Why is the Fate franchise so insanely popular?

Why is the Fate franchise so insanely popular?

Was in due to the original VN breaking new ground?
The character designs?

Fatefags are going to say it's because of the world building or how it uniquely explores the themes of idealism through a VN format. Everyone else knows it's because of the waifus.

Remember arguing over whether spider-man could beat batman as a kid? Fate lets you do that with every notable character from mythology the world over.
And they're all waifus.

>whether spider-man could beat batman
So can he?

Of course he can't.
Batman is the western comics version of Gold Experience Requiem.


The same reason why Sup Forums is popular

Fate is the Sup Forums of anime it has Waifus, power level debates, source material elitism , lolis , edge lords , memes etc... this is pretty much what Sup Forums talks about



VN sold pretty bad-decent, i think tsukihime sold better.

I luv Luvia

Depends on if they let Spidermans spider sense work how it's supposed to.

Aesthetics first. The artwork surrounding the franchise is pretty and enticing, even your pic. After that is the waifus. Lastly is the writing but it provided enough material to keep people arguing about it for a decade.

And then from there it was a snowball effect like with any popular thing.

This is the worst bait ever made.

The concept is what drew me in. Love the thought of ancient heroes doing battle they never would have been able to otherwise (ala Deadliest Warrior). Character designs went a long way towards that end as well. Such a unique look for Heracles, for example. And a genderbent King Arthur...it grabbed my attention, at least.

Tsukihime was considered one of the three miracles of doujinshi.
And Fate was far more popular than even that.

What are the other 2?

Touhou was one of them, I forget the other.

Sup Forums is dead.

It's funny how this image still holds up to this day.

Eva maybe? What would the nip term be? 同人誌の三奇跡?

last one was Higurashi no Naku Koro ni

I see, thanks.

It's historical fanfiction, dont-cha-know?