What would Sup Forums do with Saitama's power?
What would Sup Forums do with Saitama's power?
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Take control of America. Murder any and all members of government until they actually come together and make one that is actually a proper democracy. That way they'd stop sitting on the rest of the world. Democracy through coercion, the way my glorious prince would have wanted.
probably destroy the world
jack off all day
punch myself
I would use power of Saitama's to beat up anyone say goku can beat Saitama's.
What's proper democracy, and explain what good things would follow from it?
Become Kami-sama
I would punch Israel so hard that it would hit Mekka and destroy both with it. Than daily punches of the "regular kebab removal series" and bitch slapping leftists by opportunity.
Think you mean who.
just live my life as I used to, except with 300% more smug
seriously, the confidence boost that would come from being the strongest entity of the universe would be enough for me
Books. Books for everyone.
Probably become temporary dictator™ of the United States until I can sort out exactly the type of libertarian country I want. Also, get very rich, and fund lots of good anime for my good friends at Sup Forums.
Here's my list.
1. Destroy all Nuclear weaponry, all aircraft carriers, missile silos, submarines, and most military aircraft except older models
2. Declare myself the god-king of the world who will enforce law and justice as I see fit
3. Hold daily executions for criminals by killing them in increasingly cartoonish and violent ways
4. Continue until the world doesn't suck anymore
Make anime catgirls real
Be the greatest boxer ever and always win every fight while pretending to be hurt so it looks like it's the comeback of the century.
elaborate on part 3 please.
Nothing, just watch anime and shitpost all day.
>proper democracy
First I won't say it will be impossible, but organizing a referendum each time to choose the politic of the country, in a country with 400+ millions inhabitants will be extremely difficult and I insist on the extremely.
Second, leaving the politics to people who have no political knowledge such as the vast majority of the american people is stupid and will lead the country to either ruin or a dictature.The country is better off under the current system than that.
It's not by handing books that you will change anything, in America, if someone don't read it's not because they don't have books but because they don't want to read. Also it's very inneficient to turn everyone into a political expert as they will become less specialized in their "real" jobs which will lead to a decrease in innovations, quality etc.
Get paid to throw nuclear waste into space.
dont you think that killing hundreds of criminals would be a worst crime any of them would commit?
What about protesters? If people reject you as their good, what would you do about them?
>Sup Forums fags
Whatever the fuck I want.
Weirdly enough, I want to see what's the heaviest weight my dick can lift.
Seems like the recipe for a corrupt authoritarian state.
I'm trying to get fit just to be more confident and maybe win a fight or two so my future woman won't drop me for being a bitch.
Nothing, I don't see any use to his power where the benefits would outweigh the cons of being famous.
rape women tbqh famalan
>Impose things on others by becoming dictator through violence
Fuck the NAP I guess. You're not a libertarian at all, that's fascism.
Pretty much this, I'd just live a normal life except I'd know nothing can harm me. I'd probably be more of a douche with people I don't like since there won't be any consequences.
Are you saying dumb people is necessary?
>so my future woman won't drop me for being a bitch
You won't stay in High school forever adult women will always take money over physical strenght.
>1. Destroy all Nuclear weaponry, all aircraft carriers, missile silos, submarines, and most military aircraft except older models
OK, and how are you gonna find them all? You're super strong, but not omniscient, not to mention that even with Saitama's power it would take forever even if you did know where everything was.
>Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums disguised under anime
>no one bats an eye
>regular Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums
1. stupid
2. ok
3. ok
4. you will try
Jump to Mars
Is that the vegas shooter?
Masturbate, also why the hell this isn't the first reply?
Wipe out civilization
Not to mention they can rebuild other nuclear warheads in secret. Humanity will never unlearn how to build nuclear weapons, trying to go back is useless.
Necessary for what? All people are kinda dumb if we compare to some idealized fairy tale-like situation. People = stupid is water = wet level thinking. Obvious and fundamental.
