so is this worth watching?
So is this worth watching?
It's the definition of average. Not incredible, but not awful. Read the manga, basically.
It's worth it, but not like anything particularly special asides from a few great moments (Most All Might moments/Todo Fights in the second season's. Pretty damn good ost too also they use so many goddamn flashbacks early on
Yes. Don't listen to the faggots on here. It's pure, unadulterated fun, nothing more, nothing less.
Every girl is best girl.
>It's the definition of average.
l thought the same thing, until l saw the first episode of Black Clover.
nigga you can call anything fun. That's not really an objective statement. And having a story as bland and cliche as BnHA is certainly not fun for some people
It's below average with the latest arc
SAO was fun
Only you can tell, some people dislike it, others love it. I think its really enjoyable. Average shounen done right.
First 2 episodes are the best introduction episodes for a series
a good shounen, thats it,
dont expect some groundbreaking deep bullshit,
and dont listen to fags comparing this series with either of the big three, fma or hxh because it doesnt come close to them, and also not to the one actually saying ANYTHING in this manga has some deep-BS-meaning or "is better than X series"
its a enjoyable average-level show, just go with that and you will be entertained...
>world filled with superheroes but protagonist has no powers
Oh shit, this is actually interesti--
>he conveniently by pure plot convenience just happens to get saved by All Might and then given powers later on completely destroying the relatability and anything interesting about him. Now he's just generic determined shonen protagonist #957375837.
Also, even though the girls are cute, the characters in general are very typical archetypes and not compelling whatsoever. But I do understand that if you're 12 yrs. old and haven't watched more than 5 anime you might think my hero academia is great.
No, it's garbage
>done right.
Stop this meme, it's garbage
I don't know user, maybe you should watch it yourself then tell us.
How is it a meme? Name another fun shonen out there
YuYu Hakusho
>How is it a meme
Not him, but this arc really took a large shit on the "done right" meme
But Black Clover is not the definition of average, is the definition of shit
This. Watch Naruto, Bleach, One Peace, FMA or HxH if you need a shonen to watch
They are all leagues above this. If you are done with that and need more shonen then watch this one.
THIS. This series had potential but the mangaka has no balls to make something unique. Instead he made something so dull and generic. Waifufags will still defend this garbage for obvious reasons
l meant a current one
Well l just caught up with the manga this week and l enjoyed this arc a lot. But now, is the time to suffer with the rest of you.
lts the most generic shit l have ever seen. And they were not being ironic.
>is one of the most popular recent anime worth watching
>is Naruto worth watching
>is Bleach worth watching
>is One Piece worth watching
>is DBZ worth watching
Why the fuck do you people ask such dumb fucking questions? It's not like this is some kind of insider tip barely anyone watched yet. There are fucking millions of recessions and downbreaks on the internet made by far more capable people than the fucking bedshitters that delve in these kinda threads. Despite all that it's a fucking popular shonen, if you like those kinda things just watch it there is literally nothing else you need to know anyway.
Fucking One Piece, user. Way more fun to read than this.
>Something that was established since the beginning of the arc
So what's the problem?
No please not wan piss, already tried it
>Well l just caught up with the manga this week and l enjoyed this arc a lot.
Really? I mean even reading it in one go and not waiting a week or more between chapters this one is more than double the length of other arcs and even in those chapters barely moves forward with flashbacks and slight jumps back in time to other characters.
>made by far more capable people than the fucking bedshitters that delve in these kinda thread
Its people on Sup Forums I want to hear and animetubers or MAL reviewer or whatever you were thinking is "more capable"
But two arcs ago it was very great
He's not autistic like you that'd why he can enjoy it.
S1 is really good.
S2 Bones dropped the ball somewhat, but if you can stomach any other shonen it's still really good quality.
The manga is a lot better still.
I do read one piece tho. These are the only 2 mangas l am following right now.
Well yeah but it has been quite fun. l mean they flashbacks were a little bit much but the action has been super fun and lets be honest, the license arc was hot garbage compared to this one.
Not true, l'm extremely autistic.
>S2 Bones dropped the ball
Or he's autistic like you and that's why you enjoyed it
Yes. fantastic adaptation.
License arc was like 15 chapters or so and this one is around 40 or something now.
It better be more relevant.
Never thought I would see someone praise Naruto this much on Sup Forums
>so is this worth watching?
watched it for the waifus
It's worth reading, watch it if you like the read. The voices are pretty good and so is the animation.
I'd say a point that it has above these shows (asides from OPM but that's not a typical Shonen) is that it's not nearly as long as anything else with a low barrier to entry
Is there another series that has equally good looking girls and boys? Magi is the only one that comes to mind.
No why would you even ask that the show is shit
MC seems pretty cute don't know other
>Asking a board that's well-known for hating on a show once it achieves a level of popularity
regardless of quality
The fact that someone here calls Naruto and Bleach above average should clue you in.
It depends. If you like shounen, yes, it's worth reading, cause it's one of the best ones around. If you hate shounen or elitist as fuck, keep away from this series, you won't like it.
>cause it's one of the best ones around.
its a poor man's opm
I've read whole Naruto and Bleach, and dropped HxH only near the end of the ants arc. I can stomach one or two OP quirks in my manga.
Notice how he doesn't explain anything. Just posts a bait image expecting you to think its bad. These are the type of people we're dealing with here.
>and dropped HxH only near the end of the ants arc
litteraly why?
