
Tell me my hero, where are you going?
What do I need to end my world?

Hit me on the ground, hit me on the ground
Hit me on the ground, hit me on the ground

>Protects his friend from bullies.
What if he is the good guy?

>tfw the guy just wants his boyfriend to be happy and shit and then he gets rejected

>killing entire families just cuz xD
That's some Coldsteel hedgehog level of cringeness.

It could have ended at the humiliation.
He has access to all of the money in the world. He could get emotional and adrenaline thrills from anything. Sex, travel, starting his own religion or dictator state. His friend obviously didn't want him to kill the boys.

He kills entirely for his own amusement and in the cruelest ways possible. Any sympathy I might have had for his unrequited attempts at sodomy is limited by how badly I want to see the geezer crush his skull while singing the Astro Boy theme song.

I haven't rooted for a hero protagonist this much in many many years

I cried

Yet the antagonist is such a heartless bastard is enrages me

It's hit me underground nigger

>but sex, but travel
Why are you projecting your own primitive wishes upon somebody else? He just wanted to make his buddie happy. That's all there is to it

That's DOCTOR Hero Protagonist to you, mister.

I wonder if the writer used that gag at some point in a conversation between the guy and his wife.

EP3 when?

Its already up and translated

There's 2 heros here. They're fighting to be the last hero.

Funny definition you have of that word.

If you think some guy that could use his powers for the better of society but keeps them for his selfish helping of others instead of getting himself disected for massproduction is a hero. By all means I can call anybody that does the same thing a hero.

And what "for the better of society" does the young Hiro aims for with the murder of innocent families?

>if you call someone who does heroic deeds and helps others using his gifts a hero instead of giving himself up as a potential lab rat for who knows how many years while his government finds a way to weaponize him a hero then by all means I can call anybody that does the same thing a hero
You fucking what m8.

Oh fuck off. That's not even kinda funny.
It's bad enough with people mooning over fuckers like Yoshikage Kira or Light because they're handsome and kill cleanly, but please don't meme sympathy for this abject fucking monster.
The bathtub thing would've made fucking Dahmer blush.

If you purposely kill children, families, and dogs, you are not and cannot be a hero.

Did you not read my post?

It's not difficult mate.

Okay. Your post isn't very funny either.

If you tripfag on an anonymous imageboard but keep changing your tripcode so you go through the filters you are not a hero

>give the show a chance for the geezer
>stay for the edgelord
Best one in a long time

One, you're a faggot
Two, I haven't changed my tripcode in 6 years.

Welp, nice

What are you counting?

>implying the geezer isn't worth staying for
That fucking flight scene killed me. Perfect way to show his age and use it for some lighthearted hilarity.

So Old man's daughter and son are gonna die soon right? Wouldn't even care desu. They're little shits with no respect.

>Yet the antagonist is such a heartless bastard is enrages me
He's not totally heartless, he genuinely loves his friend and his family. He just have zero empathy for everyone else.
That maybe makes him even more unforgivable, actually
(insert Gon's rant about the Ghost Brigade)

I wish Hiro pulled an hero on himself

Can someone plz explain wtf "hit me on the ground" is supposed to mean? Like beat you up while you're on the floor? Why would that be a lyric? Were they trying to say hit the ground running or something?

it's just MWAM completing their trinity of one-liner OPs
don't worry too much about it

Don't argue with the delusional tripfaggot user. Their existence is based on spouting falsehood for easy replies

He's not wrong, though.
The manga, admittedly very poorly, does end up trying to portray Shishigami more and more sympathetically.
It's fucking stupid as shit, but he's not wrong about what the manga intended.

I think the anime portrays it better actually. The last hero refers to the fight between 2 heros who can't co-exist.

How exactly do you portray a guy who can drown a little boy using his own father's corpse as "sympathetic"?

Why do you pick the little boy's case out of all the cases you could've put on the table?

