This is a japanese spiders

This is a japanese spiders

and this is an American image board!

this is user!

This is a post.

No, this is Patrick.

Is this manga called Arachnid because, like cowebs, this manga is made by pulling shit out their asses?

I can't because your author trapped you into a shitty blue balling manga.

It'a actually korean now.


This is a japanese shrimp

What does she look like when she's been boiled or deep fried?

Has this shit been completed yet?

Technically, yes.

When did this happen?

Fuck this manga. Only Gay Kamen Rider made me read this shit.

Cute murderer!

Cute mindbreak!

Gonna need source on this

Don't bother, it's shit
And I say this as somebody with incredibly low standards.

Patrick get back to the hospital now!

yes I've seen the original film by the way.

>Its shit
I agree, and I read Isekai garbage for fun.