How would you fix the education system?

How would you fix the education system?

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get rid of it, get rid womens rights to work, the woman would teach the child, the mans paycheck would be bigger because no women's rights, so fatter paycheck to support the fame family, while the child would be safely taught with the home by the mother.

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>the woman would teach the child

Bad idea.

There is nothing to fix our education system works just fine.

how so? the child would be safe, the woman would be the teacher, the mans paycheck would be fatter bigger to support his family.

children are dying becasue of a flawed system.

I was thinking about some kind of military system where there are school bases across the country and a draft lottery selects which school each kid goes to (far away from home) but there is some kind of tracking thing built in to where it gets more specialized over time based on career and on intelligence and other things.

>works just fine
Works as intended - doesn't. At least here, anyhow.

I'd stop wasting money on trying to educate Goyim

burn it down

Also, all learning is based on ancient texts and physical education.

>all learning is based on ancient texts and physical education

The physical education is fine but you are retarded for suggesting for the first thing.

End all teachers unions. Sentence those that protest to death. End schooling at 14 and make those young adults get jobs or apprenticeships.

your numbers scare me


Public schooling? It is only so bad because they account for all the lower class schools. Advanced/AP/IB classes in a public school that is located in a nice neighborhood is not bad

Remove non whites from all aspects
That includes the teachers, the students, hell even the janitors

lol that girl in the front row sticking her tongue out

standardized testing
no exam boards
no paper tiers
education in uk is dogshit

Up until around age 10 both are taught the basics of math, language etc.
After that the females are taught how to have children, raise them, take care of them, be homemakers, cook etc.
The males would be taught how to be fathers, manage the family. They would do work experience for a bit until they find a career they like or are good at and either do further study or become employed as apprentices.

If there are any coed classes there will be an age difference of 2 years between the males and females. (different development speeds and also for pair bonding if relationships occur)

Around 12-13 the females will find a suitor and get married by 14-15

The males will find a female and court her when they're about 14-15 and get married by 16-18
close to mine

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shut it down and open community centers

let the kids teach each other, if they're too stupid to learn oh well give them a job they can do so everyone can be useful

She is special :^)

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Have kids spend more time outside. Zero tolerance policies gone. Teach financial management. Bring in vocational training earlier.

Bring back paddlin'

Bullets for all the commie teachers

More specialisation, less general. Privatise all healthcare.

Privatise education*
Healthcare too though.
the answer is more, better bullying and school gangs .

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nigger kid looks ueassy top kek

You do something like the denazification program the allies did in Germany, except this time you replace all the leftists.

1, You would need to rewrite the school books for starters;
2. Introduce compulsory PE once a week;
3. Give them school uniforms;
4. Improve the food quality at schools;
5. Introduce a course on good citizenship (racial hygiene)
6. Make school hours longer to introduce practical after school events (cooking,computer programming etc)
7. Start the school day with a prayer

Well it's already happening in public schools, so at least keeping them in the house with the kid is a start.

Shoot all the little faggots, and jail their parents.

Looks like he's tripping balls.

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segregation by ability
teach according to ability, not by age
make everyone with

So eliminate half of the workforce, make the remaining half completely uncompetitive and squander the potential of the bulk of youth?
Only a true genius could've thought of this.

Abolish all public high schools, and go to virtual/internet learning.

I'm mostly ok with this. Although I would say at 16 you're ready for some kind of a job. Kids are far too uncoordinated still at this young of an age to really be good at jobs that would require hand-eye motor skills. Perhaps from 14 you are informed about styles of work and given aptitude tests to see what you excel at. Then at 16 you move towards that goal. At 18 you move to higher education if your chosen profession requires it (doctor/dentist/engineer). Getting rid of the department of education would be the first step. Schools should be governed locally by the citizens who use it. All schools should receive the same money per student if any from the federal government. Teachers unions would still be ok provided the teacher show's no political bias and focuses on education.
Lastly, If a child is an asshole that acts up in school then it's expulsion. No tolerance. The parents have to figure out what to do with the child and the parents will be held accountable. Schools today are just big daycare facilities.

It can't be fixed take the homeschool pill user.

>Just stop socializing kids


>hyper-socializing them is a good thing

Segregate schools by gender. Male teacher teach male students. Female teachers teach girls. This would prevent autists from seeing chad get girls and shooting up the schools.

Instruct children on how to actually become a member of a volkish society.

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this is retarded. children should never raise children. That is how you end up with you. Reproduction should be at around age 25. That is when a brain is matured to the point they realize a child is not their friend; it's a huge responsibility. People have to teach their child everything it needs to be successful independently of the parent for the rest of it's entire life. People today just buy their child tons of sit down, shut up toys and electronic babysitters that keep them quiet.

