Togashi is a bad artist

>Togashi is a bad artist


He can be good but only if he tries.


You're comparing the tank version of a manga that was literally carrying a whole magazine versus the drawings of a man near end of his career with a cash cow for a wife, of course he's not going to try.

How is this "bad" it fucking owns

Post his late 00s hiatus chimera arc scribbles instead. That was god awful.

>You're comparing the tank version of a manga that was literally carrying a whole magazine
Whoah boy, please just kill yourself, wasn't even relevant compared to the actual heavy hitters in the magazine at the time (Dragon Ball and Slam Dunk you retarded cunt), it was popular for a short time but carried fucking nothing

someone post the turkey

You misunderstand. OP is attempting to give a good example of Togashi's art.

Fuck off crossboarder

stunning visuals

Togashi and Miura are mangaka who got popular despite their artistic skills, not because of them.
>inb4 someone posts a Berserk mural Miura spent 100 hours on
Anyone can do that, it still looks trashy, it just has a lot of detail.

Before/After getting your wife to draw your manga for you

No wonder Pitou became so cute.

Why are you not reading the tanks?

Yes he is

>Falling for obvious bait
It was the 90's, kid.

>Doesn't realize other artists have several assistants to clean up and fix pages


Oda's better lol


This, children, is called a bait


Dunno about "better" but he's definitely less lazy and more consistent

Oda's a more talented artist. Togashi clutters his art with info dumps. Oda makes every word part of the art itself. I never read a page page of OP thinking "this is too many words"


Yes because the characters barely have any meaningful line anyway

What do you mean you "dunno about better"? To claim otherwise is asinine.

Better at coloring, better at shading, better to adding detail to the backgrounds.

Togashi is better at dynamic fight scenes I'll give you that, IF he tries

YYH looks like garbage most of the time

So true. It takes me 3x as long to read an OP chapter compared to other manga because it's just tha dense, yet never feels cluttered



It looks great starting at the Dark Tournament arc.

not even justice I want to kill shitposters