Volume 7 translations are out and more will come.
Rooftop scene: pastebin.com
Illutrations: imgur.com
Last chapter (that is after the Rooftop scene): pastebin.com
Classroom of the Elite
Other urls found in this thread:
Karuizawa is main girl and best girl.
Kei best girl
Is there a raw link for the whole volume 7 novel now?
>Sudo will be tapping that one day
Kinda jelly
Man, stop turning this thread into shit like the previous thread.
Yeah, probably this will be the last one because the transanon will post the rest of the translations.
That translation has mistakes. The line where 50% says "eh no, I just thought it looked delicious" is sopposed to be "it looks unexpectedly delicious", which would explain why kei looks pissed.
It wasnt that translated or edited that, but I'll fix then.
Post the original.
Horikita is best girl.
Is Sakura the only girl the MC didn't use as pawn?
Sudo pls
Anyone here wants to make a summary for each vol? I dont think it have something like that yet
Change "eh no, I just thought it looked delicious" to "eh no, it looks unexpectedly delicious"
Bold font "I'm sorry" since it's written in katakana which is for emphasis
Change "so put that thing away" to "so can you put that thing away?"
Change "you are good at cooking" to "karuizawa's good at cooking huh"
All shippers should die. You too Keifags.
Okay, thanks user.
He's unexpectedly weak to moeblobs
She's too stupid to use as a pawn, she would mess up everything.
>Change "you are good at cooking" to "karuizawa's good at cooking huh"
Isn't "Karuizawa, so you're good at cooking huh" better though?
He's making a statement outloud, not actually talking to karuizawa.
He only holds thoughts about taking care of her
On second thought, the latter makes more sense in english, so it's up to you.
I don't think my translation isn't "talking to Karuizawa" though, it's statement but more natural in English.
If the transanon is here may I have a look at the rough summary of volume 7?
Yea I think so too after giving it more thought.
"You said we'd all rise to A Class together. That's why I followed you. But now you're saying you just want to drop out?" Ibuki continued to question me unrelentingly. I wondered when Ibuki would run out of gas trying to stop me. It seems she must have had quite a lot to say, her words unceasingly rained down on me.
(Continuation of Ryuuen's chapter).
Translate user here. I don't have the whole volume. I'm just translating what screenshots I was given. If the user with the full volume can post more screenshots, I'll gladly translate them. Sorry I was busy this afternoon, I should be free from now.
Truly best girl. Any man would be lucky to have someone half as loyal as her. I hope Kiyotaka realizes this soon.
"I overlooked all your domineering traits until now, because that's not the important thing, the important thing is to rise to the top class. Being in C Class is like a penalty. I never once betrayed you orders. It was frustrating. But in the end I did it believing we would be able to climb to A Class that way". Ibuki then time to take a breath and continued her rant towards me.
Already a perfect housewife in the making. How can she get any better?
the author is a lucky bastard to have a wife this cute.
"There's no way this story can have such a miserable ending" Ibuki continued to say. "Go back to your club activites, Ibuki" I quickly stopped her. Since I was still injured and in pain, I didn't want to have to listen to any more complaints from her. "Indeed I used violence and fear to control you small fries and promised to take you all to A Class" I told her. "You know the contract from A Class I got? Me dropping out now will have no effect on the contract, the points should still be delivered to you" I assured her.
Thanks. I wouldn't ask for everything word by word from that big ass volume, just sentences of summary for every event.
Just read the AS's forum.
"From the start, I had no intention of going up to A Class alone. I had no intention of tramping on my classmates's dreams just to rise to the top" I told her. Of course Ibuki might not be able to accept that. "Well, it doesn't matter anymore, goodbye Ibuki". "800 million points" she called out with that to stop me.
I saved that from AS and the guy that posted said that is from some Fans (name of the artist), I dont know too.
Oi, oi. Really? He's a Machiavelli?
So where should we find that evil villain now?
>evil villain
50%'s papa.
A person to give me the latest figures of the number of copies sold please ?
50% and his lackey's Karuizawa
Ah, forgot that bitch. I guess he won't be stopping even if the school chairman's against him huh....
50% really needs to be beaten. And not just beaten, he must be beaten by an ordinary person. That's the only way to make Daddy of the Year back off. Kek.
"I was surprised when you told me we were seriously going to gather that many points" she kept telling me. "I thought why not and decided to join your group". Yes, I thought, as I turned to face her. That was my strategy for our three years of high school. To gather the points necessary and at the end transfer our entire class to A Class.
If you mean volume 7 you'll need to wait another week.
"One person with 200 million points that gain the right to transfer to a class of their choosing. At the time I thought why? If that were the case why was the plan to gather 800 million points. The way you were talking about it, seemed like it could have bought everyone in C Class a ticket to A Class. I didn't think it was possible to save up that amount of points in the first place though." Ibuki continued to tell me. "Don't try to paint me like some sort of hero, it was just a memo I wrote because I had some free time on my hands" I told her.
Ryuuen really reads like a classic tsundere here. He doesn't quite want to admit to Ibuki he actually cares about all his class.
>200 million
Shouldn't it be 20M?
I won't forgive anyone who shitposts my Suzune.
Fuck another typo sorry yes 20 million for one person.
They really do suit each other. The athletic delinquent and the smart, cool girl. It's almost like the author made them for an endgame pairing.
So is it safe to assume that Keifags are a bunch of cancerous shitposters that want to provoke other fags and then shift the blame on other fags?