Far beyond the sky
La la la
Up up in the stars
Go, Atomu, with all the might of your jets

He has a heart of gold
La la la
The child of science
A power of 100,000 horses, Tetsuwan Atomu

Stop tripfagging or learn from Lelouch. He is the model tripfag for you new generation Sup Forums posters. He doesn't shitpost, stays on topic and only reply to posts that are on topic. Now take off the trip or get with the program aka fuck off.

It's been a while since I've read it and I read it as it came out, but by doing shit like giving him a girlfriend and having him start to actually try being a good person only for the no good evil police to get mad at him and start shooting at him leaving him no choice but to go back to being a serial killer. Also, it ends with him sacrificing himself to save the world, but it doesn't work.

Don't get me wrong, the old man certainly has his charms. But this guy is just too much. I wish the plot wasn't already known so we could do the 'pick a side' event shit genuinely

Because it's one thing to kill, it's another thing to get fucking creative with it. You're fucking gone at that point. That IS as evil as a person can get. It's genocidal levels of pure hatred.

Fluffy hair lewds where

Fucking Astroboy saving anime decades after the fact. Based.

Is that a pun on Hiros name, cause I dig puns

You're projecting that he planned it.
>but he is evil
You're trying too hard to signal your virtues to me here. I advise you to stop letting your opinions cloud your argument

daughter's featured heavily in the OP though, can't die
not until we get some decent doujins at least...

I advise you to fuck off with the retarded attempts at nihilism. It's masturbatory drivel that's utterly effete yet does wonders to kill conversation.

>You're projecting that he planned it
He didn't do anything to stop it, and this isn't counting toying with the girl.
If you actually have thoughts that sympathize with this fucker, please seek help.

>fuck off
Stopped reading there. Not your safespace buddy. Bang!

>He didn't do anything to stop it
Seriously a trolley problem? You don't even understand how basic this shit is.

"Boo-hoo, I acted like a fucking retard and now when I try my best to settle down, it came to bite me in the ass, woe is me, i'm actually a tragic character you guys".

It's nothing like the fucking trolley dilemma. Are you stupid? If it were a "trolley problem", it'd look like this.
"A guy starts driving a trolley down the tracks and sees a bunch of fuckers several hundred feet ahead. Should he stop?"
The answer is "obviously, dumb fuck."

The trolley problems involves purposely killing someone else to save several others. Doesn't apply in this case as he already killed the dad. Risked nothing to save the boy, but he didn't do it.

I'll never again underestimate a female's ability to sexualize serial killers and idolize them. Holy fuck.

>best school/home shooting anime


It's not even a school/home shooting. He just goes fucking nuclear at some point.


meanwhile in Dragon Ball
>I commited genocides, I loved it, I regret nothing and all I got was that stupid blue shirt and a loving family

>The manga, admittedly very poorly, does end up trying to portray Shishigami more and more sympathetically.
No it doesn't, there's a reason he makes Inuyashiki rip him apart.

Stop trying to force your headcanon into the manga, Shishigami was never meant to be a good guy

must.... not spoil myself....

I mean, I agree with you. It's really poorly written, which is my point. The author is a hack and he legitimately thinks that they're fighting to be the last hero but anyone with any common sense realizes that's fucking retarded. I was just saying that it's obvious he was trying to make Shishigami appear sympathetic even if it very obviously fails because he's so fucking over the top repulsive.
Nah, dude, that's why he blows himself up in an attempt to save the world.
He's meant to be a good guy no matter how fucking stupid that is.

>stupid kid randomly getting emotional about parent's age
Ouch this hit close to home.

I learned my lesson with Erased. I'm never going to read manga ever again.

I've never love an old man so much before

Oh god, I thought I was just a cynical bastard for having a mindset like this.
It literally flips every time I find out that someone's done something like stealing or doing drugs in the past. The latter is obviously not as egregious (I generally assume that it's an off again/on again thing for them), but I always have trouble trusting someone after I find out that they've stolen. I have no idea why the fuck they volunteer that information so freely. I'm told I come off as innocent and nonjudgemental, but I don't get how someone can spend more than a few hours with me without realizing I'm constantly seeing the worst in people.

