Currently on episode 3. This is nowhere near as funny as I thought it would be, Satania is the only one saving it from being dropped.
Gabriel Dropout
It was kinda bad but people liked it for her
>This is nowhere near as funny as I thought it would be
oh boy, you're going to love OVA 2
The ED is also pretty good.
Satania sucks.
It's incredibly generic.
Yes but I thought it would be fun, since this was made by the studio that adapted Yuru Yuri, Mangirl and Umaru. Now that I'm looking at their curriculum they have more misses than hits, nevermind my expectations were too high. I'll keep watching it for the Satania bullying anyway.
I know, right?
My cock.
It's lukewarm moeshit. Watch it if you're into that sort of thing, and curb your expectations. I enjoyed it.
now you've done it
it was meh, but desu it was one of the few shows I actually watched through that season(and this year in general). Better to watch a light-weight mediocre anime than some hot piece of garbage trying to do to much.
It's nothing more, nothing less. Just another mediocre SoL show lacking any sort of plot or conflict that would classify it as anything else.
It was bad Satania was the only selling point. I liked it at first but ended up dropping it due to boredom.
I'm sorry? Exactly how is it not moeshit?
That's a strange way to spell AOTY
>my expectations were too high
The lesson is: never expect anything from anything, you'll only be disappointed.
That said, GabDrop was fucking great and you're a fag.
This except I'd say it was more aight than meh.
Satania stops being funny after you realize its the same gags over and over again.
It wasn't great but it was decent and had pretty cool characters.
Gabu the best.
That was winter right? I expected so many shows to be good that season but everything disappointed. Only maidragon and kemono delivered and I wasn't even planning on watching these two to begin with
opinion discarded
Second season should be called The Satania Show.
Satania works as a side-character. She would be a terrible primary character.
It's true. Satania and Raphiel make up for the rest of the show being average.
It was alright. Sometimes funny. Most of the time cute. Satania carried the show.
The anime requires an IQ of >Human.
Maybe if they cut Raphiel and Vigne the show would have been significantly better. Why have a redundant Satania bully when Gabriel exists? And Vigne was forgettable as fuck.
She goes from funny to heroic.
Satania was worst part of the show.
The show was AOTS deal with it
Congratulations, you aren't mentally ill. She's the whole point of the show as per usual when it comes to shows like this with only 1-2 characters carrying the whole thing. It's worth it for her.
It's not really a comedy, it's just CGDCT.
that speaks more about how shit season it was, rather than show being good
Satania is worst girl, like Aoba ruining New Game
Patrician tier: Satania
Respectable tier: Vigne
Trash tier: Gab
Shit tier: Raphi
Aots was maid dragon
Patrician tier: Vigne
Respectable tier: Raphi, Tapris
Trash tier: Gab
Shit tier: Satania
Patrician tier: Gab
Respectable tier: Vigne
Trash tier: Satania
Shit tier: Raphi
OVA 2 !!
> any GabDrop girl
> not great
There's a lot of objectively wrong posts ITT. The show was good cos the whole cast was good. Fight me.
If they are learning about humans why don't they hang out with humans more?
Oh, Satania
I want to hug her.
Birds of a feather, flock together.
They only need to observe humans in the vicinity.
And so much that they are careful to get in not touch with humans.
Because they're all shit at their (future) jobs. They don't do a lot of stuff they're meant to do. This is actually the central gag of the show.
>careful to not get in touch with humans
That's not what Gab was doing before she got hooked on vidya.
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This is your imageboard now.
You're right. But like any SOL anime, the characters will growth on you.
>not having a 480x320 monitor
Braphiel was ok. Gab a shit though.
Gabu is not that bad as she may seem at first but she is terribly boring for a main character.
I think the best would've been if Vigne was the main character as she the most down to earth character. Gabu would work better as a side character the same way as Satania does.
Satania made me drop it.
Unfunny retard whore.
The fuck did you even expect? It's only popular because of the designs.
But you have so much in common.
Why do people like Satania so much?
Cute, baka and genki.
Currently on episode 8. My issue I think it's with how one-dimensional and predictable the characters are. I honestly thought it would be a gag series like Kill me Baby for example, with not much SoL but I was wrong. Since the characters don't characterization aside from their respective gimmick, moments like this feel flat and emotionally weak. I wouldn't mind jokes not being that funny as long as its characters weren't such cardboard cutouts. I think this show is comparable to Maidragon, it really wasn't that funny (though it had its moments), but characterization-wise was much better to Gabdro, their characters grew and learned so similar SoL moments to this one felt much stronger.