Proposition for Britain

Would you like to be a US state? Think about it:
>England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland can have their own separate state governments with their own Constitutions
>They can have their own borders, they can have a federal Constitution that won't suppress them at every step of the way
>Free speech
>You would no longer have to deal with the EU
>There would be no more infighting between you all now that you'd have your own ways of life intact
>No more Ireland, no statehood for them!
>Red coat and Blue coat could stand together, side by side
What do you say? Would like to rally around Liberty and the Constitution?

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Also you'd no longer have to be forced to have a T.V. license!


fuck off you brain dead deluded fuck. You are no better off than we are, its just London thats sort of fucked whilst your whole southern states are non white so don't go telling us youre doing us a favour because once we repatriate these fuckers we'll be fine again. Cymru am byth!

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Do you realize most british conservatives would be much in line with the Democratic party rather than the Republican party.

You'd have the Democrat presidents for the rest of the century.

Our Southern states vote overwhelmingly Republican and are still white
That's the only downside

As an upside, America would get Kate as Princess Regent and all the MLS teams would be forced to play in League Three where they belong.

>51st State
Nah, I’m gonna get swole, raise an army and conquer the shit 1066 style. I was born there, it’s just going home to reclaim the Wakandan rite of Britbongistan. You islanders just need a millenial purge via the mainlands to right yourself. Same with Rome, learned you all how to make roads and walls and junk. I will teach anglos the gunmen’s way, and how to spell color.

Fuck yes. 1st, 2nd and 5th.

Might need a chat about the 15th and 19th though.

The only way you're gonna save yourselves is to breed 10 white children in each anglo family, get a job working for 5000$ a month, form secret militias and kill off musrats, and red pill the new king, otherwise the Jew wins, good luck britbongs.

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Britain is too big to be a state.

This kind of absorbtion would be on the scale of the EU state absorbtions. What would happen in the melding and renegotiation of would result in both the US and UK losing rights.

Rights are like wages. They are sticky. Renegotiating them will result in them being lowered.

>Are still white
Burger don't lie, it's not nice.

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Oceania or Federated Commonweath?

no thanks mate

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>Britain is too big to be a state.
The UK comes in as 5 or 6 states and have to fully adopt US code and the Constitution. The only set aside is they get to keep the Queen as a sort of Disney amusement.
>tfw can't wait for Patriots vs Redcoats season opener

Yes. We've got nothing left to lose right now and I'd very much like the first amendment.

But I'm not

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California has a population of 40 million. If England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland were all separate states it could be manageable.

I'd rather Britain remained its own country but just got its shit together. I love Britain, British people, and British culture, but right now it's being stifled by an oppressive government.

Hopefully they can turn it around. If they can't, the US should just support them in a civil war.


Those cucks in London sold us out, I'd rather be an American and move somewhere like Texas.

This is the greatest idea ever propogated on this shit tier board.



We need to get a referendum on this going in England. How'd it get going for Brexit??

It’s true. Cities are diverse but once you hit suburbs and rura its white strong holds. Small town in Arkansas has a sheriff that pulls niggers over who are playing loud music (all of them) and escorts them to the town limits. They has a meth cook buy a trailer in the area and start cooking. He was told to leave a week later his trailer burned down. Everyone knows it wasn’t an accident but what was he going to do? Call the cops? It’s not only white it’s white with zero tolerance for lots of degeneracy.

I’m okay with this as long as UK is. And we don’t want London. London can get nuked

>When your colony annexes you

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Haven't we proven this lie already?

They got exactly what they wanted with the Russia Lie, a big old smear, and you are either a shill or a fool who believed it.

No thx

Why don't we just annex the world already.

idk tbqh

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Why would we want to leave one union of states that don't like each others way of life to join another?

only if you accept the queen as your sovereign and you start driving on the proper side of the road

Britain doesn't need statehood. The entire crux of the matter is that Britain needs to push for a written constitution guaranteeing inalienable rights. As it stands every single right in Britain is negotiable based on the whims of whoever is in power. Thus, rights can be removed in the blink of an eye if enough people vote for it. Britain will become an Islamic theocracy if the number of adherents ever breaks past 50%. Whereas, it would need to be 75% or higher to override the US Constitution via the Elastic Clause.

This is brilliant!