Why does Sup Forums hate Monogatari so much?
Why does Sup Forums hate Monogatari so much?
>no clusterfucks from sunrise because idols
>no clusterfucks from shaft because bake
>no clusterfuck mangas from Madhouse because capeshit
all that stalling
no wonder the newfags are all about "I shall (not) fuck my moeshit' memes now
It has a reputation for being an anime for intellectuals, so when people watch it and dislike it, they naturally act defensively to preserve their sense of identity.
It isn't that Monogatari requires much intelligence to follow though, just that people in general are insecure, and people on Sup Forums especially so.
At least that's my guess. The anime certainly has its flaws but it also has some undeniable merits and it does seem to get more hate than warranted.
Too much exposition
2deep4u dialogue that's actually very trite riddled with cliches
Shitty CGI backgrounds get old really quick
Good animation though. Watch it for that and the sexy girls.
Literally what did he mean by this
>and the sexy girls.
argument literally invalid
Is this pasta?
I hated the fanbase when it aired with all the obnoxious waifufags.
Gratuitous fanservice doesn't make any intellectual point.
As pointed above, it won't be remembered for much besides the great animation and catchy OPs, but that isn't enough for a great anime.
Brainlets don't understand it, they'd rather cling to shit like Eva.
Pretentious haremshit
to be fair you need a pretty high IQ to understand Monogatari
I know that 80 is a pretty high bar for Sup Forums, but it's not high in general.
Why does Sup Forums know OP is a nigger faggot?
Because there is actually something to "get" that is the number one reason people dislike it. It's not hard to. Most of them could probably "get" it with a little persistence. It's mostly just suspending your disbelief in an uncommon way and caring about the characters instead of the action. But they decided that they gave it a try and didn't like it. So now they take the idea that they didn't "get" something as a personal offense and get really fucking angry at people who do like it and call it pretentious to make themselves feel better.
Back in the Bake days, it had an extremely pretentious fanbase who praised every passing frame as an intellectual masterpiece and tried to pretend the fanservice was deep.
People don't actually do that much anymore, but the reputation stuck, I guess.
It's probably because literally all of those people dropped the show, considering how much its popularity has dwindled over the years if you look at BD sales.
Yeah, basically. Plus, a lot of the more pretentious Crabfags who praised it as the romance of the century ran to the hills when Crab faded into irrelevance.
I don't think they do. Hatebases are almost always more vocal than fanbases on Sup Forums, except for currently airing shows or shows currently relevant for some other reason.
>Gratuitous fanservice doesn't make any intellectual point.
yes it does
What the fuck were they thinking with the cinematography
What's wrong with it?
You have to be fluent in Japanese or you literally don't understand it fully, so they watch it to jerk off to soft core porn but can't admit that it's all they get out of it. So they have to pretend like they get all the nuances in the Japanese language when they don't. That's why people who like it are pretentious. They watch it to jack off and then tell others that they "get" it when they don't. Pretty much just a huge meme show.
You don't have to be fluent. Just having a decent grasp is enough. Of course, you might miss some small things here and there, but no big deal.
I mean south park has a niche fanbase in japan despite a lot of the jokes being things most japanese wouldn't know about.
Because SHAFT is terrible. They should have been bankrupted by Negima. Negima was an insight to everything that was going to make Monogatari terrible.
I wish this meme would die. The word play is just Nisio's way of having fun and has little to do with the actual content of the series. You can understand the series perfectly fine without it.
I'm pretty sure it's just one DJT autist spouting bullshit.
Okay, take away the wordplay and you have a slideshow with meme cinematography and a shit plot. Admit it. You watch it to jack off to the girls.
To be honest i saw all these memes about it being shit and fan service but really i thought it was interesting, but i have to admit a lot of the scenes were just softcore hentai. Not that it really mattered though
it's the fanbase, they blow the series quality way out of proportion
The anime itself is fine, or at least i liked it. But it's really nothing amazing, just fine
it is now
I still don't get all this shit that happens here. I'm hearing stories of people jerking off to anime, or to some random girl on facebook, or literally anything that isn't really sexualized. Literalyl WHY would you jerk off to something like that if there's porn? I mean you could probably find hentai of the EXACT SAME character, so why would you jerk off to the ANIME?