There's been OP quirks since the very beginning
Because i don't like story
That pic hold a thousands word
Wew ebin argement dere
Not him but this current arc has dropped the ball in making a coherent story and pacing with several flashbacks in between fights along with gaps in the author's release schedule which there's been like 4 of when he has never done that before
Might have somew connection to author spending a few days in a hospital every now and then because of malnutrition
>this current arc has dropped the ball in making a coherent story and pacing
No you're just really stupid
Maybe, but he needs to keep his shit together to end this shitty arc in a decent way
That’s called character development. You know, something some anons like to complain to in the past because the series “doesn’t develop characters outside the main cast”
>Heroes attempt to rescue a child from a Yakuza lord who wishes to exploit her power
Literally shit you pulled out your ass
>hurr durrr fun
>i-its comfy!!
Whenever someone fails to come up reasons as to the why the show is actually good.
>No you're just really stupid
Might be, but I'm sure as hell that I'm not stupid as you
Yeah, sure, he needs to die for a stupid shounen manga.
>Still pushing this bingo
I thought I told you that you already looked pathetic back then
Oh well, onwards, user
>its shit
>its generic
Whenever someone fails to come up reasons as to the why the show is actually bad.
He sure have to after this arc
>Hurr it’s generic
Whenever someone fails to come up with reasons as to why the series is actually bad
See? I can play this game too
The manga is good. The anime is okay.
A shit and generic comment.
But not as pathetic as a BNHfag. HA
All Might dies at the end of season 3 and Mineta (the little guy with grapes on his head) takes the virginity of & impregnates Momo Yaoyorozu, the hottest girl in the series.
>Literally shit you pulled out your ass
Literally a few weaks ago a chapter was pulled off the print version of Jump because of Horikoshi being hospitalized due to malnutrition and fatigue. They've even made a statement in editor's notes because they didn't have time to change the issue's cover which still featured Heroaka characters.
Drop it at chapter 100, the rest is shit
Reminder that this is the worst MHA arc ever. It's as bad as the worst of Naruto.
Cool horseshit bro
>I hate on this series because it's popular
>I'm not pathetic, you're pathetic
Oh jee wiz
Not even close
It's cheap.
The characters re forgettable.
The fights are pointless.
The motto is plus ultra = punch harder
What do you expect? Sup Forums is now, if not always, infested with pseudo-intellectual contrarians that like something to look smart *in their own mind* and hate something as soon as it becomes mainstream because kool kidz dun’t liek menstrim thengs
All this despite being in a fucking anonymous imageboard
only if youre really bored
>>I hate on this series because it's popular
This denial is to strong for me to deal with
>Why would Deku work out before getting OFA?
For a troll bingo board, thats a pretty perfectly valid question there.
You do hate it because it's popular. Or maybe because you're just an annoying little shit, but i;m givving you the benefit of a doubt.
I have a strong suspicion that 90% of the bnha haters come from other dead or expired shonenshit franchises and are jealous of its success.
That would explain why their main complaint is that it isn't a different manga entirely.
How do power negating bullets imply a full-on reality reset quirk?
>You do hate it because it's popular
Here's a quick summary of why it's trash then:
The setting is a highschool and that detracts from actual worldbuilding and character experience when you spend roughly 50% of the manga sitting in a classroom or outside playing sports.
The characters are ultimately just boring. None of them have real motivations or goals, almost all of them just want to be "good at their job." Which of course, that's never really explained either. Most heroes just sit around all day and wait for a villain to do stuff.
The villains have no personal motivations and do things for arbitrary reasons. Most of them are just thugs under orders. The main villains are insanely idealistic for societal change but their actions are completely contradictory and stupid.
Take the main villain, Shirigaki. He's literally described as a manchild who just wants to kill allmight for some stupid reason. Of course AllMight never did anything wrong, ever, so it's just putting this stupid manchild as an idealist who seeks "justice" for a crime that never happened.
Then there's Stain. A one-off villain who doesn't like that heroes are called heroes so he kills them. That's it. That's all you get in MHA, that stain is just some psychotic loony. He's not relevant after that and is captured almost immediately.
What's probably the worse thing about MHA is that it's just scared to do anything with it's setting.
The characters all come back to highschool after every battle. The author puts sporting events(crowds, points, competition, no reward) all over the place just to fill it up
Because being /fit/ has nothing to do with being a hero.
Because Spiderman is Hori's reference for capeshit.
Because only pedandtic autists care about that.
l love bnha and l also like to partake in "O MY" posting. Lighten up faggot, this isnt a forum or a sub.
There was a lot hype because the whole 'subverts shonen tropes' meme.
Then we found out it was just shit.
Spoilers for the chapter states that Eri's power was to erase/annihilate the quirk gene/factor and return humans to it’s normal state which goes in line with the "rewind" ability since she reverted their quirk gland back to where it started
if you don't mind asspulls it's fine
So worse, you actually came off the newfag boat less than a year ago and are trying to fit in with memes.
>being /fit/ has nothing to do with being a hero.
Boy wait till you see the job description.
>asking Sup Forums for advice
Don't do that. Why would you seriously do that OP.
Just watch it yourself and drop it if it isn't your thing. Don't expect something mind blowing, it's just a enjoyable, standard shounen with a few highlight moments. The OST is awesome and the character designs are great.
Season 1 has a lot of flashbacks that break the pacing of some episodes, but it's still enjoyable overall. The animation and story ramp up a bit in Season 2. It's a decent show user.
You do realize that there are plenty of heroes who aren't /fit/ right?