If you were him, what would you have done differently?
If you were him, what would you have done differently?
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Destroy the GeoFront after Gendo told him to kill Suzuhara.
This, and also, say "yes" to Misato. On multiple occasions. Although if he tore the GeoFront apart I'm not sure what the rest of the series looks like...
Make fun of Asuka liking Kaji.
Not get in the fucking robot.
Fap to Rei
Save best girl
Have sex with everyone, especially with my father while inside of mother.
I would have killed Gendo seconds after getting into the robot.
Manhandle Asuka into submission.
>not living in a post apocalyptic tang world with an angel
Nothing or I wouldn't be me, tho I would have comforted asuka when she snuck in bed with cuddles. Talk to rei more, to try and get her to have more fun also try and get asuka to be friends with rei
Shinji chose Kaworu like all sane people should.
Hopped on Carl's dick in the bath
Nothing. It all worked out well in the end.
cry on imageboards about how hard it is
Bang Rei in episode 5.
Make Misato and Asuka his bitches.
Horribly slaughter Gendo.
Get a more masculine body.
It spelled Karl
Acted superior to Asuka and pummeled her into submission with a mixture of kindness and putdowns until she was literally gagging for it. (Unless I was my 14 year old self, in which case I'd probably have fucked that up exactly like he did).
Fucking this desu
>tfw no playful yet competitive relationship with asuka, both systematically helping her with her psychiatric issues of seeing everything as competition, convincing her it's ok to trust others and slowly falling in love with her
worst timeline
done more to Asuka than just fapping over her tits
Make the Eva dance, do some jackson to embarrass nerv. After the whole toji thing. I would back talk like no tomorrow.
Honestly about getting in the Eva for the first time I would be scared shitless looking at let alone to get in. Them telling me to sit in it would have gotten me in though because I'm gullible as fuck. I wouldn't want to go back in though after that. I would be really selfish too to be honest.
Shot myself for being so irredeemably and depressingly beta. Fuck. He's brought into a secret facility and told, "Hey kid, wanna pilot a giant robot?", what did he do? He pissed himself.
Molest Asuka. Molest Rei. Bang class rep. Threesome with Ritsuko and Misato. Wear Asuka's plugsuit, fap inside and make her wear it. Rub my dick on PenPen. I'm just a healthy horny teenage boy, I should behave like one.
Kiss Kaworu
>Have sex with everyone
>If you were him, what would you have done differently?
I wouldn't have known she was hurting any more than Shinji did. Before the episode that revealed her backstory I assumed all her confidence and smugness wasn't an act. Shinji couldn't have known any better either.
I would have held her though, including on the night she came to lay down with him.
Procreate with Kaworu and make Ramiel babies
I would have punished Misato’s bottom when the opportunity arrived. Multiple times. With Asuka watching.
Asuka would've ran away and pouted that you didn't do it to her.
It's funny that her quintessential mental image of him is that frame of him smiling.
fight my father, I guess
Stop time and throw knives at the angels.
>both systematically helping her with her psychiatric issues of seeing everything as competition
She sees things that way because being #1 is the only way she'll get the level of attention she desires.
Can the attention of a boyfriend replace the attention of a lost mother? I'm not sure.
>convincing her it's ok to trust others
This would never happen as long as you were an EVA pilot.
She lost her mother, the person she loved, to the EVA program.
Now every day you, the person she has come to love against her will, are subjected to near-death scenarios in the EVA program. Any mission could be your last, which would mean a replay of what made Asuka the wounded person she is.
>Make the Eva dance
But there was a whole episode where that happened
Demand fuckhuge paycheck for saving everyones ass.
Sleep with Misato.
Give Rei proper living conditions and train her to be the perfect waifu.
Tell Asuka to sod off.
Expose Gendo's insane plan, take over NERV with the power of my giant fucking robot (after eating a core)
Strike a deal with Kaworu to hunt down SEELE and somehow avoid Third Impact.
Naw they did fighting choreography.
