. It was 2 days.

Yeah, but we won't forget those two days.

Thank you very much!

Discord already knows about these threads and is responsible for at least one set of guidebook translations. Content is content, get over yourself.

Shhh, we were supposed to drop it.

that poor thing


I can't believe they got a hold of the real Serval for that event!

I also like the wide girls.

Why does Fennec hanging around with Arai?

Their love is true love.

every time someone tries to make these threads better they get worse

we might be cursed

some people like to surround themselves with people of lesser intelligence to make themselves feel superior

These threads are haunted like Campoflickers hotel

Why does Serval hanging around with Kaban?

Fennec looks like a tennis player!

Kaban is Serval's only actual friend.
The rest of the savannah Friends ostracized/avoided her.

(Except Hippo, she is a good mom)

Are tennis players usually lesbians?

I need fanart of Hippo mommy-ing Serval when the other friends were mean to her

>you'll never be Serval
>you'll never be called the Savannah troublemaker by Fossa
>you'll never run crying to the watering hole
>you'll never have your face pressed against Hippos chest as she comforts you.
>Your tears run down her ample leather-clad bosom

>Your tears will never run down her ample leather-clad bosom


Why would Serval be thinking about Hippo's breasts?

because they are soft and comfy

Anyone got the lewd MMD video featuring Kaban teaching Serval how to use the toilet?

I can't believe it was removed from Youtube

I do not like this.

who wouldn't be thinking about Kababoobs?

She seems like quite the innocent girl, the thought probably wouldn't cross her mind.

Found it


I'll make webms of this once I got the time

kids crying while their mom holds them tight seems pretty normal and not lewd to me

Leave and never bring your filth back here.
I'll admit that I laughed when Serval's first thought was to drink out of the toilet

Servalanon specifically mentioned her leather clad bosom.


That's a new one.

>Serval needs a tutorial on how to poop.
Confirmed retard.

Wasn't there concept art where Cerval sacrificed herself to become the filter in the mountain

I want to die while looking at Serval's special face!

well those are the only clothes she has

He already made a point about her chest, that was enough.

>Serval will never bludgeon you to death, staring you down the whole time with that face.
Why even die?

So if Kaban is a Friend that means she only has the best and cutest qualities of humanity?


I really really really really like this image.
Also yes. She is the perfect human.

dare I say More Human than Human?

Kaban is the highest apex predator. She'll fuck you up.

Dreadfully distinct.

She's already learned about lost tech at an astounding rate. If she found a mate humans would have Tsar nukes and genetic engineered soldiers in a few generations.

Maybe Great White Shark Friend should eat Bag, for the good of the planet.

>Season 3
>Kaban becomes the dictator of Earth, finally uniting humanity as she kicks off the expedition to conquer the stars
I'd watch it.

The Godbackpack of man- and friendkind

You notice how huge it was? I can't imagine a place like that actually existing. When I first read the anime description I thought it was going to be CGDCT in a typical zoo with small enclosures instead I got an epic journey around the entire globe except it's all cramped in a single park in Japan somehow.

It's not a single park in Japan, it's a set of islands that magically resemble Japan and are named after Japan locations.

Also the anime was only one island (Kyoshu) there's a bunch more.

There was a theory circulating a few days ago that the whole thing is some sort of simulation inside the Pavilion building. In many scenes you can see arching lines waaaay off in the distance, indicating that the whole place is inside a humongous dome, or a tiny simulation.

>Kemono Friends is Metal Gear Solid 2
That would be a pretty unsatisfying reveal.

>Japari Park isn't even real in the show.
I do not like this theory, no matter how plausible it is.

So Japari Park has a Breeding Center

Friends with humans? or Friends with ordinary animals?

I think it's animals with animals.

Animals with animals.

Goats with goats. And giraffes

You gotta keep a steady supply of animals on hand to experiment with sandstar, so it was probably for animals.

Disappointing, not tanoshii at all

t. my human dick

since they originally built it to keep endangered species alive andbring back extinct ones, probably this

The guidebook says that Sandstar and Friends were kept extremely secret to the world. It was stated that the reason for this was the admittedly nightmarish moral and ethical complications human girls who are actually animals would cause.
So what happened? What shift in culture happened in the world of Kemono Friends that suddenly made Friends go from a tightly wrapped government secret to the subjects of an amusement park?
Was the park just a facade? Did the existence of everything get leaked, and they just decided to monetize it?
There is major untapped tofu potential here.

Is this an improvement?

Maybe it was exclusively regular animals in the park and post apocalypse is when sandstar starts spreading uncontrolled.

She needs her hat, but I could dig Kaban with long hair.

>Tatsuki will never subtly dripfeed us the truth of the situation, never pulling back the curtain at just the right speed to keep us intrigued but clueless.
I hate this timeline.

Should have kept her flat chest.

Not really.

There are several attractions that involve doing things with Friends, so the idea that it was just animals seems a little strange. Plus, letting the public that close to secrets like that seems awfully risky.

I haven't kept up, so what's the latest news. Did all the VA still quit with the director getting fired?