Why don't you just fuck off with your yahari garbage-tier shitposting?
Why keifags? What are you trying to do here?
I don't understand why you're singling out Keifags as the sole shitposters here. It's not like the other girlfags are completely innocent victims here. Just look at the last few threads if you want to see an example.
He's one of those yaharifags that are famous for shitting threads by starting to call x-fags are cancer. Started by Yukinofags, so I presume he's a Horikitafag
Horikita a best
Sudo a shit
Looks like you're not any better either.
t. non-athletic neckbeard
Saying that I took my cell phone back from Ibuki's hands. "From now on, the class will be led by Hiyori and Kaneda. As long as Ayanokouji doesn't turn his attention back towards the class, they should be fine". "Don't say things like that" Ibuki tells me. "Since a while ago, what exactly do you want me to say?" I tell her. "If you're still insistent on saying things like you're going to drop out, then fight me" she finally tells me.
Was I spot on? I just pointed out your bullshit. If you want to start a shit slinging fest, go ahead and open a yahari thread and leave us alone
>fite me
This Ibuki is obsessed with fighting. She must have masturbated furiously when she went back to his room and remembered her beind OHKO'd by 60%
And proud of it.
Remember to ignore the triggered Horikitafag. We already know that it's impossible to have an argument with him.
No one likes muscle brain user.
You must be crazy, Ibuki. To suggest something like that. But in its own way, this is also weirdly not a bad thing. "In addition to the injuries you received yesterday, it's cold out here and you won't be able to fight well anyways". I also realized there wasn't much strength in my arms. In an instant somebody grabbed my sleeve and hand and the next moment I was beaten up. It was Ishizaki who threw me hard against the stone pavement.
Ryuuen getting his ass beat again by his own class to stop him from leaving school.
So this is how you start a waifuwar?
I see an excess amount of Keifags, that's usuallty a telltale sign of which group is the biggest shitposters and which group is responsible for ruining threads.
Honestly no one was shitposting in this thread but you. The fact that you posted like this means you wanted to start one.
And to the rest, this is obvious baiting and you guys are falling for it. Just let it go.
Ryuuen literally did nothing wrong except losing
>Honestly no one was shitposting in this thread
Sure, just like how no one was shitposting in any of the past threads. You anons always get so defensive when someone calls you out on something.
Go to sleep grey hat, and the rest stop giving him (you)s. We have transanon giving us translations and yet you guys keep falling for his bait
Fuck off back to AS grey hat
"....that hurt. Looks like you won't let me go so easily huh?". Damn it looks like Ayanokouji completely and thoroughly broke my body, it more hurt that it should have. "Aah...that felt good to watch. If you're planning on quitting school then give up those thoughts." Saying that Ibuki started walking back towards the dormitory.
(Continued. Small update just to finish off a page)
Ibuki is so weird. She's headstrong on weird things.
Can't wait for giganigga to punch him
So, basically you're proving my point.
>holds eye contact when she lies, looks away when she says the truth
>smiles when she's fighting
>fully denial when Kiyopon was revealed to be X, when she barely knows him
>doesnt want to bully Kei and cant look at the bullying, but still helps them do it
>hates Ryueen but still doesn't want him to leave
Yeah, shes the weirdest character so far
stop shitposting grey hat
user that bought the LN here, the screenshots of all the pages of the volume mega.nz
"That contract with A Class I got. I never had ANY intention of giving it to you guys. Stop making me look good, I was going to use it for myself from the start. I was never gracefully going to look after my classmates like that." If I tell them that, even Ibuki should have no choice but to give up on me. "Look this is as far as I go, goodbye".
Does it look like it's doing well in JP?
By reading the comments of the nips, I think it is doing really well.
God bless you, user. That's fucking amazing. Looks like there's more translation material out if any anons want to get specific parts translated.
You disappoint me.
Maybe we can get started by getting someone who can read to give brief summary? It would take literally forever to get the whole thing translated afterall but there are lots of things I feel like knowing like the autist group.
Textbook tsundere
The rankings will be revealed at the end of the week. But judging from the words of the nips I'd say it's doing extremely well. There was quite a bit of hype for this volume in Japan as well due to all the shit that was supposed to go down here. Plus the anime ending just now also gave it quite a bit of publicity. Either way, I wouldn't worry about this volume, it's bound to do well on its own and with the anime boosting its popularity it'll likely easily break the top 20.
Given how close that nigger is towards Ryuuen he might be even smarter than Sudo in terms of understanding common sense.
Damn, after Ryuuen was beat down, I think everytime that he tries to be strong and eil funny af.
"Sakagami. I'd like to talk to you for a bit. I sent you a message yesterday beforehand". I came to here to talk to my homeroom teacher. It was already a pecularity for me to talk to him in the dormitories "I understand what you wish to do, shall I act as your academic counselor on this situation?" "Yes". "But before I do that, there is a problem". "Problem you say?". "Yes, please accompany me for a bit, Ryuuen". Saying that Sakagami calls into the room a bunch of students from our class.
Looks like even their homeroom teacher wants him to stay.
So this is yet another generic harem self insert trash series? Good thing I dropped it early on.
>Karuizawa related as the first reply
>Every fucking time!
It's like you're forcing this shit.
So why are you even here, dumbass?
They're the new cancer. They tried to spam Kushida, but her character turned out to be a massive cunt, so now they're shilling a different character.
Sudo is close to 50% as well.