*mic drop*

*mic drop*

Attached: DYR8isEUMAEH9zf.jpg (1200x900, 228K)

*throws a tomato*

i highly doubt that trumps work place is a gun free zone

>women acting stupid and "men" with hair product behind them.
What a shock.
Guy at top right with sunglasses and suit actually looks respectable though, why is he there?

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is she not aware of the existence of the secret service?

>A woman making a fucking stupid comment via a sign, with beta orbiters in support.

Of fucking course.

I don't.... What?

>White House is gun free

>the nose knows

>schools aren’t gun free zones
This whole post is retarded

I want to rape this dumb bitch and burn her alive

Is she not aware that schools are already gun free zones?

Fuck me dude

You're all ugly feminists. Kill yourselves.

>white house
>gun free zone

There is literally guns everywhere at the white house. There is even anti-missile defense. I suppose this will be a 1 post and out and op with think they are right.

>*mic drop*
You know, that wouldn't keep happening every time you post if you'd stop putting it up your ass, faggot.

have you been to the white house? there's cops walking around with body armor carrying automatic weapons in bags. what the fuck are you talking about?

The secret service is all over guarding the President with automatic weapons.
I'm afraid your smart assed woman with the crayons is a dumb assed bimbo.

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The absolute fucking state of burger education.

that is the whole point, the schools ARE gun free zones..... ie: soft targets....

>secret service don't use guns.

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>Schools are some of the only gun free zones in America
>The left really is this retarded
>The left really can't fucking meme
Holly fuck muh sides.

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Pretty sure the Secret Service on site are packing some formidable arms. These people don't think at all when they make these faggot signs.

>Those noses
>those grins
>those foreheads

Attached: scoobyjoo.jpg (1200x900, 152K)

>Leftist want those who will obey the law to be disarmed
How about the leftist just disarm themselves.

>A gun free white house.

Attached: 84287179.jpg (237x269, 8K)

She's not even aware of what a gun-free zone even means, apparently.

Attached: gun-free-zone-7501.jpg (750x526, 61K)

I lol'd.