Alright/a/nons, real talk. I've never actually seen Evangelion...

Alright/a/nons, real talk. I've never actually seen Evangelion. Sure I've seen the memes and shit but never watched it through.

Question is, should I bother? Is it really a must watch?

Yes you spaz.


Yes. It's not very good though

Even after 20 years NGE is still better and fresher than anything out today.

It's legit shit. Go ahead and try to watch it I can guarantee you'll get bored and drop it 3 or 4 episodes in.

Only so you can understand the tsunami of shit it unleashed.

not OP but i'm scared to watch it now because i fear it will be like seinfeld, so revolutionary everyone cannibalized it and looking at it now it's just a " oh all these jokes i know from X Y and Z"

>newfags that can't watch anything a little bit slower than their usual capeshit

Congrats lad. The attention span of a worm

NGE did almost nothing new

No it's garbage watch Ideon and read Devilman instead

NGE is still one of the best animes to date, assuming you like interesting media and aren't just looking for simple entertainment like most shitters here.

Nice bait

This post reminded me of something. While I was on the toilet a few months ago I got to thinking; why do people flip their shit when somebody says animes, but is ok with doujins? Why is samurais bad, but ninjas is ok?

Because english is not your first language

t. hideaki anno

It's just memefaggotry, don't expect any actual explanation that is anything other than opinions.

Sup Forums is dead

I certainly hope you mean manga.
Anyways, for the same reason folks say the same thing in regards to television vs. lit. I mean, there's no reason one can't produce good television or bad lit, but by and large there's more options for tasteful lit than there are tasteful television options. tv plays it safe, there's a lot of money on the line. Not so for good ol' ink and paper, lot more leeway to have fun with the content.

>hasn't seen Eva
Watch it and find out.
Lurk for 2 years before posting.

It's kind of an objective fact those nouns are all both singular and plural you do not need to add an s

Do it Faggot, It's not that bad.

Its funny how the fanbase argues over shit girls instead of the other elements of the franchise. Babbies first mecha.

>An objective fact about new English words that come borrowed from another language that in turns is a japanese pronunciation of an English word
Yes, very objective

The dictionary lists colloquial shit. "Literally" has a definition for fucking emphasis now.

>real talk
Kill yourself nigger.

Yes welcome to how languages work and evolve, enjoy your stay.
I like many アニメたち

>enjoy your stay
>defending animes
lurk more instead of posting

It's always been a shit meme with no real basis, I've probably been here longer than you fagget.

there's worse things you could watch

Just watch it. But it is NOT a story about kids in giant robots fighting ancient alien beings and stomping buildings and ending the world. It is a story about people and depression and relationships and love and loss - they just happen to fight ancient alien beings and stomp buildings and end the world at the same time.

That's not how Japanese works.

You don't say

>multiple daily threads twenty years after it aired
no it's garbage, didn't impact the medium whatsoever, irrelevant, not worth your time.

Threads are just retards asking if they should watch it, asking what the ending was, and having waifu wars
Ultimately Anno is considered a talentless hack because of this one work

>Series Eva copied
High level discussions spanning 500 posts merely on the nature of one of its many deep characters
No waifu wars because everyone can be an adult and agree all the girls are great in their own way

Its good up until the everybody crying episode then its just random bs

What this user said, and remember, no matter what ANYONE tells your Rei is best waifu

Everything else has been talked about to death.

if you already know the gist of the story, probably not. You could just skip to End of Evangelion if you don't feel like slogging through the tv series. Probably would work out even better, since you're less invested in the minor characters that show up.

Not OP but I'm watching this for the first time after putting it off for years
>tfw episode 16 out of fucking nowhere

It was ok, asuka is kind annoying though except in 2.22, there she's best girl.

Same here as well, I finished EoE a couple days ago and I feel gutted, I don't know why people argue over the waifus so much when I disliked almost everyone. It's consuming me though and I see why people are still obsessed with it.

It's garbage actually.
The Only ones who like it are faggots.
You see, the MC is a faggot so faggots IRL feel related to him in one way or another ,so they call the show "deep"

>I'm better cause I can watch more TV

You are an eva fan alright

Literally the most overrated anime of all time.

Don't even have to watch it to know. I haven't watched it but seen more than enough internet shitposts and threads on this shit to understand

Asuka is best girl so far, I actually appreciate that a lot of the characters are just shitty or broken people. I can see why them being unlikeable could be a put off but for me, them being relatable is part of why i like them so much

Why so much hate for Eva?

Because it's garbage?

contr/a/rianism at it's finest
also rampant waifufaggotry

All the main characters are broken in some way. All have flaws and are more human than most characters in anime.
Imagine being 13 and tasked with saving the world in a giant robot that isn't 100% on your side.

>Ultimately Anno is considered a talentless hack because of this one work
How can he be a talentless hack if he made KareKano three years after Eva? That show was great.

It IS deeply flawed. The pacing is terrible until 90% of the way through, Shinji is not a protagonist that endears people to spend time with the series, it's cheaply made in places (not just towards the end of the series) and the mythology is impenetrable unless you read expanded universe materials and know your way around various different cuts and subtitles.

It's just that despite all that, it also has key elements that are well-executed that happen to be things its audience relates to on a deep and personal level, especially those who watched it in their mid-teens, a phase of critical personal development.

It's a very polarised work; some elements are terrible while others are really good and can even spark a profound relationship in those who are tuned in to Anno's mindset. I think that explains the confusion over its overall quality.

Because you are replying to obvious bait.

>The pacing is terrible until 90% of the way through
Yeah, you're a retard.
>it's cheaply made in places
All TV anime are cheaply made in places.

That is more common than you think. Gasses released during burning have a soporific effect. CO2 can make you faint for example. Most victims will asphyxiate in their sleep.

Or in short, you're trying to paint Anno as weirder than he actually is.

The characters are the only genuinely good thing about Evangelion, that's why.

Despite the flaws it is still one of the best anime ever made, and the movie is 10/10.

"Monster of the week" garbage.
>Inb4 it has a deep meaning
And it was fucking boring

yes it is a must watch. regardless of what anyone in this thread says it's one of those landmark shows that you just need to experience and form your own opinion on. it's extremely polarizing and you won't really understand why until you watch it. the only real opinions you hear voiced are often by people who absolutely love the series or vehemently hate it so you're not going to get an accurate picture of its quality by listening to shitposters and fanboys.

is right though. it is NOT a monster-battling mecha action show. it's a psychological character drama.

You may hate it, love it or whatever, it's a must.

>But it is NOT a story about kids in giant robots fighting ancient alien beings and stomping buildings and ending the world.
>It is a story about people and depression and relationships and love and loss
No. It's just pandering to otakus with sexualised underage girls

i am current watching through it right now for the first time and yes it is worth watching . but i still don't get the rei vs asuka war rei might aswell be a replicant and asuka a hormonal 14 year old girl and no i have not finished the series

I have never seen it to and don't plan to, just to fuck with and/or trigger people.

Shit taste. Rei is best.

If any of you fags are actually posting on this board without having seen every single second of animation associated with Evangelion then you need to leave.

Rei is fucking boring. You might as well have a inanimate chunk of cardboard as a waifu

>you're not going to get an accurate picture of its quality by listening to shitposters and fanboys.
Yeah, it's not like opinions can be made in form of arguments or essays. They must all be declarative one-liners.