Chad always get the girls

giv me dat gan ples

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>Assuming America...
>Cut grades down to K-8
>Two paths for grades "9th-10th"
>Path 1: Traditional classes (English, Math, Science, Personal Finance, History, Social Science, etc) This path is for students aiming for advanced degrees in college.
>Path 2: Math, English, Personal Finance, and Trade classes (traditional "trades" and computer classes). For students not aiming necessarily for College
>After grade "10" all students even for those not aiming for college can still choose to go to college for free (replacing grades 11-12) to earn an AA/AS degree.
>"College/Universities" would only cover bachelor/master degrees, no AA bullshit. Cut down about 50% of the degree for interior design or woman's studies, or that bullshit. Limit the amount of students allowed in social science programs like anthropology, making it harder to get into. No "liberal" arts degree.

Home school your kids
Stop sending them to sunday school

Take it out of the hands of the general public and require parents to pay for private schooling. The public school system has grown to be to much of a liability for the American people and has always been unfair to the non users

>People have to teach their child everything it needs to be successful independently of the parent for the rest of it's entire life
I agree
> children should never raise children.
of course
>People today just buy their child tons of sit down, shut up toys and electronic babysitters that keep them quiet.
I never said they should

I don't see why a young adult cannot be raised to be responsible?
I'm sure we can speed up the process of maturation.
Reason why you think it isn't possible especially in the current state of "modern" society is because children haven't been raised correctly and purposefully have been slowed with their development.

If you get the process right from the beginning we wouldn't have the problems you're describing.

Most people aren't raising and teaching children maturity and responsibility from a young age and keep it that way until they almost reach 18 even 21.

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Raise a child correctly, teaching responsibility, maturity and consequences and they'll raise you theirs.

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>I don't see why a young adult cannot be raised to be responsible?
They absolutely can be but their brain is not completely wired to make the correct decisions yet. It's like knowing that doing donuts in your car destroys your tires and doing it anyway because weeeeee.
>I'm sure we can speed up the process of maturation.
I'm also sure we can; over thousands more years of evolution.
>Reason why you think it isn't possible especially in the current state of "modern" society is because children haven't been raised correctly and purposefully have been slowed with their development.
See my above analogy about the car. I've raised my two kids with responsibility and goal setting. They are now 15 and 18. They both have a career picked and are working towards it. My 15 year old will be in her field in two years and getting the college credits for it now. They are absolutely amazing kids but they still do dumb shit because they are kids. That is part of learning though. Do dumb shit when you're a kid and learn from those lessons. Just going through the onset of puberty fucks with children so hard it's crazy.

Abolish teachers unions
Tax incentives for homeschooling that meet test minimums
Private schools can operate tax free (wages are still taxed)
Voucher system for those who stay in public school

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>It's like knowing that doing donuts in your car destroys your tires and doing it anyway because weeeeee.
well I see no problem as long as responisibility is taken and it is done in a safe environment/manner and doesn't bother anyone.
If they have the money to spend on that I don't see a problem.

It's also experience. Exposing them to more things that doesn't harm them in a safe environment also helps.

The attitude as well surrounding young adults that is portrayed by the current western society and shown through movies etc is also part of the problem.

They already got married around 14-16 before as well, they survived. I don't see a problem.

Also it's preferable that they have sex in a safe environment aka "marriage" then whoring around.

Sure most normies won't be able to adapt that quickly if we changed things immediately but it can work.

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This post sounds a lot like a pedo trying to justify their existence. However, benefit of the doubt here.
>They already got married around 14-16 before
little girls were married off to an adult male.
>Exposing them to more things that doesn't harm them
>preferable that they have sex in a safe environment
>safe environment/manner and doesn't bother anyone
These are why you sound like a pedo.

lol young adults aren't prepubescent.
a few year to 7 year gap isn't much 10 is pushing it.
But my parents have a 20 year gap.

14 marrying a 16 year old was pretty common.

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shorten the school day by three hours with one hour dedicated to useful life skills, one to mathematics/science , one to critical thinking and one to reading.
>kids can study history on their own.

my wife and i are 9 years apart

What do you think happened to this country after the war? It was never the same when women went to work they doubled the work supply. Why do you wages have not gone up in 60 years and nobody can afford a home? Only a true fucking retard would be like you.

Remove all libshits from administration and teaching staff.