You realize that half the reason people are on Sup Forums is to masterbate right?
It's about the characters, you mong. It's a drama dressed up in magic and titties and jokes so it's not a chore to watch.
It's a character study. That's literally all there is to "get" about it, but apparently that's too deep and obscure for you.
Fucking why though? There's /h/ and /d/ literally on the same site they're on. Why would they choose the thing thats not made to be masturbate over?
Yeah, now the Shinobufags do that.
I don't see anything bad about that.
because porn looks weirdly and uniformly awful
It's a harem anime that takes itself too seriously just because it has above average animation.
The writings is pretty bad.
It could just be another mediocre anime with a niche fanbase but it's such a normalfag magnet that it attracts the worse of ironic weeaboos, so generally it's hated for that.
The world would be a better place without it.
Every single time. I pointed out why the show is shit and every time.
>i-it really is t-too deep for you haha
Just admit your show is shit.
On Sup Forums, and Sup Forums as a whole, actual discussion and honest opinions come second to starting fights and calling things bad without really elaborating.
>meme cinematography
What the fuck does that even mean? Bake and Kizu are both beautiful shows.
>takes itself too seriously
What. The show is constantly tongue-in-cheek even in the some of the most "dramatic" moments. A large appeal of the show is precisely how it doesn't take itself too seriously and is constantly driven by humor.
Sup Forums fucking loves monogatari stop getting trolled fags
Madoka is pretty much the same and its beloved by Sup Forums.
Unlike gatari, which pretends to be an anime for intellectuals, Madoka truly is for enlightened beings that have ascended.
I like it because i eat up anything by shaft. There, i admit it. I am a fan of the studio, and if given the opportunity i would get on my knees and service each and every one of the members dicks with my mouth and asshole. Nothing in life would bring me more joy than the chance to return some of the ecstasy they have provided me with, and if i had to suck dick for 24 hours straight and have my asshole churned until the milk turns into butter, it would be my pleasure to do so.
Why is this so hard to admit? I don't even care about the show or the characters. You could replace them all with white blobs i would still glee with joy watching it, knowing Shaft made it.
Patricians watch series to get the backstories on characters. This makes doujin reading much more immersive. It is the only purpose for watching anime or reading manga.
If you literally can't live without sexual pleasure, sure. But please immediately leave this show if that's the case.
Madoka didn't overstay its welcome with a bazillion seasons like Bakeshit
Come on. If you're gonna get baited, don't go for the most retarded one in the thread.
>making fun of fan service by doing fan service
No it doesn't
Because all they see is themselves.
>Why does Sup Forums hate Monogatari so much?
Since when?
But Sup Forums loves the gatari series?
Fetish harem spank-off fodder thinly (VERY thinly) disguised as 'witty' 2deep4u bullshit
I know all that sounds like a bunch of overused buzzwords strung together into a sentence because THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT IT IS.
Fucking christ.
Because we keep getting tricked by crafty Sup Forumsnons into watching that pile of trash.
>Too much exposition
Aside from Kizu it's literally 100% exposition
To Be Fair, You Have To Have a Very High IQ to Understand Monogatari...
because its popular transcends many different followings, it has an "intellectual" fanbase, and fake loli's
basically it's bait: the anime
Because Sup Forums hates anything that's popular.
>90% shit talking on one or two frames
>10% fan service
>why does Sup Forums...
I remember feeling sick because it would change scenes all the time which made following the dialogue a pain in the ass for me
Because it's literally too deep for Sup Forums
Because some people confused being stylistic with being intelligent and those people pissed off another group of people who confused stylistic for pretentious.
>Sup Forums is a hivemind
Yeah sure newfriendo
I finished Bakemonogatari recently and was kind of disappointed. I thought for sure tomboy Sawashiro would be best girl, but her story is kind of eh. It's also irritating how it has so much backstory and current plotlines seem to rely on those yet we are just not simply given them, like, what the fuck is even the point.
Should have watched Kizu first.
Oh boy, you're going to love the later seasons, where a character has multiple long conversations with someone who you haven't even been properly introduced to yet and won't be for multiple seasons later.
They can't handle the nudity anymore.