I warned you, but did you listen to me? Oh, no, you knew it all, didn't you? Oh, it's just a harmless little bunny, isn't it? Well, it's always the same. I always tell themー
Juuni Taisen
Who is the target audience for this character?
People like OP.
So the twist is pretty obvious that Rat won and keeps wishing to repeat the fight, Right?
Why does Monkey think she can actually communicate with this guy?
Also, does anyone have that hilarious picture of Snake with his head cut off in the first episode with "merely pretending" underneath it?
i cant believe i lost an hour of my life watching this shit
why do i like edgy garbage
Why would he want to repeat when he sleeps through it all the time?
Edgy garbage is the junk food of anime. SHUT UP AND EAT.
The characters are well written despite the cliches.
That's the part that I havn't figured out.
Maybe it's to see if he's wrong about his ideal?
Good joke.
Do elaborate.
too bad that they are using the animation style used in granblue
you mean like boar who had a whole episode of edgy characterization to die immediately
Most expected response of the year. Can't really say anything positive when it comes to writing or people will throw an autistic fit.
The irony of calling someone with standards autistic for not enjoying something designed to pander to autists is almost palpable.
Literally better than a lot of characterization in this season.
At least the fight scenes look nice.
>it's better than absolute trash, therefore it is good
i wandered on the anime is there a 1st season or is just the 3 eps
This is so stale. Try to be more original.
Pretending shit is gold is the difference between a hobby and escapism.
Are we going to break off from the chain of zodiac order deaths? Monkey didn't die this episode, which means there's a chance.
Can't even hide your contempt of having your tastes recognized
Being this desperate to get other's attention...
You are a shame for all tripfags, die please..
I see what you did there.
Two monty python references all in the same day. Maybe Sup Forums isn't as hopeless as I thought.
I seriously want to kill you
I see you are an user of taste as well.
This reminded me of Cowboy bebop. Like how Jet and Spike shit talk about the next episode.
Muh non reload
Maybe the twist is that rat keeps winning and always refuses to make a wish, which somehow causes the fight to start over
if bunny commits sudoku does he also becomes a zombie