Golden Kamuy Ch.137


he's immortal, user. of course, he's gonna be a little retarded now.

this better be a mental image

Sadly, it's not, and the shooter will either break your heart, piss you off, or both.

Nopperabo is also ded


thanks you fuckers

if venom snek can survived a frigging shard on his head then Sugimoto can too with a bullet in his head.

And the MVP goes to...



I bet there's more than one traitor. This guy is too obvious that he should be a red heiring.

not so immortal anymore now are we?

Is Golden Kamuy ending soon? ;_;


my cute little smug cat, good job

i'm not surprised by this outcome

>Sugimoto ded
>Ogata is traitorscum


Halloween ruined. Thanks motherfucker.

ogata did nothing wrong

Just a flesh wound.

But hes immortal

I'm pretty sure its possible to survive being shot in the head if the bullet is going quick enough and misses enough important bits.

You're still gonna end up in a coma for a long time though.

I fucking knew it, he was getting to be too best.

This is all just a ruse right....?. Hes immortal remember

Well, fuck.

I don't believe it

His hat took some of the force off it, right? Right?

Of course Sugimoto will live.

but Ogata might not

Are snipers really that accurate at night with short barrel rifles? It's got the barrel length of a sawed off.

All of this could have been avoided had the lads rubbed their virile, testosterone loaded bodies against Ogata's shell-shocked body.

He'll be fine.

How's he gonna survive this one?

Surprised 0%

I'm sure Sugimoto will survive and Ogata didn't shoot him on purpose!

Honestly, what I wonder is why anyone ever halfway trusts this guy. He's Ocelot- tier.

Was he her father?


Poor Asirpa

She is crying about his dad not because after she saw Sugimot being shoot.
Also, who actually thought Ogata wasn’t a traitor?

>Also, who actually thought Ogata wasn’t a traitor?
He could've been a red herring, it's just too obvious to make him the traitor.

Introduced as and regularly plays a traitor. That's not a red herring, that's what he IS.

That's just what they want you to think.

delet this

No shit.

I don't know what to believe anymore

If the die, Ogata is a shitty traitor
If they survive, Ogata is a shiity sniper

I only started reading this recently. I want to adopt Asirpa

Can you be a traitor when you were never truly on their side?

What if he deliberately shot him in a way so it only looks like he's dead?

wait so you're saying he could be a DOUBLE traitor?


>I was just pretending.
I can already see it in the horizon.


Sugimoto is cute

I used to laugh at the 7th division for going from serious threat to a wacky bunch of insignificant jobbers. I'm not laughing now.

I wish I could say that this was a weird turn for the manga to take.

so. Expectations for the anime?

A lot of rushing
and a shitty japanese english Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas OP

There will probably defiantly be a lot less bestiality

So have chapters 123 up been translated yet? Im all caught up to 122 and I need more

Why would you waste the time to type the question here instead of checking yourself?

Because it took 3 seconds to type while I search in another tab and Im not really put out if all I get is asshole answers like yours

That doesn't really answer the question of why you asked something you can find by yourself in two clicks.

Doesn't answer the question about why you got a bug up your butt either.

This is getting too deep

I hope Aspira goes full killer mode


Nah. He's gonna run around with a bullet in his skull next chapter.
But I want adult Asirpa too.

Behead those who make Aspira cry


Pretty sure that's just perspective. He uses a type 38, which as you might have noticed is the same gun a certain spud from this season is swinging around.

Cats are fucking dicks.

Why do I get the feeling that is exactly how that situation would play out?
>Asirpa is assertive and aggressive
>Sugimoto is shy and bashful

wait what ?! but he is immoral user....

he's fine, it's just 9mm.

This is too perfect.

Any chance Ogata wasn’t the one who shoot? Or maybe he didn’t shoot twice?

I was thinking this too, maybe they'll show him taking out the shooter, but didn't know Sugimoto was shot either.

Fun fact: it's been almost exactly 2 years since the 1st chapter was scanlated.

I've been here for the whole ride, and now it's ending.

if manga really ends we might get a full adaptation and wouldn't have to deal with animeonlyfags


>manga ending

Well, the pics in this thread, for starters.

Who is with who now and who is the traitor?
Can anyone explain to a brainlet like me?

Your mum is with the mailman and she is the traitor.

Yes, he deliberately shot Sugimoto in the head to fool everyone intothinking that he's a traitor. Because headshots aren't lethal or anything

>implying the smug cat isn't able to make non-lethal headshots at will
>implying he didn't do it knowing that tis but a scratch for Sugimoto
Just let me believe. I don't want any of them to die.

accept it user



Wondering what it means

Are you serious?


Pls explain I am too mature to understand pics.

>Sugimoto survives with minimal brain damage
>starts acting strangely

He's gonna go Full Caska

He is Sugimoto the FUCKING INMORTAL, he is going to be daijobu.

i hope he doesn't get raped


Who would be his Griffith? The waifu who cucked him?