Scans in a few hours
Hero Academia
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delete this
fuck i gotta sleep
Sleeping is for plebs
That's too lewd, they can't do that
>All might was on the way to interview mirio and see if he is worthy of of OFA
>Deku cucks him out of that power
>It's okay Mirio is a hard worker and his quirk is pretty neat. He will still be a great hero
>Sacrifices his power to save a loli
>Deku swoops in and becomes the hero after mirio takes on everyone by himself stalling long enough for backup against all odds
>Eri won't even remember his name when all is said is done
Dude.. it hurts
Let's be honest, as soon as a we found out he was going on this mission, everyone knew he was either dying or losing his quirk. At least he got to look cool for a few chapters.
what's nejire's backstory?
after sun eater didnt die and got his quirk back I assume it was like the rescue sasuke arc where everyone eventually was okay in the end.
She pleased old men for money
No, you're mixing her up with Mina. It's an easy mistake.
Her parents forgot she existed , just like the hori did
You can post them
I expected him to be Chad when he first showed up. Turns out he got JUSTed harder than any other person in the seriesm even more than Ochako
Deku is the only Chad in this manga.
Deku? More like Decuck
He was too Chad to be allowed to win.
Come one dude everyone knows it's illegal to kiss before marriage
big tail
Cute. I would give her furniture
I like this one.
I want to publicly, in front of the entire UA student body, sodomize Amajiki!
Deku is for Eri. Ochako is ahit
Bout time
>releasing spoilers with no fanfare in the middle of lewds
Stop spilling spaghetti first ochako
My man
Deku's hair is looking a lot like All Might's here.
Also, I'm pretty sure Ochako came on that last page.
Good job, dick butt. You've ruined a perfectly good lewd thread.
hey user can you delete this? It'd just make me happier if you did. thanks in advance
How the fuck does Hori consistently draw Deku's design. No wonder he works himself to death, this is outrageous.
>Implying he won’t get back his quirk
>Implying he won’t train alongside Deku for a short while, passing Sir’s NerdFu before returning on his way to heroism once he graduates
was cute, so here
Nah :^)
cute, would let her harass me with a water pistol and judo throw me onto the ground
Is the fight actually over or overhack getting back up like nothing happened?
It's funny that you say this because this arc is far worse than that arc in Nuruto for sure. Actually, nothing in the original series was as bad as this.
Mirio (who is the Naruto of his universe) literally made this arc worse than Naruto.
I want her to touch my horn
I want to rip them off.
The moment thte loli stops rewiding Deku is gonna literally implode
Is it out? Where?
>There. Three of the most OP quirks removed from the story, main character now in a major bind because of his actions, and Mirio rightfully getting his quirk back.
You are the most pathetic numale cuck to ever walk planet Earth, Miriokek.
Mirio's insanely overpowered quirk (with which he managed to save 0 people because he's a brainlet & coward who made it weak) is FAR ABOVE Overhaul's TOUCH ONLY quirk or Eric's overmemed TOUCH ONLY quirk and half the quirks in MHA are better than Cuckeye's pathetic TOUCH ONLY quirk. Noticing a pattern here? Yes that's right they all need to touch to use their kosei. So you automatically failed your numale argument. None of them can touch someone smart with Permeation. Now, they could touch Mirio since he is a BRAINLET who can't use his quirk properly but he has plot armor on top of that that makes him untouchable even quirkless when off-screen but that's another story, related to the fact that he is a Gary Stu whom no one likes except you & that this is the worst arc of MHA ever, probably comparable to - if not worse than - the worst of Naruto.
/best post ITT
Fuck, nevermind my autism. Didn't see the nip.
These are just early scans, the chapter is coming in a few hours
Isn't this sexual harassment? Are pro heroes allowed to harass their sidekicks?
Why would he hire someone that wouldn't be okay with his sexual harassment
if you intern or sidekick for someone, you sign away all your rights to privacy, personal space and need for consent
He has a tickling fetish
Why are shipfags so fuckin delusional? It's obvious that the bacon guy isn't interested in Momo. If anything, he's gonna end up with based Windy-chan to blow the fuck out of his evil meanie misogynist dad!
>he thinks it stops at harassment
You need to catch up
She knows what she signed up for, Centipeder probably also gets punished like this too
wrong thread buddy
>redditor gets completely obliterated
>sweating and shitting himself in his mom's basement
>thinks if he says "no" he can save face
Smoothie has never been anything less then best girl
also this is the wrong thread bucko
Wrong thread buddy
never squirted
Also boku no hero
Japan's hero industry seems to have a british pedo ring level problem with all the harassment and sexual assault going on.
Thanks for coming.
Sirs pose is making me fuckin bust up hahah
I know the general consensus is that nighteye is shit, but hes prob my current fav char bar Mirio
Are they really horns? They look more like bug antenna
UA hasn't expelled Mineta even though he does nothing but sexually harass his classmates
Enough arguing.
Let's settle this!
Leave grapefag
Indeed. Hori himself said so.
He's either fucking dead or he just grabbed Deku and Eri to become unstoppable. Now Bakugou must come save the day.
>Shigaraki's quirk
>worse than Overhaul's
What the FUCK Hori?
Dont reply to Grapefag.
you see his head thrown back and the mask falling off.
he is down.
I feel like this is an autism test and I fail everytime. I want to fix this list.
I guess that means we have 3-4 chapters left this arc
aaaaaand cue Chisaki flashback
It's not sexual harassment if the girl enjoys it tho?
Hot is Grapefag, that's a fact .
That's like one of the few he has right. Overhaul has the same instawin move of shigaraki except he has way more utility.
Deku wants to become a hero who saves everyone? Holy shit. Now we finally know what he meant. He wants to do what even All Might couldn't do.
Thanks for coming
>Reptile form is worse than frog form
Neck yourself
Imagine if someone with a 5/5 intellect had Permeation. Now I dare you to come up with how ANYONE could ever beat him.
Hell, even Endeavor would instantly rape AM and become the best hero in the entire world if he had it.
It's just because Mirio has a 0/5 intellect stat in the databook, that's why he makes his quirk look so weak & that's why he saved 0 people.
OBJECTIVE quirk ranking means separating the quirk from its user.
Uraraka is dripping right now
What a fuckin killer debut for my boy, only a matter of time before the news reporters make their way over
Sexual harassment doesn't exist in japan
*Hori = Hot
Why the Janitor?
Afo allows you to steal quirks with the only exception of of OFA
That's instant S+++ tier. Permeation or not.
100% OfA using Deku - Deku who can punch just as strong as All Might - DID NOT MANAGE TO BEAT OH (in one chapter or less).
It's official.
This is the chapter.
And this is the thread.
Drink full, and descent.
The horse is the white of the eye.
And this confirmed MHA is irredeemably ruined forever.
There is NO SHONEN thread on Sup Forums right now about a worse series than this.