
What is wrong with this girl?

nothing, she is perfect

Better than the fat bitch from the boonies eating 30 burgers.

Autism; the cute kind

Trapped in this shit anime

I doubt she's perfect.



having no middle-aged sensei to cook for


Kirie and Ebina are cute and instead we get to pay attention to a sperging blob.

Literally the worst girl in the series. Even worse than the nugget.

Literally every girl is better than Umaru, even herself when she's not the hamster. UMR > Umaru > meme umaru

Daddy issues


She has no chance of winning the Onii chan bowl


Mean look
No social skills
Easily resorts to violent
psycho lesbian
psycho lolicon


Is she, dare I say, the perfect girl?

I've never seen someone with a consistently shittier taste.

muh shisho

audible kek

No, fuck you

If you are, dare a I say a freak, then yes.