Get a designated disciplinarian.
In my elementary school there was a black guy with a tick named Moses Brown.
His main job was to over see in-school suspensions and after school detention.
He was scary as fuck and had zero tolerance for bullshit. He put the fear of God and Satan in the kids. You didn't want to get in trouble by a guy who said your parents gave him permission to use a belt to beat you. A dumb kid you believed it and behaved like a saint.
I think all schools need that.
A scary motherfucker to threaten these brats and keep the little faggots in line and the school boards should give him free reign to tell pussy ass parents to fuck off if they don't like their methods.

give teachers guns.....

You do know that one of the reason why the US education system is so fucked right now is because of women teachers and administration.
And the idea of letting the moms do the teaching is an even wore idea.
The majority of women are undereducated, the ones that do have degrees of some type are still not that bright.
I'd rather kids sit in front of a screen doing curriculum created by none pussified men than have their mothers take a crack at it.

>young adults aren't prepubescent
Puberty lasts a long time.
On average, girls begin puberty around ages 10–11 and end puberty around 15–17; boys begin around ages 11–12 and end around 16–17 (wikipedia)
You were advocating suitors around 12. Regardless, the brain of a child is not developed enough even at 17 to handle raising a child. What's wrong with letting a child be a child for a while? Let them be kids, but teach them what they need to know so that when they need that knowledge it's there. There is no reason to attempt to mold a child into anything other than a contributing member of society. Forcing a child to become an adult before they are ready only leads to adults that act like children. They have to progress naturally. Even if you're attempting some B.F. Skinner level of utopia you have to let the brain develop at it's own speed. You can provide the materials and the environment but genetics still play a big role in the outcome. Apples and the distance they fall from trees and such.

Give teachers a Emu teachers aid. Problem solved.

Remove it

Give teachers the nuclear codes

>The one white kid saluting
Still have hope for this world

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Girls as young as 12 and younger are so oversexualized its's sad.
They're having kids with the peers so your argument of robbing them of their youth is naive because so many are robbing themselves having sex or performing sexual acts at their own volition. And no not all of them have been sexually abused which is the default response when someone points this out.
But I do agree forcing teens into adult responsibilites leads to arrested development. Many single mothers will dump their babies and youngest on the eldest child. And that fucks them up something fierce. But as I said in the world we live in a lot of these girls are doing this to themselves.
If they aren't fucking their peers they're chasing after older boys and men.

You live in an Autistic country. Even the chicks who teach are probably not as much of a problem.

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Given that I’ve known drugged out, street living, crack addicts, who could do math, like adding three one digit numbers together, better than some of the Jewish shop owners I’ve known, I’d say the problem isn’t the goys. Your country also can’t manage to support itself, which is the definition of “mentally deficient” a large number of non-goyish politicians are pushing, so I’d say you’re country is the one that should be on the shortbus.

drill instructors, boot camp style educational institutions



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I would also go back to the one room school house.

technology has fixed the shortcomings of learning and the benefits of community are off the chart. older children helping younger children. I wrote a paper on this in grad school.

How will that teach any sort of socialisation ? you'll end up with inept autists, pic related.

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It's not harder than this.

Let them socialize based on interests and common ground instead.

it doesn't need fixing

it started going downhill with the propagation of sexual imagery

kids are more busy trying to fuck each other than to study because not only are classes mixed up, but kids are bombarded with sexual imagery

Dismantle all departments of education, then publicly execute all non-whites

Remove the Jews in the educational lobbies and politics. I'm just waiting for the signal.

This solves every basic social and economical issue

The public education system has only been around since 1978. Americans were still being educated prior to the DoE, you stupid european twat.

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>children should never raise children
amerimutt really believes he knows better than nature

by letting it interact with other children? Also without adult supervision?
Many children who go to school are also autists or worse because they can't get along in school. Many are traumatized for life.

This guy never went to school. He has a 1000 cock stare, but he seems socially adapted and not dumb.

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it's because you said trips

I'm allowed to say it tho obviously

Abolish the Department of Education, Segregate Schools, and due away with Teachers/Faculty who preach political views to their students. Mandate factual curriculum, mandate Pledge of Allegiance every morning, and teach it's meaning in History Class.

>by letting it interact with other children?

"It" the child. "A child" is gender neutral. A child can be male or female but "a child" does not say anything about the gender of the particular child so I say "it" because it's shorter than "he/she".

'it' is for inanimate objects not people, for people it would be 'they'

or 'them' in that case

this is really the only answer. You want something better you make it something people pay for directly.

Teachers should need a degree in the subject they're teaching, not a general-purpose education degree.

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Kill all the children on Earth, including new births thus you won't need an education system. Problem solved.