ITT: Cool MCs
ITT: Cool MCs
That was a good thread.
Anyone cooler?
I try to post something but nothing can topped Sakamoto, so I'm gonna post some anime girl.
The coolerest.
It's literally impossible to be cooler than the coolest.
I remember reading like first 3 or 4 chapters years and years ago and enjoying it a lot, but never came back to it for some reason. Looked up now and it was finished in 2015, was it suddenly axed or something?
2 wifes. Strong as fuck. God of war
this looks like ass
How did the manga handle this scene?
It didn't, it was anime original from what I remember.
>isnt cool by purpose or by design (which can be cheesy as fuck), his actions speak louder than anything else
>emotional and physical growth throughout the manga
>not a complete beta (around women) and stands up to himself
>his growth and goals aren't motivated by a woman, and has no forced romance plot pushed onto him, doesn't even end up with anyone at the end of the manga, but focuses on his career
>good friend, nice person overall, and doesn't ever think less of his opponents, and always does his best
>despite his growth, he doesn't lose his endearing, beta-like traits
>all these things despite having dumb hair
His voice sounded better in the manga.