This. Maybe I would also silently resolve a number of big crises where one side is obviously in the wrong, like the situation with ISIS.
punch at mountains to dig tunnels, get money, buy a house in the countryside, get a dog, watch anime
I'll pick a random family to murder and kill anyone who dislikes one piece
This is actually fun though.
I would be board, really board.
>become the mercenary, the masketta man
>go on a rampage in middle east
>get a lot of petrobucks
>buy my own island
>First I won't say it will be impossible, but organizing a referendum each time to choose the politic of the country, in a country with 400+ millions inhabitants will be extremely difficult and I insist on the extremely.
With the abundance of computers nowadays - not really.
You just need a reliable method to verify the ID.
Who's your favorite one piece character?
I would drag down god from its throne and beat the shit out of it desu
How did you even interpret this from my post?
I said that people who don't know anything about politics should be kept away from them but actual democracy will allow them to influence politics despite them not knowing anything about them.
Probably something to do with flinging shit into space as a low cost alternative to rockets. Million dollars a pop, anything you want as hard as you want at any angle you want.
Get some costume and then just play the role of the Kaiju, going around the world and randomly wiping out cities every few months.
On a second thought, I think I know.
I would study rocket science, perform the experiments with my power, and then I'm going to Mars.
If I cannot handle space exploration, then no one can.
>With the abundance of computers nowadays - not really.
If voting through internet was completely safe then yeah but unfortunately there is absolutely no way that hackers won't try to manipulate the referendum.
What's with these delusional self righteous retards?
Saitama can punch hard and dodge fast and resist damage, he can't even make it in time for an egg sale at the supermarket, but you're suddenly gonna be dr manhattan²
I guess I would start out going to the Middle East and Africa and punch the fuck out of ISIS, Boko Haram and the rest. Everybody in the world hates them so I would gain enough public support to set up charity organizations and operations. I would then continue fighting terror and crime throughout the world. At some point, once I have gained the trust of enough people, I would start going after corrupt governments and try to work as a mediator promoting peace and democracy with as little use of my power as possible.
I would probably have to make constant public statements for people not to worship me as a God, because you just know that would happen.
Keep in mind, one of Saitama's only weaknesses is that he needs to breathe.
Yeah, Saitama is really strong, but he can't fly and he isn't fast enough to easily traverse long distances. He can't be everywhere at once basically.
Bring an oxygen tank strong enough to withstand space. He's already shown that his body can withstand the pressure.
I would make lot's of money replacing heavy machinery with my punches and would live a leisure life of shitposting. If there were monsters to kill i would kill them just because their rampage would disrupt anime production.
That's the whole point of that post, why are you repeating it with other words?
It's only temporary, user.
So you become Garou?
That's what they all say.
How would you resolve the situation with ISIS? If/when they're faced with unwinnable war, they'll just drop guns and walk home, wait it out a bit, then start re-ISIS: electric boogaloo. And if you send your newlyfounded puppet government (of different ethnicity) to roast out former ISIS combatants... you'll just have episode 2018 of genocidal middle eastern tyrant. Who then forms re-ISIS: Electric bogaloo.
explosive insemination of psychic sisters.
Travel the world. I think I would refrain from interfering in politics. I have read enough comics to know it never turns out the way you want.
You know, George Washington likely could've become dictator, or even king, had he really wanted to. But he didn't.
>tfw in my last year of college for engineering advanced manufacturing
I got money but I'll never tell a woman that I have money. The woman I want, will love me for me. Can't expect her to love me if I'm a disgusting neckbeard. If I won't accept a disgusting girl who doesn't take care of herself then how will I expect her to do it for me?
With Isis, keep attacking all their bases and camps until they're no longer a real functioning organization with territory. Some would probably escape and "walk home" and go underground, not much one could do about that, but at least they would no longer be genocidal dictator warlords.
