Pingu in the city

What's your favourite scene from this magnum opus? Also has Pingu saved anime this year?

Other urls found in this thread:

Pingu going crazy with the Yellow Card is the best thing to happen in anime all year.
At least someone is trying to kill this meme in a proactive manner. It'd be a shame if this high quality children's show was reduced to nothing but a shitpost.

forgot i'm still banned for leaving an actual genuine review

Damn. It's such a crock of shit that MAL's mods will delete fair and serviceable reviews, but won't delete a Rick & Morty copypasta.

>Having a nice chuckle to this well executed, run on joke.
>Remembering that nobody you know would ever take a honest recomendation for this show seriously.

The shitposting is annoying and all, but at some point, it will die down like any other meme. The real problem is that people are going to dismiss it as a joke, and the show won't get the credit it deserves. Ignoring it because of the memes that are associated with it will only be to the show's detriment. While this meme is still relatively popular, the "real fans" should take advantage of the limelight to show the anime community at large that there is value to this show.

Still need to watch more of it!
And Sup Forums mods need to take a seat since this IS anime.

I know, right. I was chuckling from "Dooth Note" the whole second episode.

They even removed Pengu from the fall airing list for some reason. They are really mad.

How is this anime?

It's the only show that airs on a Saturday morning, It's pretty relaxing.

The faces make it more funny than it should be.

Pingu rubs a loli penguin's cloaca with his foot.

Is this Sup Forums's fault or the internet's fault in general? I regret making a thread before it aired that mostly became Nootposting.

>All this talk about Pingu being a meme and shitposting material
what happened?
I thought it was just a children's show

As far as I know, people used to shitpost with pingu images or videos in the past, but I seriously doubt it's something past that until the new series started airing and something else started out.

Not op, but it was computer animated by Japanese artists, produced by the Japanese studio Polygon Pictures, and airs in Japan on NHK-E, a Japanese broadcasting company. It is directed and written by Japanese people, the music was done by a Japanese person, and the voice actors are Japanese people. The only foreign influence is the first six seasons of the show, on which it is loosely based on.

The show has many holdovers from the original, but there are aspects of this anime that are distinctly "anime." Take for example, the snappy, time/money saving animation (that some people might call "stylistic") used in action shots, such as Pingu attempting to catch multiple falling flowers before they make contact with the drying cement he tries to protect in episode 2. Also, I've noticed Japanese pop influences in some of the music, take for example, the song at the end of episode 2, right before the ED starts.

It didn't even save MAL.

Care to repost it here?

If you want to blame somebody, blame the youtube poops that made noot-noot a meme in the first place, or the noot-noot compilation video from 2011 that made the meme popular.

Even if Pingu never became a meme, I still think that it would have received a similar response. The original series still runs on multiple Japanese networks, and he's been pretty popular there for decades, so a Japanese adaptation still would have been on the table if it had never been turned into a meme over here. The reaction of "This thing that doesn't look like anime is anime? NANI!?" has always been around (to my knowledge), and anime adaptations of big western stuff like Pingu are bound to be considered absurdly funny for our more juvenile compatriots.

I never noticed the "Death Noot" thing, and I haven't taken part in the threads, so I haven't heard about it until now... what exactly was it?

If you're asking about the quality of the anime, I recommend the review posted at the top, since its thorough and fair.

report and sage


pingushit = notanime or manga

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Pingu in the City. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of penguin biology, the significance of the show's moral ambiguity will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Pingu’s nootnoot outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Japanese literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depth of these jokes, to realise that it's not just funny- it also says something about life, provides us with many profound messages regarding the universe and our place, or lack of place, in it. As a consequence people who dislike Pingu in the City truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the passion in Pingu’s existential catchphrase “NOOT NOOT MOTHERFUCKER,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Ancient Chinese Texts of War. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as POLYGON Pictures’ genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Noot Noot tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

It's Japan animation, so it's anime

>When you forget about rule 7
>Not knowing what "anime" actually means
Lurk 2 more years b4 posting

Pingu seasons 1 - 6 = western cartoon
Pingu in the City = western influenced, Japanese animation

This is the best anime I've ever scene in a while, It's up there with Neon Genesis Evangelion, Angel's egg and Cowboy bebop

Plagiarism police here. Stealing shitty copypasta edits from MAL shitposts is a plagiarism misdemeanor and a humor felony. Please get in the car.

Based janitor. I thought they were deleting these threads but it seems they aren't, and I don't really see the problem given they don't even get to the bump limit.

Thank you for sparing us. The Pingu name must be made clean once more, and having the voices of fans crushed by heavy handed mods will not promote our cause.

Didn't know Pingu was produced in Nippon.

Have you not noticed the recent thread?

moot moot

It's 'noot noot', f*g
What the frick is a moot?