You know dancing when you see it.
Fucking Shinji one of the original beta cuck MCs, got a lot to answer for, countless wussy beta fag MCs since
I don't really see how, he got over a lot of his pain and became an angel killing machine halfway through
Except was willing to give it all up and didnt want to do it when Eva-1 grabbed Kaworu in front of Lilith, great music though Beethoven's 9th playing in the background
Because he had a boner for Kaworu, understandable.
Understandable but not acceptable, fuck even Kaworu said he has to die for the good of the human race.
But really my issue is his inability to make decisions and choices that the creators made him like that, then when the series was a hit other creators started copying his character in an attempt to get audiences thinking that MCs should be like that
So ends my soapbox
Whoops, looks like the plug suit sprung a leak
befriend Toji
Would've had more fun in the giant robot. Might as well enjoy things if you might die at any moment.
I would not even have gotten to that level of relationship with Rei and Asuka. I'm probably more of a wimpy beta than Shinji is.
Fuck Asuka, Rei and Misato
>fuckhuge paycheck
this too, 20 billion per battles
ignore Asuka
fuck Misato while she sleeps or is drunk
get as close as possible to Rei and try to date her and make her my gf
try to have a better relationship with Gendo
be scared how much pain you receive when piloting a eva
Birthing Ramiel babies sounds like having multiple blue kidney stones.
Do way more than just masterbate to comotose Asuka
>Rub my dick on PenPen
Get asuka to trust me
When she comes over to sleep in my bed, I'd comfort her by holding her close before getting on top of her and raping her gently
Also would have dunked my ladle into the party punch bowl that is misato often.
>ywn get asuka to think what you're doing is love
>ywn have her find out she's not even your first stop
I would have held Asuka.
You mean kiss her?
Probably not help exterminate the human race by being a hypocritical bitch
Not go in the mech cause I’m to big to fit
I would have told mom to fuck off after the shit she pulled in eoe, waiting for the second Asuka got wrecked before doing anything while Shinji was begging to get in the robot. Fuck Yui in general.
Wait, I'm a qt teenager again? Tell my dad to fuck off and ride as much dick as I can.
don't go to Tokyo, do something with my life....join the army grow a backbone
Yui was bringing about instrumentality, and Asuka dying was part of that process.
Shinji's psyche had to reach a certain state for it to happen
With Shinji historial or without it? Because with his historial all the Rambos in here would be even more beta and more depressive than Shinji (me included as well).
People underestimate losing your mother at 5 while watching it 1st hand then getting abandoned by your father and being raised by a family that act like you never existed.
Also yay epic robot, how many of you would jump into a tank in the middle of ISIS controlled territory without knowing how to operate the tank while instructions are being relayed by radio while you're doing it knowing that the enemy has explosives and anti-tank weapons? I sure as hell wouldn't, unless not doing it would meant the end of the world...
don't bitch out at the end, choke the life out of Asuka and then fondle her corpse
What was wrong with killing Toji? He was possessed, would probably die but not before killing millions beforehand
It was totally not necessary to crush the insert plug after destroying the Eva04.
>how many of you would jump into a tank in the middle of ISIS controlled territory without knowing how to operate the tank while instructions are being relayed by radio
there are people that would pay good money for that.
wrong webm
Would not have been a total bitch.
I'd likely never trust Gendou about anything going on at NERV.
Try and be friends to both Rei and Asuka, but I'd likely lose patience with Asuka if she goes full on turbo bitch. I have enough to deal with already without having to come home and and deal with her treating me like shit.
I'd likely be asking A LOT more questions about the Eva's in general.
If things play out the same and Touji and Asuka's mind rape still happens, I'd be so fucking done with the overall command staff, because it's apparent that they dont give a shit about us as pilots.
Realise that i am actually a very cute shota
Then i as shinji will crossdress and become NERV's comfort personnel
>all these anons who would have rebelled, made drama, done something embarrassing, and tried to kill their dads