If anybody tries to pull any more genocide shit in the region I'd punch them too until you get people in charge who are too afraid of you to pull anything.
He can't. All the federated states would rebel. USA wasn't that united back in the day. Modern USA has a higher concentration of powers within a few hands.
One can also try to manipulate the ordinary referendum. It's just a matter of resources, and finding a bug in an open, widely used, strong encryption algorithm during the limited time is an extremely difficult task.
And some methods, while being one-time-use only, is just uncrackable by any "electronic" means.
And if one would plant private part of an asymmetrical key into the CPU, it would be impossible to recover without some very advanced tech. And you need to use it on every individual device.
Still, I have a highest chance to survive the trip.
Swift decapitation strikes from time to time. After the fifth dead leader, I think they would get my general message.
>Can't expect her to love me if I'm a disgusting neckbeard. If I won't accept a disgusting girl who doesn't take care of herself then how will I expect her to do it for me?
>>>/ss/ pls
Difference is that George Washington had to be convinced to become leader and was reluctant. That user clearly wants to be dictator and impose his "libertarian" views.
Kill the burgers
You have to think outside the box. Don't let cucks spell your thoughts out for you. Just genocide everything in africa and middle east. With population of 0: why would anything bad happen? It would be just plants & animals going about randomly. Sure a re-colonization with humans would follow. And that's awesome. All examples of countries where colonists stayed are in excellent shape (US, Canada, Australia, various British islands around the world).
for what I'd do I'd get 99 years in prison
Reading this thread made me realize how fucked up Sup Forumsnons are
All you morons forget his skin isn't like DBZ level thickness and would get pierced by a bullet. He isn't all knowing and so if a sniper plants a good position, he could get murked in one shot.
Saitama works best if he is fighting opponents he can see not ones who are hidden.You retards honestly think his power is that great he can be the king of the planet? All it takes is him getting nuked/poisoned/shot to oblivion.
Now if this was Goku sure but this is Saitama.
>Just genocide everything in africa and middle east
Fuck off back to Sup Forums and never come back
That's a bit more realistic. But that also sounds like a full-day job. Where's the time for anime & vidya?
>Some would probably escape and "walk home"
You know, were far past the ages where armies just get killed. Armies tend to surrender far before you've killed half their combatants.
Saitama could probably hear the shot and dodge immediately
Test my powers a little bit, appear before the UN, tell them about and prove my powers, then ask the governments of the world to decide how my powers should be used and how to test them better.
>All you morons forget his skin isn't like DBZ level thickness and would get pierced by a bullet.
Not an argument.
best post very kek
>All you morons forget his skin isn't like DBZ level thickness and would get pierced by a bullet.
But that's wrong, Saitama is also invulnerable. First there's this , then there's those times he's survived explosions that blew up all of his clothes.
problem lies there that Goku has a known power limit at SSBKKx20 (obtaining ultra instinct after absorbing his genki dama was just a temporary state, doesn't count unless we see him master it completely) while saitama doesn't have one, go figure
user, bullets aren't magic, he was hit by the things that carried far more kinetic energy.
Not an argument. Also if user has the power to enforce eugenics (even through genocide) he might as well try.
By killing them all
They'd probably agree to have you fight ISIS and other terrorist/rebel groups that nearly everybody hates. There'd also be plenty of governments that would ask you for help with their own local terrorists and criminals that they're somewhat powerless against.
hey, that'd be kinda cool
or you join ISIS and take over the world
Why do you niggers dont do shit on your own. Man if I had those powers, I would steal everything I like, shit on everything who wants to be in my way and live my life to the fullest
1. Free North Korea
2. Decimate the Chinese and Indian population
3. Destroy Indonesia
4. Decimate the African population
5. Destroy the Middle East
>he can see not ones who are hidden.
Flashy falsh couldn't hit saitama even tho he was hidden
Whore myself out to the US Gubmint as their black project in exchange for a comfortable living.