>Poor oyaji has to struggle to learn all the quirks of his mechanic body
>edge-kun already knows all the tricks
Its not fair

>doesn't apply
I proclaim it does

>it's not a trolley problem because it isn't presented as one
Well I think we've got ourselves a genius in the english language over here

>I call him female that will show them
You realize that I'm the one responding to a virtue signaling non-conformist right? Not your safespace. Deal with it.

I actually knew someone as a child who went to therapy over that, her dad, while pretty healthy, was balding and had completely white hair in the exact same way as Inuyashiki (around the same age too even) so she got depressed thinking he could die at any time.

Shit never felt so real as when I got to this page.

All you need now is a tripp, and your attention seeking will be complete

>will be complete
Once you've actually got something to say. Reply to me. You hypocrite.

Nerd logic probably. Kids raised around vidya and anime have an instict to research superpowers and their mechanics, while gramps had to dig all the way back to Astroboy.

>the scene when he cries of happiness after saving ottosan and obasan
it got me so hard

you're using that word wrongly

Well they are combat machines and the last thing Inuyashiki thinks about is hurting people.

>attentionfag calling someone an attentionfag
I'm not. Now unless you can actually stay on-topic. You're the attentionseeker here.

>no u

That's why I called you a hypocrite. Continue proving my point time and again though by not replying to the actual arguments of my posts.

Anyone else just feel so...I don't know the right word for this but...emotional(?) over how much of a pure and righteous guy Ichirou is?

Just makes you wish there were more people like him in the world.

>actual arguments of my posts.
>I proclaim it does

Nice "argument", buddy

There is, but like him they don't have to power to do anything

>What do I need to end my world?
Man this is aLIEz all over again, 'What do I need to end my war?' sounded better.

I want to protect him and see him smile.

No one cares about the old fart. He's not the draw here.

That's an actual argument. And it took you 4 fucking posts to respond to it. Even now you're not responding to it. I think you're the attention seeker around here buddy. Next time think a bit before you call someone something.

Fuck off back to your Wan Piss, Hiro.

I proclaim YOU are the attention seeker. My "argument" stands.

Watching Ichiro learn about his powers and do his best to help people makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside

After hearing the full OP, every scene of MC crying brings the SAAAAYYYYYY CAN'T YOU SEEEEEE into my head. It's wonderful.

>What do I need to end my war
That's what I thought they were saying

this, I've never root for a old man so much before,i just want to watch inuyashiki being happy with himself.

See. Again you're not responding to the contents of my posts. You're just playing a game you can't win because you fail to understand its rules. You lack the intellect so all you do is ramble. Good one buddy. Now you're free to respond to the actual contents of my posts. My argument is out in the open. My argument is for all to see. You can continue attentionfagging like you're doing now. You're an amazing contribution to Sup Forums

The problem with this fucking manga that i hated was it didn't show the consequences of saving everyone. That's fucking stupid you might have saved a serial killer, rapist, child molester etc. because you thought you were doing the right thing.

It's like you have 'tism my man, I'm enjoying our exchange very much.

It's weird, I can't count the number of altruistic main characters I've seen in my life to the point of being downright masochistic., but not a single one get me like this man.

>Nah, dude, that's why he blows himself up in an attempt to save the world.
>He's meant to be a good guy no matter how fucking stupid that is.
Worked well enough for

More namecalling. Extremely intelligent retorts over all. Your attentionfagging is an extremely useful contribution to Sup Forums as a whole. You're what makes the community great. I think I've blown you the fuck out enough by now. Continue thinking you're somehow in the right though. That's your right after all



If you became a machine what would you do with the prison population?

Kill everyone who is guilty?
Kill re-offending petty criminals?
Kill drug addicts?
Kill mentally ill?
Set the ones that are false accused free even though they are mentally damaged from being raped, beaten institutionalised?

Did Gantz-kun show up yet?

I near tears every time he comes on screen just because I have a dad around the same age and I don't like seeing old people cry/be sad. Which Inuyashiki constantly does/is.

What do you mean they started this whole mess from another dimension.