Will i be like DB where the English VA is objectively superior?
Will i be like DB where the English VA is objectively superior?
Why do people actually care about this? 90% of you fags don't even speak or understand Nip-language, so how could you ever know what version is superior?
Just watch what you want.
This. not even baiting, I like watching both sub and dub just for the fun of it. Just to see how they voice the character's range.
For the first time ever, I prefer dub Asta.
less annoying.
just watched the trailer, Asta's voice is a lot more bearable at least
I haven't heard the English voice yet, but ANYBODY has to be better than Japanese-voice Asta
As a mangafag this is gonna be what i watch to see the fights. Japanese Asta made me close the window 10 mins in.
Never thought I'd see Sup Forums prefer dub over the sub for the voice. I guess they cast the wrong seiyuu.
Nip asta is so fucking bad,i guarantee the anime popularity in japan is low as fuck solely because of him
I would have preferred Natsu's seiyuu over this guy. he's so annoying. Fuck it, I'm gonna watch it dub.
You don't need to understand japanese to know that the constant screaming is objectively annoying and awful
Sup Forums always sucks that Funi dick. Don't pretend like quality matters.
Man Funi could replace Asta's voice with stock monkey screech sounds and it still would have been better than the original.
We have to have something to shitpost about.
No one cares, kill yourself.
>why do dubfaggots shitpost constantly
Because they're americans who are legitimately mentally retarded, on the level of a 6-year old in the rest of the world, so they can't read subtitles. They need to justify this somehow.
>tfw funimation revives Fred Figglehorn for the english dub
Reminder that dubs are made for children who can't read.
Anime is a children's medium.
How is DB's dub better? Are you retarded?
Goku isn't supposed to have a granny screeching for him